php-fpm sharing worker question

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Toth Tivadar

Sep 23, 2022, 1:09:33 PM9/23/22
to highload-php-en
Dear All,

First I'm new in apache/php-fpm, so forgive me if I ask something trivial.
I have an apache with this configuration /the relevant part/:
        LogLevel debug proxy_fcgi_module:debug
        LogLevel debug proxy_module:debug
        LogLevel debug rewrite_module:debug

        <Proxy fcgi://>
        ProxySet timeout=600

        <FilesMatch \.php$>
        SetHandler "proxy:fcgi://"

        <LocationMatch "/fpm-status">
                ProxyPass fcgi://
                Order Deny,Allow
                Deny from all
                Allow from all

I have this configuration on more site, without the debug log lines. However when I reload apache configuration with this debug log in config file, it shows me an proxy:info about sharing workers, exactly this::
[proxy:info] [pid 843405] AH01145: Sharing worker 'fcgi://' instead of creating new worker 'fcgi://'

As I know the SetHandler doesn't create worker, so that directive not relevant (please confirm).
So the:
"<Proxy fcgi://>"
and the
"ProxyPass fcgi://"
lines create one workers, because the worker created in the first line's URL (Proxy fcgi:// is a substring of the second (ProxyPass fcgi://

My question:
Is this a correct configuration?
I think the info messages are normal in debug mode, but this one suggested me that there is a misconfig somewhere...

thank you

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