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Gryphon and NAD Silver Series

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Albert L. Jones

Feb 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/1/99
Following are the full facts concerning rumours circulated on this newsgroup
about Gryphon Audio Designs and the NAD Silver Series.

As the founder and president of Gryphon, I can state the following:

Gryphon does NOT design or manufacture any products for NAD or for any other
company. As far as I know, the NAD Silver Series is made in China.

All Gryphon and Gryphon Tabu products are designed and built exclusively in
Denmark at our own facilities.

Gryphon has NO involvement whatsoever in the NAD Silver Series . With regard
to the S300 integrated amp, one single individual employed by Gryphon acted
briefly as a consultant during the very early development stages.

This does NOT in any way give any right to claim that these products are
"made by Gryphon." Any such claim is quite simply false and may constitute a
criminal attempt to trade on the goodwill established by Gryphon during many
years of conscientious effort.

As followers of high end audio already know, Gryphon is a dedicated,
serious, uncompromising brand. We fully understand why a company "famous"
for cheap mass market products would love to be able to say that some of the
Gryphon magic has somehow "rubbed off" on their products. It is also clear
that the Silver Series S300 has been deliberately built in a manner to
suggest a "family resemblance" to a Gryphon Tabu. But this is simply not

Products sold as Gryphon and Gryphon Tabu are the ONLY products designed and
built by Gryphon. No other brand can rightfully make this claim.

I sincerely hope this brings a clearer understanding of the facts. Anyone
claiming that products sold by NAD or anyone else are "designed and/or made
by Gryphon" is lying.

Flemming E. Rasmussen
Gryphon Audio Designs

Feb 2, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/2/99
Over the past couple of days there have been several postings regarding NAD
Silver Line and Gryphon. As some of these postings contained some factual
errors it's time to set the record straight once and for all:

NAD has developed the entire Silver Line product range by itself. It is true
however, that NAD has enlisted outside help from Gryphon, amongst others, for
the development of the NAD S300 Silver Line amplifier. Reason is that all of
NAD's in-house engineers were busy designing and engineering 18 other products
for launch that year; never has NAD introduced so many new models in a single
year. It should be noted that the NAD S300 and Gryphon Tabu are not, however,
the same amplifier. The S300 amplifier is a true NAD product in every sense:
Performance combined with value for money.

All of the NAD Silver Line components are manufactured in Denmark, but not in
the same factory as Gryphon. Other than sharing some of the design ideas, as a
result of Gryphon's involvement with the NAD S300 design, there are no links
design or manufacturing links between the two companies. NAD and Gryphon may
have different ideas with regards to product development, but both companies'
goals are quite similar, albeit at different price levels: Performance.

NAD's major skills are at designing and manufacturing budget equipment, which
in many ways is more of a challenge than designing cost-no-object product.
With the Silver Line, NAD is using those skills applied to higher price
points. The underlying NAD philosophy of providing value-for-money remains
the same.

Flemming Frandsen,
Managing Director
NAD Electronics.

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Feb 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/3/99
As mentioned in you e-mail that the Silver Line components are made in
different factories, DOES it imply they are all designed and assemblied in
Denmark, but not in the same house?

Does NAD also has factory or subsidary in Denmark outside U.K.?

Gilbert 撰寫於文章 <796nti$rd4$>...

Feb 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/3/99
The NAD Silver Line is manufactured in two different factory sites in Denmark;
the actual design and engineering of the Silver Line was done by the NAD
product development cells in London (UK)and Denmark.

The Denmark operation of NAD is not so much a subsiduary, it is part of the
NAD Electronics organisation. Apart from the Danish development cell, NAD
Denmark A/s is also responsible for all marketing and sales activities

I trust this answers your question,
Kind regards,

Cas Oostvogel
Product Manager
NAD Electronics

Nov 24, 2013, 5:08:19 PM11/24/13
Bullshit me litt more. Nad Silverline series is not made in China. I own hole SilverLine series and it stand on backside of the amps,cd player, raido that it made in Danmark and not in china.
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