Fwd: Vichar Manthan with Shri Saumitra Gokhale : 14th May: From 5:30 PM: Balaji Temple, San Jose

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Rakshit Ashtekar

May 9, 2017, 2:20:17 PM5/9/17
to hyfremont, hinduy...@googlegroups.com
Ma. Saumitra-ji, our pracharak and International convenor for HSS, worldwide is on pravas in bay area. There is a bauddhik varga planned this Sunday. Please register ASAP
. It is a Vichar Manthan event so open to all public, please send it to your work colleagues and extended friends...

For carpool arrangements:
SJSU: Please coordinate with Vishwasu-ji
Fremont: Shobhit-ji

| May 14th, 2017 | 5:30 to 7:00pm

at Balaji Temple
5004 N 1st St, San Jose (Alviso), CA 95002

RSVP at  http://bit.ly/SaumitraGokhaleJi

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vichar Manthan <vicharmant...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, May 8, 2017 at 10:32 PM
Subject: Vichar Manthan with Shri Saumitra Gokhale : 14th May: From 5:30 PM: Balaji Temple, San Jose


         Vichar Manthan Bay Area would like to cordially invite you to the talk by Shri Saumitra Gokhale.. Please find the even details below. Hope you can join and bring your friends and family.

Best Regards,
Vichar Manthan, Bay Area Chapter


You're Invited!!  This is a Free Event.

कृणवनतो वशवमरयम Make The Whole World Noble

with Sri Saumita Gokhale


          Sri Saumitra Gokhale           
Global Coordinator, Hindu SwayamSevak Sangh
Work and Challenges of Hindus outside India

Sunday | May 14th, 2017 | 5:30 to 7:00pm
at Balaji Temple
5004 N 1st St, San Jose (Alviso), CA 95002

RSVP at  http://bit.ly/SaumitraGokhaleJi

Sri Saumitra Gokhale graduated with a B.E from Pune and with M.S. from Canada. After finishing his studies,he decided to dedicate his life for the sake of the society. He worked as a Pracharak (full-time worker) of RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) for 4+ years in India. Since 1999 onwards, he was been working as a Pracharak of HSS (Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh) in Caribbean countries, Canada and the United States of America. Based currently in the USA, he is the global coordinator for HSS activities. Saumitraji is also part of the International Center for Cultural Studies, an institute dedicated to research on ancient and native traditions of the world

VICHAR MANTHAN is an initiative of Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh providing platform that promotes thought leadership in Hindu Dharma for the intellectual community from various walks of life in the USA. 

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