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MR3 1.11 Release

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Sungwoo Park

Jul 22, 2024, 6:07:23 AM7/22/24
to MR3
We have released Hive 3.1.3 on MR3 1.11 release. For the release note, please see:

This is the last release of Hive 3 on MR3. All the previous pre-built releases and Docker images have been removed.

We will make another announcement when Hive 4.0.0 on MR3 is ready.


--- Sungwoo

Sungwoo Park

Jul 26, 2024, 12:28:45 PM7/26/24
to MR3
We have uploaded Hive 4.0.0 on MR3 1.11 release and update the quick start guide in MR3docs.
For Hadoop, you can download: hivemr3-1.11-java17-hive4.0.0-k8s.tar.gz
For Kubernetes, you can clone the git repo mr3-run-k8s and use Docker image: hive4:4.0.0

Compared with Hive 3 on MR3, there is little change in the commands for executing Hive 4 on MR3. So, if you are familiar with executing Hive 3 on MR3, it should be easy to set up Hive 4 on MR3 (both on Hadoop and on Kubernetes).

Hive 4.0.0 on MR3 is based on Hive 4.0.0 and about 20 commits with label 'hive4.0.1-must'.
You can check the source code at the git repo: 


--- Sungwoo

Sungwoo Park

Aug 3, 2024, 6:47:20 AM8/3/24
to MR3
For the performance of Hive 4 on MR3, see this blog article:
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