This Week In Hledger 2024-07-19
- bs,cf,is: show interval in report title
- check recentassertions: improve message
- cli parsing, config file: fixes, new example config
- ui menu screen: consistent control/display of narrowed period
- web: guess a more robust base url when --base-url is not used
- web: require a http[s] scheme in --base-url
- docs: Date adjustments, FAQ: How to tidy a journal
- daily support
Michael Rees posted a PR implementing flexible register sorting (#2211).
Adolf Szabo released placc, a free PTA app built with nim, not yet open source.
I just moved my whole financial life over to hledger and oh my goodness I’m so much happier (I dumped both QuickBooks and Quicken, which I’d been using previously).