NHGRI Tenure Track /Tenure Eligible Investigator

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Ka-Chun Wong

Dec 2, 2023, 2:23:36 AM12/2/23
to Hong Kong Bioinformatics Community
Subject: FW: NHGRI Tenure Track /Tenure Eligible Investigator Search
Hi all,

NHGRI has opened recruitment for a tenure-track or tenure-eligible PI for the Center for Genomics and Data Science Research (https://www.genome.gov/about-nhgri/Division-of-Intramural-Research/Center-for-Genomics-and-Data-Science-Research) which is the new Center replacing my old Branch (I think most of you know I have retired and am now a Scientist Emeritus at NHGRI, working on only a few projects).


Adam Phillippy was just named as the new head of this Center, with Charles Rotimi, Meru Sadhu and Andy Baxevanis as current PIs, Sergey Koren and Adebowale Adeyemo as current Associate Investigators, Tyra Wolfsberg as Associate Director of the Programming and Bioiformatics Core within the Center.


Adam is seeking to hire an outstanding computational biologist who would perform research that fits with the CGDSR’s mission. The CGDSR addresses data-intensive problems in genomics with a mission to: 1) develop cutting-edge computational methods that analyze biomedical, environmental, and clinical data, with an emphasis on multiomics data (including genomic, transcriptomics, epigenomics, proteomics, and environmental data); 2) study the impact of sequence variation, both germline and somatic, in order to develop predictive models of genome function and phenotype; 3) conduct research in basic and applied genomics, comparative genomics, epigenomics, pangenomics, functional genomics, single-cell genomics, genomic medicine, biostatistics, and machine learning; 4) develop high-quality data resources of particular relevance to human genomics such as reference genomes, pangenomes, and functional genomics databases; and 5) advance NHGRI’s focal point for data science research and training.


Please post at your institution and share this information widely with any candidates that might be interested in applying.


Joan E. Bailey-Wilson, Ph.D.


Scientist Emeritus

National Human Genome Research Institute

National Institutes of Health
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