New Class: Intro to Stereo Photography

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Daniel Toliaferro

Jun 14, 2011, 5:04:15 PM6/14/11
On June 18th from noon to about 3pm, Hive 76 will be sponsoring an introductory class on Stereo Photography. We will cover a lot of fun things, including: basics of how stereo vision (“3D”) works; how to take stereo photos with an ordinary digital camera; tips on getting the best results in your photos; and an overview of several available 3D viewing methods, many of which will be available for in-person demonstration. Students will be able to try their hand at creating their own stereo photos, and each ticket holder will receive a small take-home element to help with their experiments. Tickets are available for $20.

- A digital camera
- A laptop with image editing software (Gimp / Photoshop, etc)
- Any cool 3D stuff you might want to share (ViewMaster reels, toys, antique stereopticons, etc)

It should be a great opportunity to meet some cool people, share a fun hobby, and hopefully learn something new. See you there!

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