First colombian hackerspace open hardware Kickstarter project

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Andrés Calderón

Nov 23, 2014, 12:11:23 PM11/23/14
Hi fellow hackers, makers and creators!

We are very excited to share our local hackerspace born project.  It is a new kind of swiss army knife for photography enthusiasts that connects to DSLR cameras allowing fellow hackers to build on top of an SDK designed to provide a friendly ecosystem for DSLR camera-phone interaction. The software will be licensed under GNU GPL v3.0 and hardware will be released under the Creative Common Attribution-ShareAlike v4.0.

This project has been a 2 year effort of the founders and of course, all the Hackbo community here in Bogota. We expect that money collected during  this campaign not only will let us  design and produce the first open hardware  gadget from Colombia, but also help Hackbo to have a much better space to grow with time. Right now the campaign is at the middle stage and we are half way of getting  the pledged goal.  We really  could use some help from all our friend hackerspaces around the world to reach success, and so we are asking  you to give us a hand, either by supporting the project through kickstarter, or spreading the word about it.

Kickstarter campaign:


Best Regards
Andrés Calderón

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