September Announcement & Wrap-up

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Sep 3, 2009, 2:49:44 PM9/3/09
Hey, we've been busy at Hive (not so much solving the Hive collapse problem, but we like the idea) and have not announced anything since last month. So, lets fix that right now.  FIrst off, we just finished our second "Scrum sprint" with some moderate successes.  Here's a brief summary of what we did over the last month:

August Wrap-Up:

We did a ton of awesome things in August.  Brendan and Far helped Tory Franklin with her exhibit at FLUXSpace (, and we also made a Frabjous (or it's almost done at any rate)

We built a MakerBot ( and Jordan heroically lead efforts to get it working in only two days (the last two Saturdays), with help from Dan, Brian, Far, Brendan, some Adams, and...  anyone else I'm forgetting who also helped.

We attended the Make:Philly BBQ, shot some water rockets, and there was much rejoicing.

Jordan, Brian and many visitors hacked on an iPhone app for ShareUrMeal...  that's almost done.  Brian & Far hacked on a Python script to enable Python shell tab completion in multiple operating systems.  

We cleaned and reorganized much of the space at the Hive.  It's a little bit less cluttered now.

 Here is a quick list of upcoming events at Hive76! Our calendar can be found at or on our website at

Upcoming Hive Events:
     PhillyCocoa iPhone Deviation
     + Thu, September 4, 7pm – 10pm at Hive76
     - The local cocoaheads hang out, and build apps for iPhone and Mac. If you want hands on mac devs to work next to, this is the place.  This week we're hoping to finish up our "ShareUrMeal" app!

    Python Hacking Night
    +Monday, September 14th, 7pm-10pm at HIve76
    - We hack on and play with some Python code, and try to get some kind of new functionality 
     working by the end of the night

    Django Hacking Night
    +TBD, probably Thu. Sept 17th or Mon. Sept. 28th
    - A complement to Python Hacking Night, Django is the web framework "for perfectionists with deadlines," and is written entirely in Python. Anyone experienced with Django, or looking to get some experience, come on by.  Contact Brian w/ interest/questions/date preference. we have one or two experience Django developers lined up to help run the class, but Brian's organizing it to learn more himself!  brian.glusman (a)

    Guitar Effects Workshop
    +Mon, September 21, 7:30pm - 10pm
    -Come hang out and work on making Pedals and effects!  Bring your own.

    Makerbot Class
    + Sat, September 19, 1pm – 4pm

    Makerbot Party
    + Sat, September 19, 7pm – 8pm
    -Celebrate the day's successes with the Hive!     

     Hive76 Scrum
     + Every Weds  7pm – 7:30 pm at Hive76
     - The weekly member check-in and planning. Short and sweet (15 min) time for members to brag about what they're doing, and talk about the space.
     Hive76 Open Hours
     + Every Weds  7:30 pm to ? at Hive76
     - The weekly open hours. Anyone can come hang out, and use our space (and some tools, depending on crowd/complexity). Drop in to check us out!

Make things awesome, and Make Awesome Things!
- Hive76
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