BEWARE !! Never commit "Nassie" again !!!

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Chief Editor, Hijri Committee of India

Nov 21, 2015, 1:18:12 PM11/21/15
to, moonsighting ., Mohammad Odeh, Qamar Uddin, Salman Shaikh,, sultan alam, Abdul Samad, Ahmed Sahib, Abdullateef Sheik Uthman, Irshad Sait, DR A. MOHAMED Ali,, Anees Aluva, Siraj, Aboobacker K.V., Suhail KK, Muzammil Siddiqi, Abdulrahim Rahim, Abdurahiman Manatht, Musthafa Mohamed

Dear Brothers & Sisters

Assalaamu Alaikkum wa Rahmathullaahi wa Barakaathu hu

Today (Saturday) is the 10th of Safar, as shown by the moon-phases
which Noble Qur'aan (2:189) says show the dates.

Many countries including Saudi Arabia and Organisations like
ISNA / FCNA started this month (SAFAR) on Friday and some others
did so even on Saturday !!!

On last Thursday (19 Nov)  the correct date was 8th and  the moon was showing 
WAXING GIBBOUS phase.  But for these people the date was only 7th !!!  How can 
moon show a date of 7 while it shows Waxing Gibbous ????

We request all Muslim Astronomers and leaders of Muslim countries /
Organisations to prove that the moon will attain Waxing Gibbous on 7th
day of a lunar month.  Let them also prove that when  the illumination 
is around 55%, in the first half,  the Moon Age will only  be 7 days.

We are sure that no one can prove these and their inability confirms that
their start of the month was wrong. Or in other words,  as they extended Muharram
which is one of the Sacred months,  to Thursday /Friday,  they have committed
"Nassie" which Noble Qur'aan decrees in 9:37,  as "ziadathun fil Kufr" !!

How many times did they commit "Nassie" in the last year itself ?? Do they realise
their errors ?? Or are they intentionally violating the dating system decreed by Almighty 
Allaah on the very day of creation of heavens and earth ???  Do not they realise that
following the exact dating system so decreed by Almighty Allaah is "Zaalika Deenul 
Qayyim (the Right Religion) as told in verse 9:36 ??? Do not they realise that Noble 
Qur'aan says that the significance of  this integral aspect (correct dating system) of Islaam 
is at par with Tauheed (verse 12:40) as well as Salaah & Zakaath (verse 98:05) ??? 

 As all are aware, in all these verses (9:36;  12:40 & 98:05) the same words 
"Zaalika Deenul  Qayyim  are used and all sane persons will accept that following 
the correct dating system is a fundamental  part of Islaam.  

Alas !! the scholars too are silent at the repeatedly committed "Nassie".  !!!

We request all concerned to correct their calendar for the month of Safar as of started on 
 Thursday  and to be careful not to manipulate, in future,  the dates fixed by Almighty Allaah
on the very day the heavens and earth were created. 

The websites of Br. Omar Afzal, Br. Khalid Shaukat, Br. Mohamed Odeh, to name a few,
are propagating a Bid'ah - the Bid'ah of searching for the SETTING moon on the Western 
sky at Magrib and starting the month from next day.

Even though we have been asking all to produce an authentic hadeeth to prove that the
Prophet (Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallaam) ever went in search of the setting moon in order
to start the new month or of  asking the Sahaba (RA) to do so. No one including Br. Omar Afzal,
Br. Mohamed Ilyas, Br. Mohamed Odeh, Br Khalid Shaukat, Br. Salman Shaeik, to name a few 
who have been propagating this Bid'ah ever produced such an authentic hadeeth.  
We do not understand then why they are  instigating others as well as leading the masses to 
error !!! 

You may recall that Dhul Qaida during Hajjathul Wida ended on 29th day and Dhul Hijjah was
started on the next day and that no reports of Sahaba (RA) searching for the hilaal is 
available.  Also no hadeeths to establish that the new month was started after seeing the 
hilaal at Magrib,  though numerous hadeeths were reported on many details during this journey 
 through the deserts and also about rituals during Hajjathul Wida.  This also
establishes that it is Bid'ah to start the new month after seeing the hilaal on the West.

Starting the new month in that manner is a Jewish tradition !!!

Why cannot Br. Omar Afzal, Br. Mohamed Ilyas, Br. Mohamed Odeh, Br Khalid Shaukat, 
Br. Salman Shaeik, to name a few  utilise their resources to findout "al urjoonal qadheem" which 
Noble Qur'aan says in 36:39 as the last visible phase of the moon for a particular month?? 
Why can't they encourage and teach Muslim Ummah to observe all the phases of the moon, 
throughout the year, especially those of Sha'baan which was the Sunnah of  our beloved 
Prophet (Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) ???   Atleast all wll be rewarded for following a Sunnah !!!

We once again request  all Scholars, Astronomers, leaders, Rulers of all Muslim countries
to accept the truth that there can be only one date for a day of the week, throughout the world
as the moon shows the same phase for all in the world for that particular day of the week.

The proven and accurate method to reach at the correct calendar is to accept the 
Astronomical and Sharia  fact that the Universal Day  in which  Conjunction occurs  is the 
last day of he Lunar month and the new month to start at Fajr of the following Universal Day, 
irrespective of the timing of Conjunction and/or Sun Set - Moon Set timmings at Makkah 
or elsewhere.

Hope all will seriously take steps to ensure that "Nassie" is never committed again. In Shaa Allaah.

May Almighty Allaah fprgive all our sins, faults and errors and may HE the Almighty provide
all of us with a place in Jannathul Firdouse. Aameen

Wa Salaam  


(Chief Editor)


7/858 B, AWH Building


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