APrIGF 2020 on 27-30 Sep 2020

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Che-Hoo Cheng

Sep 23, 2020, 10:00:26 PM9/23/20
to hk...@googlegroups.com

Dear HKNOG members,


I would like to share with you that the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) 2020 will take place virtually on 27-30 Sep 2020. This year’s theme is: Internet Governance for Good: Norms, Standards and Mechanisms. 


I’d like to take this opportunity to highlight a few highly interactive sessions that may be of interest to you:

  • New approaches to technical capacity building: an action-oriented dialogue
  • Do cybernorms help or hinder incident response activities?


If you are new to APrIGF, you can join Day 0 (27 Sep) where there will be a capacity building program designed for newcomers. 


You are warmly invited to join the APrIGF 2020. Do remember to register for the event to receive the Zoom meeting details for sessions. Thank you.






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