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ANN: This Week In Hledger (TWIH)

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Simon Michael

Oct 14, 2023, 8:07:57 AM10/14/23
to hledger
Yesterday I posted this in hledger chat:

I'd like to get a regular This Week In Hledger (TWIH started, inspired by This Week in Matrix (TWIM) ( . Having a regular news heartbeat like this, even a small one, will help build our community and momentum.

It's a simple process: 

1. Every Friday morning, if you have any user or dev news or experiences you'd like to share, mention them in the hledger matrix chat room (, as a single message prefixed by "TWIH:". Markdown formatting is welcome, follow-up edits are welcome. 

2. On Saturday I'll publish these to the mail list and mastodon.

The first TWIH is ready and I'll send it next. See you next time !

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