Problem creating a tour

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Léon Robichaud

Apr 16, 2013, 9:02:14 PM4/16/13

My undergraduate students and I are creating 5 tours for the Sherbrooke_hp channel. Publication date is set for 25 April. All the images have been added to the channel. 
We have hit some unexpected snags in creating some of the tours. Once the content is added and the order set, we can't seem to save the draft and there are no error messages to let us know what went wrong. I am not always there when the students work on their tours, so I cannot provide you with a definite pattern at this point. I was going to suggest to the ones who are running into problems to add one image at a time to their tour and then save the draft to see if a specific image is causing the problem.

At this point, I was wondering if there were issues with copying and pasting from Word documents, use of quotation marks in a title, or a field left empty that could cause unexpected behaviours. 

Thanks for your input,

Léon Robichaud

Rebekkah Abraham

Apr 17, 2013, 6:59:41 AM4/17/13
Hi Leon,

I am sorry you are having trouble saving your Tours. I have done a couple of texts on different browsers and tested out copying text from word and using unusual characters. I can't see to recreate the problem.

Please can you let me know which browser, version and operating system you are using, and I can investigate further.

Warm wishes,


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Rebekkah Abraham
Historypin Operations Director

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Léon Robichaud

Apr 23, 2013, 1:04:39 AM4/23/13
Hi Rebekkah,

I believe I have identified 2 issues.

a) Is there a limit of 16 images per tour?
b) The slang dictionary flags words which are perfectly fine in French as problem words which prevents the text from being saved : "tard" (later in French) and "spécialisé" (or specialised) which gets flagged because it contains the string cialis.

Could those be the source of our problems?


Rebekkah Abraham

Apr 23, 2013, 10:05:06 AM4/23/13
Hi Leon,

Great catch! It is indeed the words. We will ask our team to remove the words from the banned list. This may take a while, so maybe just avoid using them for now, if you can.

There is no limit on the number of images you can have  in a Tour.


Léon Robichaud

Apr 23, 2013, 1:41:29 PM4/23/13
Glad to know what the problem is. I have been able to get beyond 16 images. My current problem is that some texts do not make it through and there is no message to indicate where the problem is, such as :
"La ferme d'Arona, propriété du Séminaire de Sherbrooke, était située sur l'ancienne rue Saint-Henri, qu'on appelait la rue des Tuyaux. Le Séminaire avait acheté l'ancienne ferme Smith en 1902 et construit le chalet de la ferme en 1904. Le lieu servait aux jeux, aux fêtes et aux sports d'été et d'hiver des élèves de l'établissement. Le chalet survit  jusqu'en 1959."

I cannot figure out what character string is causing the problem in this case. Do you have an online application where I could paste the text to get a result?


James Morley

Apr 23, 2013, 2:17:12 PM4/23/13
Well, despite my, shall we say 'diverse knowledge' of the English language I can't seem to see anything wrong in that. I've also looked for online tools that might help but surprisingly not found any. Of course it doesn't have to be actual words, sometimes as a programmer you have to include certain character sequences or special characters to avoid potential security issues. 

I did though just try to add the text above into the description field of one of my images and it saved fine. Are you saying though that it's the process of adding it to a collection that is failing? If you have an existing image with this text could you send me a link and I'll try it again?



James Morley / @jamesinealing / @PhotosOfThePast / @APennyPerMile

Léon Robichaud

Apr 23, 2013, 3:59:06 PM4/23/13
An alternative image with the same text works at this URL  :!/geo:45.40942,-71.877795/zoom:18/
Ferme d'Arona

I'm noticing that the primary image selected for that location is not even displaying. I'll check the original image file again. Could it be the source of the problem, even though it displays correctly in editing mode?



Rebekkah Abraham

Apr 25, 2013, 10:26:14 AM4/25/13
Hi Leon,

In answer to your first question "Do you have an online application where I could paste the text to get a result?". No we don't, but an online application wouldn't help. We have a custom list of banned words so this is what was causing the problem with "tard" and "spécialisé".

"La ferme d'Arona, propriété du Séminaire de Sherbrooke, était située sur l'ancienne rue Saint-Henri, qu'on appelait la rue des Tuyaux. Le Séminaire avait acheté l'ancienne ferme Smith en 1902 et construit le chalet de la ferme en 1904. Le lieu servait aux jeux, aux fêtes et aux sports d'été et d'hiver des élèves de l'établissement. Le chalet survit  jusqu'en 1959."

I tested this text and it is fine, you shouldn't have a problem.

I am not sure I follow you question here "I'm noticing that the primary image selected for that location is not even displaying. I'll check the original image file again. Could it be the source of the problem, even though it displays correctly in editing mode?" Can you tell me a bit more?


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