User generated lists

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Brad Whitmore

24 sept. 2008, 12:15:1624.09.2008
– HLA Forum
Check out the user-generated lists ! You can find these under FAQ
general item # 6. A good one to try is the "interesting WFPC2 images".
Just download this to your machine, then go to the advanced search on
the main HLA page and hook it up using the "position list file upload"
feature. I like to change the "data product" to get just the color
images and limit it to one instrument
(ACS and WFPC2 are best) at a time.

Some of the images are already famous Hubble images I have already
seen but lots are new. Look at NGC1976-ERO1 for instances. Using the
interactive display and the "darker" button allows you to drill into
the over exposed regions and see more detail

I plan to keep track of additional cool images and make a list of my
own and send it to the HLA for inclusion at a later date.
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