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This Week In Hledger 2024-02-16

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Simon Michael

Feb 16, 2024, 5:43:05 PM2/16/24

This Week In Hledger 2024-02-16


Not much time for hledger hacking this week;
support and doc tweaks, and an updated example CSV rules file for Daedalus (Cardano wallet software).

Robert Nielsen

On this week's hledgerfan post, I show how the "include" statement solved a problem for running an hledger command over several data files:

Matrix chat

Accounts vs tags, --serve-api and -X, balance assertion order, tls cert, a visualisation of hledger compile times, stateful CSV conversion, chatGPT..

Mail list

  • Balancing "equity:conversion" split across postings.
  • How to set the opening balance in a foreign currency account?


  • Treasury Direct t-bills
  • Can hledger import use account mappings from previous transactions?
  • Is it possible to sort sub-accounts in hledger reports?
  • Multicurrency cash journal
  • Necessity of importing history
  • Open Source Software Supply Chain


  • A :hledger: icon is now available on thanks to @nobodyinperson and @mike.


I just discovered hledger about a month ago after being fed up with YNAB's costs and issues. I love hledger. It's amazing. Thank you for all your hard work! --megagram

Work smoothly and steadily. Don't rush.

Share your hledger/PTA user notes, dev news, achievements or experiences in the hledger matrix chat, every Friday morning or any time, tagged with TWIH:.

Brandon Payne

May 22, 2024, 2:00:40 PM5/22/24
to hledger
Hi. I use ~/.hledger.journal

Now I have a new business, a lemonade stand, sole proprietor, not LLC yet
I would like these over in a separate file, but all still run together when I run hledger bs 10x/day

2024-05-16 inventory lemons                            liabilities:6154
                                                                                expenses:fruit                                            100

2024-05-18 first sale                                        assets:bank:first                                             53.21       

Thank you for any help.   I saw other threads with good advice for splitting transactions by year instead of business line, 
like if you have a couple different 1099-NEC and schedule Cs.

Simon Michael

May 22, 2024, 4:23:49 PM5/22/24
Hi Brandon,

in ~/.hledger.journal, you can add a line like

include other.journal

Hope that helps!
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