No changes on dev-server after successful deployment

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Sep 16, 2015, 5:42:05 PM9/16/15
to Hippo Community

Hi all

If I do changes in the local onehippo cms and deploy it to my dev server, the folders and files from the distribution package will extract to the right place and accordingly it seems to work.
But the changes (for example when I edit the homepage document in the local onehippo cms) won't display in the dev environment.

When I compare the edited document in the local onehippo console (content/documents/myproject/content/homepage/homepage/myproject:content) with the same document in the dev-server console (Same path) I see that the changes aren't assumed.

For more clarity here some details:

It doesn't exist a bootstrap-folder in the hippo project on my dev server, but I don't know if this folder is necessary on a production environment.

There is no mysql-connector jar in the {CATALINA_HOME}/common/lib/ folder on the dev server. (geronimo[...].jar, jcr[...].jar and mail[...].jar like in the tomcat-endorsed-folder are available except the mysql-connector[...].jar)

A hippoecm-extension.xml is on the dev server not available.

Because the context.xml will be overwritten every deployment, I defined the context.xml in my local onehippo project like this:

name="jdbc/repositoryDS" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
maxActive="20" maxIdle="10" initialSize="2" maxWait="10000"
testWhileIdle="true" testOnBorrow="false" validationQuery="SELECT 1"
username="NAME" password="PASSWORD"
url="jdbc:mysql://" />
<!-- Change the default repository storage location -->
<Parameter name="repository-directory" value="/tmp/myOwnRepo" override="false"/>


I really hope you could help me with my deployment problem

Thank you for your help.


Kind Regards


Jasper Floor

Sep 17, 2015, 5:14:17 AM9/17/15
to Hippo Community

is it maybe you are not starting with bootstrap is true?


"During startup of a repository, when it is started for the first time or with the system property repo.bootstrap=true, preconfigured initialization actions are performed if they were not performed before or if they are scheduled to be reloaded. The initialization actions are declared in files named hippoecm-extension.xml. Any jar included in the CMS application may contain such a file in its root directory.During startup of a repository, when it is started for the first time or with the system property repo.bootstrap=true, preconfigured initialization actions are performed if they were not performed before or if they are scheduled to be reloaded. The initialization actions are declared in files named hippoecm-extension.xml. Any jar included in the CMS application may contain such a file in its root directory."


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Sep 17, 2015, 8:15:46 AM9/17/15
to Hippo Community
Hi Jasper

Am Donnerstag, 17. September 2015 11:14:17 UTC+2 schrieb Jasper Floor:

is it maybe you are not starting with bootstrap is true?
I think I'm starting with bootstrap=true.
(In the is following line:
REP_OPTS="-Drepo.bootstrap=true -Drepo.config=file:${CATALINA_BASE}/conf/repository.xml"
I didn't find more bootstrap=true-configurations yet.)

Kind regards

Mahesh Acharya

Sep 17, 2015, 8:39:01 AM9/17/15
Hi Timon

What are the odds your service is using wrong files (that is other  than one under ~/tomcat/bin) ,

Have you ran (on linux)

$ ps aux|less 

to check "cms" service environment settings?


M Acharya

Solution Architect | Mobile: 781-640-5559Email:
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Sep 17, 2015, 9:45:48 AM9/17/15
to Hippo Community
Hi Mahesh

Am Donnerstag, 17. September 2015 14:39:01 UTC+2 schrieb m.acharya:
Hi Timon

What are the odds your service is using wrong files (that is other  than one under ~/tomcat/bin) ,
On the whole server is only one in the ~/tomcat/bin folder.
The top of the cms init script looks like this:
   appname=$(basename $0)


.. so the should be configured correctly.

Do you have any other ideas?

Thanks and kind regards

Jasper Floor

Sep 17, 2015, 9:50:07 AM9/17/15
to Hippo Community
I presume that there are errors logged on startup? Have you checked the initialize nodes in the console?

Also please do run 'ps aux' as Mahesh suggested as that will tell you what is actually run, even though it should and could be nothing other than your script. I'm paranoid about these things.


Jasper Floor

Sep 17, 2015, 9:50:39 AM9/17/15
to Hippo Community
sorry, I meant I presume there are no errors logged on startup.

Woonsan Ko

Sep 17, 2015, 9:55:09 AM9/17/15
If there's no mysql jdbc driver jar on the dev server, it doesn't seem to connect the intended database. Maybe still using h2 file db in that directory (/tmp/myOwnRepo)?
Also, database connection (datasource) should be set properly in your repository.xml. You can check if repository.xml has proper configuration to use the proper jndi data source, too.
Boston - 745 Atlantic Ave, 8th Floor, Boston MA 02111

Sep 17, 2015, 10:23:04 AM9/17/15
to Hippo Community
Hi Jasper

Am Donnerstag, 17. September 2015 15:50:07 UTC+2 schrieb Jasper Floor:
I presume that there are no errors logged on startup? Have you checked the initialize nodes in the console?
Yes there are no errors logged in the tomcat/log-folder. Or do you mean other log files?

Also please do run 'ps aux' as Mahesh suggested as that will tell you what is actually run, even though it should and could be nothing other than your script. I'm paranoid about these things.
When I do the ps aux command I see, that the "/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java..(And all Tomcat/OneHippo-Informations)" is running. Neither the mysql database nor other "Hippo similary" systems.


Sep 17, 2015, 10:35:32 AM9/17/15
to Hippo Community
Hi w.ko

Am Donnerstag, 17. September 2015 15:55:09 UTC+2 schrieb w.ko:
If there's no mysql jdbc driver jar on the dev server, it doesn't seem to connect the intended database. Maybe still using h2 file db in that directory (/tmp/myOwnRepo)?
Also, database connection (datasource) should be set properly in your repository.xml. You can check if repository.xml has proper configuration to use the proper jndi data source, too.
So there is a mysql-connector-java-5.1.35.jar in the /usr/local/share/tomcat-endorsed folder and the specified database in the repository.xml was filled with the right data-tables.
In the local onehippo I'm using the h2 database and I don't know if the dev environment needs a repository like the /tmp/myOwnRepo (Because the dev environment saves the data into the mysql database, doesn't it?)

And could you help me how I can check if repository.xml has proper configuration to use the proper jndi data source?

Thanks and regards

Woonsan Ko

Sep 17, 2015, 10:44:40 AM9/17/15
I think one of the easiest solution is to clean up the database. Recreate the database in mysql and start up again. Then hippo repository should create tables and fill them with bootstrapping XML data on start up.
If this works and you see the changes made locally there, then repository.xml was well-configured and we can say the initial bootstrapping worked properly.
In this case, your initial question can be answered like this: you must have bootstrapped new changes locally and packaged to bootstrap-content-x.x.x.jar to be deployed onto dev server, but because those content changes were not marked as reloadonstartup or unable to reload for some reason, it was not shown on restarts, perhaps.



Sep 18, 2015, 3:59:08 AM9/18/15
to Hippo Community
Hi Woonsan

Am Donnerstag, 17. September 2015 16:44:40 UTC+2 schrieb w.ko:
I think one of the easiest solution is to clean up the database. Recreate the database in mysql and start up again. Then hippo repository should create tables and fill them with bootstrapping XML data on start up.
I created a new database and deployed the project like you said. The database tables had been created correctly and the onehippo on the dev server have now the same status like the one locale.
If this works and you see the changes made locally there, then repository.xml was well-configured and we can say the initial bootstrapping worked properly.
In this case, your initial question can be answered like this: you must have bootstrapped new changes locally and packaged to bootstrap-content-x.x.x.jar to be deployed onto dev server, but because those content changes were not marked as reloadonstartup or unable to reload for some reason, it was not shown on restarts, perhaps.
In my case I create the distribution package with mvn clean verify; mvn -P dist. With "mvn clean verify" three JAR and three WAR files (among other things the jar file bootstrap/content/target/myhippoproject-bootstrap-content-1.01.00-SNAPSHOT.jar, so in [1]) will be created.
But the jar files aren't in the generated distribution package.
Have the jar-files to be in the distribution package?

Thanks and regards


Jeroen Reijn

Sep 18, 2015, 4:21:12 AM9/18/15
No the jars do not need to be in the distribution. The distributions contains the war files that contain the jar files, so that's all good.

What does your reloadonstart instruction look like in your hippoecm-extensions.xml?

Jeroen Reijn

Amsterdam office - Oosteinde 11, 1017 WT Amsterdam
Boston office - 745 Atlantic Ave, Eight Floor, Boston MA 02111, United states of America.

US +1 877 414 4776 (toll free)
Europe +31(0)20 522 4466

Sep 18, 2015, 4:54:02 AM9/18/15
to Hippo Community
Hi Jeroen

Am Freitag, 18. September 2015 10:21:12 UTC+2 schrieb Jeroen Reijn:
No the jars do not need to be in the distribution. The distributions contains the war files that contain the jar files, so that's all good.

What does your reloadonstart instruction look like in your hippoecm-extensions.xml?
First I saw that I forgot to add the "hippo:reloadonstartup"-property. But now I added it and nothing changed.
So my whole hippoecm-extension.xml looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sv:node xmlns:sv="" xmlns:ae="" sv:name="hippo:initialize" ae:id="mypnehippoproject">
<sv:property sv:name="jcr:primaryType" sv:type="Name">

<sv:node sv:name="mypnehippoproject-webfiles-site">
<sv:property sv:name="jcr:primaryType" sv:type="Name">
<sv:property sv:name="hippo:reloadonstartup" sv:type="Boolean">
<sv:property sv:name="hippo:version" sv:type="String">
<sv:property sv:name="hippo:webfilebundle" sv:type="String">
<sv:property sv:name="hippo:sequence" sv:type="Double">


I hope it helps

Thanks and regards

Jeroen Reijn

Sep 18, 2015, 5:04:31 AM9/18/15
It seems you specified 2.23.02 as the version. What's the maven build version of your project? You can see that also in the name of your distribution file? The bootstrap looks at the maven version and checks if the bootstrap version is lower. If so it will reload it. Now if your maven project would be 1.01.01, then it will not reload.

Sep 18, 2015, 5:52:27 AM9/18/15
to Hippo Community
The name of my distribution package is onehippo-myproject-1.01.00-SNAPSHOP-distribution.tar.gz, so I changed the value from 2.23.02 to '1.01.00' (And I also tried with '1.01.00 SNAPSHOT'). I also changed the permission from the cms.war and the site.war on the dev server in ~/tomcat/webapps.
So on, the deployment worked, once. But now I'm not able to replicate de deployment again..

When I find the reason for this, I will let you know.
But thanks until here.

Kind regards

Sep 18, 2015, 5:55:31 AM9/18/15
to Hippo Community,
The name of the distribution package is onehippo-myproject-1.01.00-

Sep 18, 2015, 8:41:40 AM9/18/15
to Hippo Community
So I can't find the problem. The webfiles won't updated..
But I have some question for more clarity:
  • Should the local context.xml looks like this:
  • <Resource
    name="jdbc/repositoryDS" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
      maxActive="20" maxIdle="10" initialSize="2" maxWait="10000"
      testWhileIdle="true" testOnBorrow="false" validationQuery="SELECT 1"

  • <!-- Change the default repository storage location -->
    <Parameter name="repository-directory" value="/tmp/myOwnRepo" override="false"/>
  • Because when I start the local onehippo with 'mvn' the starting-description displays warnings because the jdbc-driver (And the local project use the default h2-db)
  • The deployment deploys the /tmp/myOwnRepo repository from the local to the dev server. Could it be that the changed files are saved in this repository and the dev server tries to take the data from the database?

Thanks and regards


Am Freitag, 18. September 2015 11:04:31 UTC+2 schrieb Jeroen Reijn:

Mathijs den Burger

Sep 25, 2015, 5:35:14 AM9/25/15
Hi Timon,

To rule the bootstrap mechanism itself, please check that

1. your initialize item has reloadonstartup set to 'true' (seems you did that)
2. the hippo:version number in the initialize item is higher (according to Maven versioning) than the version of this initialize item that has been bootstrapped before to your dev environment.
3. the dev environment does not log any warnings related to bootstrap content during the deploy

Step 2 can be verified by examining /hippo:configuration/hippo:initialize in your dev environment. It contains a child node for each bootstrapped initialize item, with the same name as the initialize item ("mypnehippoproject-webfiles-site" in your case). So in your case, the property /hippo:configuration/hippo:initialize/mypnehippoproject-webfiles-site/hippo:version in your dev enviroment should be lower than the "hippo:version" property of the mypnehippoproject-webfiles-site initialize item in the hippoecm-extension.xml file that's part of the JAR that you're deploying.

hope this helps,

Sep 29, 2015, 5:14:54 AM9/29/15
to Hippo Community
Hi Mathijs

You may have seen in the other community post that I was able to deploy with increasing the version number in the hippoecm-extension.xml. It worked until today and now I have absolute no idea what could be the problem this time.

Am Freitag, 25. September 2015 11:35:14 UTC+2 schrieb m.denburger:
Hi Timon,

To rule the bootstrap mechanism itself, please check that

1. your initialize item has reloadonstartup set to 'true' (seems you did that)
Yes the reloadonstartup is set to true
2. the hippo:version number in the initialize item is higher (according to Maven versioning) than the version of this initialize item that has been bootstrapped before to your dev environment.
I increase the version number before every deployment.
Is there a possibility to find the current version number of the bootstrapped initialize item?
3. the dev environment does not log any warnings related to bootstrap content during the deploy
There are no log warnings existing.

Do you have any ideas for this problem?

Thanks and regards

Mahesh Acharya

Sep 29, 2015, 5:36:03 AM9/29/15
Hi  Timon

I strongly suspect that your distribution jar may still contain older version of following jars

<your project name> bootstrap-configuration-<your version>.jar
<your project name>-bootstrap-content-<your version>.jar
<your project name>-bootstrap-webfiles-<your version>.jar

I would check your deployment libraries to make sure the jars above are suffixed with correct versions.
The jars are found here (if you had followed  this documentation [1] during installation)

Now, if you do find older versions of above jars, do the following first build the project and then create distribution file.
1. $ mvn clean install
2. $ mvn -Pdist

or you can also run mvn clean install &&  mvn -Pdist

How are you creating the distribution artifacts? 
1. Jenkins or other CI server? 
2. Manual (mvn -Pdist)?


Sep 29, 2015, 7:58:53 AM9/29/15
to Hippo Community
Hi Mathijs

Am Dienstag, 29. September 2015 11:36:03 UTC+2 schrieb m.acharya:
Hi  Timon

I strongly suspect that your distribution jar may still contain older version of following jars

<your project name> bootstrap-configuration-<your version>.jar
<your project name>-bootstrap-content-<your version>.jar
<your project name>-bootstrap-webfiles-<your version>.jar

I would check your deployment libraries to make sure the jars above are suffixed with correct versions.
The jars are found here (if you had followed  this documentation [1] during installation)
I checked the jar files. They are still version 1.01.00-SNAPSHOT (The version in the hippoecm-extension.xml is now 1.01.32)
Should the version from the jars also change?

Now, if you do find older versions of above jars, do the following first build the project and then create distribution file.
1. $ mvn clean install
2. $ mvn -Pdist

or you can also run mvn clean install &&  mvn -Pdist
I did this but nothing have changed. 

How are you creating the distribution artifacts? 
1. Jenkins or other CI server? 
2. Manual (mvn -Pdist)?
Always with mvn clean verify; mvn -P dist


Mahesh Acharya

Sep 29, 2015, 9:13:17 AM9/29/15
Hi Timon

I was under the impression that your update the project version first and then creating the distribution. 

Here is what  I do which has been working well for me. 

When never deploy distribution without updating the project version.
I first update project version.

$ mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=<versionnumber>
$ mvn clean verify && mvn -Pdist

Then I deploy the distribution on to the server.

Mahesh Acharya

Sep 29, 2015, 10:55:34 AM9/29/15
to Hippo Community
Oh sorry, your name is Mahesh haha

Am Dienstag, 29. September 2015 15:13:17 UTC+2 schrieb m.acharya:
Hi Timon

I was under the impression that your update the project version first and then creating the distribution. 
Yes, but I changed the version manual in the hippoecm-extension.xml always before creating the distribution package and move it to the dev server.

Here is what  I do which has been working well for me. 

When never deploy distribution without updating the project version.
I first update project version.

$ mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=<versionnumber>
$ mvn clean verify && mvn -Pdist
I tried it with the mvn versions[...]. The deployment still doesn't work. But I saw in my version control that a lot of xml-files in the local bootstrap folder changed the <version>-value (But not in the hippoecm-extension.xml, that's a bit strange because until today the deployment worked when I only adapt the version in the hippoecm-extension.xml file)

Kind regards

Mahesh Acharya

Sep 29, 2015, 11:10:08 AM9/29/15
Whats in a name? we are all Hippos!!:-)

Which hippoecm-extension.xml (configuration, content, webfiles) you are changes are versioned? all of them? 
on your server, can you run 
$pas aux|less 

see if your process running the tomcat has "repo.bootstrap" is still set to true


Mahesh Acharya

Sep 29, 2015, 11:10:42 AM9/29/15
I meant to write 

$ ps aux|less

Sep 30, 2015, 7:52:19 AM9/30/15
to Hippo Community
Hi Mahesh

Am Dienstag, 29. September 2015 17:10:08 UTC+2 schrieb m.acharya:
Whats in a name? we are all Hippos!!:-)

Which hippoecm-extension.xml (configuration, content, webfiles) you are changes are versioned? all of them? 
No only the one in the webfiles folder. The hippoecm-extension.xml in the configuration and the content folder include really much hippo:initializeitem. I don't think I have to add the lines
<sv:property sv:name="hippo:reloadonstartup" sv:type="Boolean">
<sv:property sv:name="hippo:version" sv:type="String">

under every hippo:initializeitem-property, or am I wrong?

on your server, can you run
$pas aux|less 
Is this command right? It doens't work. 


Sep 30, 2015, 8:10:49 AM9/30/15
to Hippo Community
Oh sorry, saw it only now

Mahesh Acharya

Sep 30, 2015, 10:23:11 AM9/30/15
Hi Timon

You will need to add versioning to the respective hippoecm-extension.xml file.
for example, if you would like to deploy the changes to content  then you are versioning the content related to a specific document will be versioned.
If it is changes to webfiles that you would like to deploy to the server, then you would change or add version to the webfile hippoecm-extension.xml like below.

<sv:node sv:name="<project name>-webfiles-site">
    <sv:property sv:name="jcr:primaryType" sv:type="Name">
    <sv:property sv:name="hippo:webfilebundle" sv:type="String">
    <sv:property sv:name="hippo:sequence" sv:type="Double">
      <sv:property sv:name="hippo:reloadonstartup" sv:type="Boolean">
      <sv:property sv:name="hippo:version" sv:type="String">
          <sv:value><version number></sv:value>

Oct 1, 2015, 5:25:13 AM10/1/15
to Hippo Community

Am Mittwoch, 30. September 2015 16:23:11 UTC+2 schrieb m.acharya:
Hi Timon

You will need to add versioning to the respective hippoecm-extension.xml file.
for example, if you would like to deploy the changes to content  then you are versioning the content related to a specific document will be versioned.
If it is changes to webfiles that you would like to deploy to the server, then you would change or add version to the webfile hippoecm-extension.xml like below.
Yes, that is where I added the hippo:version.
Strange is, that it already worked for one day with increasing the version number in hippoecm-extension.xml. But if I change the version with the command mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=XX, the version in hippoecm-extension.xml doesn't change, so there are different version numbers.
I also can't find a clearly onehippo documentation about deploying to a remote server after the first deployment.


Mahesh Acharya

Oct 1, 2015, 6:04:22 AM10/1/15
Hi Timon

The change of project version does not automatically change  "hippoecm-extension.xml" versioning. 
Practically speaking, in a collaborative development environment, you don't want that to happen, 
because you do not want to push all  changes in the  "hippoecm-extension.xml" to servers, 
that is because you might overwrite changes that are directly made to the configurations  and content (especially around workspace, content etc. ) on production/staging environments.

Your only option is to carefully pick and choose and manually version  "hippoecm-extension.xml" items as you make (deployable) changes to the related nodes..

However, if you are one person team, and you always want  the  "hippoecm-extension.xml" version sync (especially for webfiles)  with your project version, 
then you will have to add your own maven tasks to do that, AFAIK there is no such tasks available as is. 

I hope this helps.

Mahesh Acharya

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