March Events at the Hive!

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Contact Hive76

Feb 26, 2010, 6:27:29 PM2/26/10
Hey Hive folks, and fans.

Hive has been busy gearing up for an amazing 2010. We'd love to talk
about the wizard keen projects and events of January and February
2010, but we don't have space to do it. We have *so insanely much*
going on in March April, and great year-long projects launching this
spring. Enough chit-chat, lets get to the news....

== Jan/Feb mini update ==
The quick list of what we did in January and February:

Mitch Altman visited. We got documentary-ed by VIMBY. A Python class.
Guitar classes. Robotics group meeting! First EVAR Hive76 Board
Meeting. New Finances! Planned our 2010 Classes. A new
web-store (Beta). Giant Project Operation completed and installed at
the Franklin Institute, T-Shirt and logo redesigns and variations.
Tons of wiki updates. Read more at's archive.

== Events and Workshops in March (and some of April) ==

We have a *ton* going on. Here are the highlights. Keep an eye on for even more events.

Intro to EAGLE PCB Workshop + Guitar Effects Study Group
Monday March 1st, 7:30PM to 10PM

At our regularly scheduled Guitar Effects Study Group, we will be
running an Introduction to EAGLE PCB workshop. This is the first half
of a two-part series, with the second class focusing on printing and
etching your own PCBs at home. Be sure to bring your own computer
(Mac/Linux/Windows) if you can, and as always, we accept payment in
the form of snacks.

More Info:
Tickes: $0-$5 donation -

Hive76 Open House
Every Single Wednesday - 8PM to 10:30PM

Hive76 is open to the public each and every Wednesday (except during
snow storms, or holidays) for 2 hours of hanging out, trading ideas,
and conspiring on great projects. Open House is always free, and
snacks and drinks are usually available. Come check out what a
Hackerspace is, build something cool, or just meet the Hive Crew.

More Info:
Tickets: Don't need 'em!

Meta- Event: Hack-a-thon weekend
March 27 9AM until Sunday March 28th 6PM

Hive76 is going to do a Hack-a-thon the weekend of March 27th to March
28th. We are going to stuff the weekend full of events and
activities, and try to have the space open for 36 hours of continuous
project making, idea forming, and hack building. Can we really fill 36
hours of a march weekend with awesome projects and events?
Not by ourselves.

More Info:
Tickets: We don't need no stinking tickets!

Linux Install Class
Sun Mar 28 - 10AM to 3PM (approx times)

For people curious about Linux and looking for a friendly environment
to give it a go, we’re offering a Linux Install class. The class is
woman-friendly, but open to all. Instructors are Maggie Avener (of
Prometheus Radio Project), and Stephanie Alarcon (of UPenn) Cost is
free to $30, sliding scale/pay what you can.

More Info:
Tickets: $0 to $30 donation -

Teh Art of Electronics (sic,TM)
Sundays, April 4th to Sunday, May 2 1PM to 4PM

"Teh Art of Electronics" (sic,TM) is about teaching you the concepts
and rules of simple electronics. Each class will present basic
electronics material and ends with a lab period where you'll build
actual, working devices. We recommend that you purchase a copy of
"The Art of Electronics", by Horowitz and Hill, but it's not
mandatory. We'll furnish everything else.

More Info:
Tickets: $0 - $15 donation :

== Get Involved ==
Want to get Involved? Here is what we are up to...

Window Farm:
We are starting a Window Farm at the space. Want to help? email

Hackers in Space:
'Nuff said! Help us get into space! Read more at :

Wiki Work:
We are trying to make out wiki an amazing resource for inventors and
hakcers in Philly and beyond. Check out what we're doing, or chip in
and help us improve

Crafting Classes:
We want to run some Crafting classes, and are looking for crafters.
Have a cool craft or art workshop idea? We'd love to hear 'em.

Become a Member:
We still have some space for new members! For $15, $50, or $100 you
can join us. As a member you get access to a great workspace, become
part of a keen community of hackers/DIY/inventors, and can pull from
our weird and cool materials exchange. Join us in making things
awesome and making awesome things.

== Sign Off ==
Did you really read all of that? That is pretty keen! I'll tell you
what, grab free slice of pizza and drink at the next Open House, on
the house.

- The Hive76 Crew
(Errors, omissions, or msi-spellings are the fault of FarMcKon,
Hive76's Instigator. Blame Far.)

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