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ANN: hledger 1.15

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Simon Michael

Sep 1, 2019, 12:59:23 PM9/1/19
to hledger, haskell-cafe
I'm pleased to announce hledger 1.15 !
Thanks to release contributors Caleb Maclennan, Jakob Schöttl,
Henning Thielemann, Dmitry Astapov, Ben Creasy, zieone, Boyd Kelly,
Gabriel Ebner, Hans-Peter Deifel, and Andreas Pauley.

hledger is a robust, cross-platform, multicurrency, plain text
accounting tool, with command-line, console and web UIs. It is one of
the leading implementations of plain text accounting, and is a modern
and largely compatible reimplementation of Ledger. Use it for tracking
money, time, stocks, cryptocurrencies or any other commodity,
Learn more at and .


A new website, faster and more flexible valuation, more accurate close
command, tags --values, new descriptions/payees/notes/diff commands,
misc. fixes. For details, see .


Many install methods are described at .
Some of these might take a few days to become up to date.
You can build the latest by doing:

stack install --resolver=lts-14.4 hledger-lib-1.15 hledger-1.15 hledger-web-1.15 hledger-ui-1.15 --verbosity=error


cabal v2-update && cabal v2-install hledger-1.15 hledger-web-1.15 hledger-ui-1.15

To start recording transactions: "hledger add".
To list more commands: "hledger".
See for tutorials and support,
or join #hledger on Freenode (,
or join via Matrix (

New and old users, contributors, sponsors, and all feedback are
most welcome!


Dmitry Astapov

Sep 2, 2019, 4:35:55 PM9/2/19
to, haskell-cafe
Docker images have beed updated to include this release

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D. Astapov

André Fincato

Sep 2, 2019, 5:41:03 PM9/2/19
to, haskell-cafe
hi, thanks for your work.

upgrading using the bash script produces an error

Installing hledger
Trying stack install --install-ghc --resolver=lts-14.4 hledger-1.15.1 hledger-lib-1.15.1 --verbosity=info
Downloading lts-14.4 build plan ...
RedownloadFailed Request {
host = ""
port = 443
secure = True
requestHeaders = []
path = "/fpco/lts-haskell/master//lts-14.4.yaml"
queryString = ""
method = "GET"
proxy = Nothing
rawBody = False
redirectCount = 10
responseTimeout = ResponseTimeoutDefault
requestVersion = HTTP/1.1

there’s more after this, if useful i can append it as well.

is it just a broken link? github down?

best, af

Simon Michael

Sep 2, 2019, 5:53:20 PM9/2/19
to hledger
Thanks for the report André. There seems to be a temporary download problem with lts 14.4, I have bumped down to lts-14.3. Could you fetch it again and let me know if that helps.
> To view this discussion on the web visit

André Fincato

Sep 2, 2019, 6:45:15 PM9/2/19

I have the same problem ):

I’m doing

curl -s -O

> To view this discussion on the web visit

Simon Michael

Sep 2, 2019, 7:01:13 PM9/2/19
to hledger
Are you double sure something didn't go wrong ? You shouldn't be seeing

path = "/fpco/lts-haskell/master//lts-14.4.yaml"

from the latest hledger-install.hs. In the script you should see


If you are, let's see the output of

$ bash -x

> To view this discussion on the web visit

Simon Michael

Sep 2, 2019, 7:41:27 PM9/2/19
to hledger
- the Overview heading still says 1.14.2
- several Builds, including the today's, say Tag 1.14.2

Dmitry Astapov

Sep 2, 2019, 7:52:22 PM9/2/19
Docker Hub builds seem sluggish today. Docker hub still did not pull updates from github (hence 1.14.2 in the readme) and it only just built (cosmetic) changes that i pushed into 14.2 branch.

However, I pushed 1.15.1 / latest images manually, so apart from 1.14.2 in the readme I claim that dockerhub is in the good state

D. Astapov

Simon Michael

Sep 2, 2019, 7:58:19 PM9/2/19
to hledger
I believe you, but is there any way to fix it, for installers who won't know what's going on ?

Simon Michael

Sep 2, 2019, 8:04:43 PM9/2/19
to hledger
PS not urgent. I'll update the version badge on the download page when Docker hub looks right. I guess that will also make this command work:

docker pull dastapov/hledger:hledger-1.15.1

André Fincato

Sep 3, 2019, 3:40:27 AM9/3/19
This is the whole output. Seems like a caching problem still?

$ curl -s -O
$ bash 20190902 Tue Sep  3 09:36:49 CEST 2019

System info:
Darwin 18.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.7.0: Thu Jun 20 18:42:21 PDT 2019; root:xnu-4903.270.47~4/RELEASE_X86_64

Install status before:
hledger 1.14.1 is installed at /Users/<user>/.local/bin/hledger
hledger-ui 1.14 is installed at /Users/<user>/.local/bin/hledger-ui
hledger-web 1.14 is installed at /Users/<user>/.local/bin/hledger-web
hledger-api 1.14 is installed at /Users/<user>/.local/bin/hledger-api
hledger-iadd 1.3.9 is installed at /Users/<user>/.local/bin/hledger-iadd
hledger-interest 1.5.3 is installed at /Users/<user>/.local/bin/hledger-interest is not found

Install method:
stack 1.7.1 is installed, using stack to install hledger in /Users/<user>/.local/bin
Using stack Version 1.7.1, Git revision 681c800873816c022739ca7ed14755e85a579565 (5807 commits) x86_64 hpack-0.28.2

Installing hledger packages:
Installing hledger
Trying stack install --install-ghc --resolver=lts-14.3 hledger-1.15.1 hledger-lib-1.15.1 --verbosity=info
Unable to load cabal files for snapshot

Deleting cached snapshot file: /Users/<user>/.stack/build-plan/lts-14.3.yaml
Recommendation: try running again. If this fails again, open an upstream issue at:

Unable to parse cabal file for co-log-,4508

- 0:0: Unsupported cabal-version. See

Installing hledger-ui
Trying stack install --install-ghc --resolver=lts-14.3 hledger-ui-1.15 hledger-1.15.1 hledger-lib-1.15.1 --verbosity=info
Unable to load cabal files for snapshot

Deleting cached snapshot file: /Users/<user>/.stack/build-plan/lts-14.3.yaml
Recommendation: try running again. If this fails again, open an upstream issue at:

Unable to parse cabal file for co-log-,4508

- 0:0: Unsupported cabal-version. See

Installing hledger-web
Trying stack install --install-ghc --resolver=lts-14.3 hledger-web-1.15 hledger-1.15.1 hledger-lib-1.15.1 --verbosity=info
Unable to load cabal files for snapshot

Deleting cached snapshot file: /Users/<user>/.stack/build-plan/lts-14.3.yaml
Recommendation: try running again. If this fails again, open an upstream issue at:

Unable to parse cabal file for co-log-,4508

- 0:0: Unsupported cabal-version. See

Install status after:
hledger 1.14.1 is installed at /Users/<user>/.local/bin/hledger
hledger-ui 1.14 is installed at /Users/<user>/.local/bin/hledger-ui
hledger-web 1.14 is installed at /Users/<user>/.local/bin/hledger-web
hledger-api 1.14 is installed at /Users/<user>/.local/bin/hledger-api
hledger-iadd 1.3.9 is installed at /Users/<user>/.local/bin/hledger-iadd
hledger-interest 1.5.3 is installed at /Users/<user>/.local/bin/hledger-interest is not found

Dmitry Astapov

Sep 3, 2019, 4:19:48 AM9/3/19
On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 1:05 AM Simon Michael <> wrote:
PS not urgent. I'll update the version badge on the download page when Docker hub looks right. I guess that will also make this command work:

docker pull dastapov/hledger:hledger-1.15.1

tag does not include repetition of "hledger", it is just:
docker pull dastapov/hledger:1.15.1

The easiest fix is (was) to wait, looks like all the changes made it to docker hub now :)

Simon Michael

Sep 3, 2019, 10:23:25 AM9/3/19

Diego Depaoli

Sep 4, 2019, 5:17:13 PM9/4/19
Hi all,
First of all I have to thank every contributor of this awesome software.
Then... is there any breaking change in the latest version?
The output of
hledger is  -VB
shows some unchanged currencies while earlier versions didn't.

Following the bottom lines

1.14 is -VB
< ------------------------------------------++-----------------------
<                                           ||             41.640,83
< ==========================================
<  Net:                                     ||             -7.793,61

1.15 is -VB

> ------------------------------------------++--------------------------------------
>                                           ||  40.215,61, 1477,39 GBP, -419,61 SHA
> ==========================================++========
>  Net:                                     || -7.358,99, -1477,39 GBP, 2400,82 SHA

1.[14|15] is

                                          ||           36.596,62, 560,00:, 44 GAS, 1477,39 GBP, 1281 KWH, 146,23 LITB, 6,03 LITD, 34,99 LITG, -419,61 SHA, 101 TICKET, 481 kwht, 219 mc, 1553 smc, 246,00 smct
 Net:                                     || -4.734,00, -560,00:, -44 GAS, -1477,39 GBP, -1281 KWH, -146,23 LITB, -6,03 LITD, -34,99 LITG, 2400,82 SHA, -1 TICKET, -481 kwht, -219 mc, -1553 smc, -246,00 smct

My best regards

Diego Depaoli

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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
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Diego Depaoli

Simon Michael

Sep 4, 2019, 6:15:28 PM9/4/19
to hledger

On Sep 4, 2019, at 2:17 PM, Diego Depaoli <> wrote:

Hi all,
First of all I have to thank every contributor of this awesome software.

Hi Diego, thanks for that,

Then... is there any breaking change in the latest version?
The output of
hledger is  -VB
shows some unchanged currencies while earlier versions didn't.

It might be what we're investigating at ?

If that doesn't explain it, maybe you can show a minimal journal that reproduces it.

Incidentally, is combining -V and -B useful ? I haven't yet seen a practical use for that.

Diego Depaoli

Sep 5, 2019, 4:21:11 AM9/5/19
Il giorno gio 5 set 2019 alle ore 00:15 Simon Michael <> ha scritto:

Then... is there any breaking change in the latest version?
The output of
hledger is  -VB
shows some unchanged currencies while earlier versions didn't.

It might be what we're investigating at ?
Maybe, I'll look into it 
If that doesn't explain it, maybe you can show a minimal journal that reproduces it.

Incidentally, is combining -V and -B useful ? I haven't yet seen a practical use for that.
I've been using hledger for few months so combining -V e -B is the only short way I found out to get all reports in default currency.only.
Could this output  depend on my hard customized journal file where official currencies' values, periodically updated, are stored in a separate file while unofficial currencies, which I write out to keep track of some price trends, are only in the main journal??!??

My kind regards

Diego Depaoli

Simon Michael

Sep 5, 2019, 8:14:21 AM9/5/19
hledger is  -VB
shows some unchanged currencies while earlier versions didn't.

It might be what we're investigating at ?
Maybe, I'll look into it 
If that doesn't explain it, maybe you can show a minimal journal that reproduces it.

Incidentally, is combining -V and -B useful ? I haven't yet seen a practical use for that.
I've been using hledger for few months so combining -V e -B is the only short way I found out to get all reports in default currency.only.
Could this output  depend on my hard customized journal file where official currencies' values, periodically updated, are stored in a separate file while unofficial currencies, which I write out to keep track of some price trends, are only in the main journal??!??

Actually now that I think of it. As of 1.15, -B and -V are mutually exclusive, and the rightmost wins. So -VB means -B.

As long as you have P directives allowing all commodities to be priced, in any file, -V or -X or —value should be able to convert all to one currency. 

Simon Michael

Sep 5, 2019, 8:26:05 AM9/5/19

Incidentally, is combining -V and -B useful ? I haven't yet seen a practical use for that.
I've been using hledger for few months so combining -V e -B is the only short way I found out to get all reports in default currency.only.
Could this output  depend on my hard customized journal file where official currencies' values, periodically updated, are stored in a separate file while unofficial currencies, which I write out to keep track of some price trends, are only in the main journal??!??

Actually now that I think of it. As of 1.15, -B and -V are mutually exclusive, and the rightmost wins. So -VB means -B.

As long as you have P directives allowing all commodities to be priced, in any file, -V or -X or —value should be able to convert all to one currency. 

Correction. -V gives one commodity only if the relevant P declarations all lead to the same commodity. -X COMM guarantees one commodity if conversion rates can be found.

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