Moving forward with space farm

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Simon Engler

Sep 8, 2013, 3:04:47 PM9/8/13
Henk, Angelo, & rest of the Space Farm Group,

I have looked into some steps to move forward with robotic arm
manipulation and artificial intelligence control. From last
conversations I had with Angelo, the goal was to produce an interface
that would allow a person to make high level planning decisions for
the robot arm and essentially create a task list for the day.

One such method successfully implemented in the sensor and robotics
lab I am studying at is a 3D object recognition with situation
assessment utilized through fuzzy cognitive maps. Effectively, it
allows a robot to look at and identify objects it is trained to see.
Plan out its arm trajectory to pick up the object and move it, and at
the same time correct for any deficiencies in that movement.

A video showing this in action can be seen in youtube link. Please
forgive the god awful robot arm used by Martin, as it is is the only
one in our lab at the moment, and suffers from power drops from rather
primitive servos.

Despite the difficult problems with this equipment, Martin was still
able to get it working, by locating and picking up the cup and moving
to a new location:

I strongly believe that the ARM 2.0 will work extremely well under
this system. The servos on ARM 2.0 are sophisticated enough and the
arm itself is light years ahead of what you see in the video.

Moving forward, this will be a complex and time consuming task that I
think may be best served under a PhD/Master student grant with some
additional funding to hire Ileana during the summer months while she
works on her undergrad.

A proposal for this could be submitted through National Science and
Engineering Research Canada (NSERC) through the lab here under Dr.
Leung. There is experience in this lab along the correct lines. Also,
with a strong link to HI-SEAS, we expect it will have a strong chance.

In writing this grant we would ask for four years funding for:
- 1x PhD student
- 2x MSc students (staggered one after the other)
- 2x Summer Interns for four years (Ileana and other)
- Equipment Costs
- Travel Costs

Ideally we would have Martin Walker as the PhD student, since he is
already familiar with the starting point of the system. However, no
reason someone else couldn't take on the position.

This will be a fairly ambitious proposal, but we feel it has a strong chance.

To proceed, I guess I need to know if this fits in with the direction
that the space farm is going to move in. If there are going to be any
drastic changes to the system, then this particular method may no
longer be appropriate.

Henk, I assume you will continue to host the space farm at your ranch?
Or do you see it moving up to the habitat location?

Please let me know if this is a good way to move forward with your
current plans or not. We can then start hammering out a grant




Sep 9, 2013, 7:06:13 PM9/9/13
Here is the same method on a more sophisticated robot: I forgot to mention that the robot arm in previous video is controlled via the MS Kinect, and human demonstration was used to create initial movements.

Simon Engler

Sep 19, 2013, 1:48:37 AM9/19/13
to Henk Rogers,
Hi Henk,

I was more thinking about accessibility of the farm to those working
on it than having it 'off planet' and being used. However, I assume
you want to keep it on the ranch for outreach?

Perhaps a skype conference next week for everyone involved? (Kim,
Jean, Angelo, Myself etc)

I will be available anytime after Tuesday of next week.

So I suggest Tuesday, 24th September, 10 AM Hawaii time work?


On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 3:46 PM, Henk Rogers <> wrote:
> Simon,
> I do not foresee moving it up to the habitat in the near future. I think we
> need to get it working here on Earth before we test it on another planet.
> Henk
> --
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Henk Rogers

Sep 20, 2013, 3:29:59 AM9/20/13
to Simon Engler,, Kimi Tsai

I think I'm flying to Kona at that time. Schedule something with Kimi.


Simon Engler

Sep 23, 2013, 11:35:50 PM9/23/13
to Kimi Tsai,
HI Kimi,

That time works fine for me.


On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 3:34 PM, Kimi Tsai <> wrote:
> Hi Simon
> How about Wednesday 10am?
> He is already at Ranch and he can call in.
> Please let me know.
> Thank you!
> Kimi Tsai
> Executive Assistant to Henk Rogers Chairman
> Blue Planet Software, Inc.
> 55 Merchant Street 17th Fl.
> Honolulu, HI 96813
> Tel: 808-954-6124
> Fax: 808-954-6101

Ileana Argyris

Sep 24, 2013, 2:49:16 AM9/24/13
to Simon Engler,
Hi all,

If we are doing this at 10am on Wednesday, I'll have to call in thirty minutes late. 


Simon Engler

Sep 24, 2013, 10:29:16 PM9/24/13
to Kimi Tsai,
Hi Kimi,

Mine is: simon.engler

I'm not near my labtop at the moment, so can't access skype ID of
anyone else. However, it should be Angelo, Jean, and myself. (Kim
indicated she is in China and cannot join)

Angelo has responded if he will join or not. Not sure what the status
of Jean is either.


On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 8:23 PM, Kimi Tsai <> wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> Henk's ID is
> henkrogers
> You can send the request to him if you are not yet on his friend list.
> Can you please let me know who will be on Skype tomorrow at 10am?
> Thank you.
> Kimi Tsai
> Executive Assistant to Henk Rogers Chairman
> Blue Planet Software, Inc.
> 55 Merchant Street 17th Fl.
> Honolulu, HI 96813
> Tel: 808-954-6124
> Fax: 808-954-6101
> On Sep 24, 2013, at 2:24 PM, Kimi Tsai <> wrote:
>> Hi Simon
>> I will schedule it tomorrow at 10am.
>> Can you please let me know your Skype ID?
>> And other participants, too?

Simon Engler

Sep 24, 2013, 11:48:36 PM9/24/13
to Kimi Tsai,
HI Kimi,

Sounds good. Please come back with another date/time when you can.


On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 9:35 PM, Kimi Tsai <> wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> For now, can we just cancel the Skype tomorrow? because I cannot reach Henk now and I am not sure if Henk is ok at 9am.
> I should be able to reschedule sometime soon.
> Sorry for the confusion.
> Kimi Tsai
> Executive Assistant to Henk Rogers Chairman
> Blue Planet Software, Inc.
> 55 Merchant Street 17th Fl.
> Honolulu, HI 96813
> Tel: 808-954-6124
> Fax: 808-954-6101
> On Sep 24, 2013, at 5:15 PM, Kimi Tsai <> wrote:
>> Hi Simon,
>> I just got notified that Henk has a visitor in Ranch from 10am.
>> I may have to reschedule.
>> Are you ok at 9am starts?

Simon Engler

Sep 29, 2013, 2:44:06 PM9/29/13
to Kimi Tsai,
Hi Kimi,

Is there another date that looks possible?

Angelo, you mentioned you would provide an update on the space farm.
Could you please do that?


On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 11:07 AM, Kimi Tsai <> wrote:
> Hi all
> This morning call has been canceled due to Henk's schedule conflict.
> I will reschedule and let you know the possible dates. Sorry for the last
> minute change.
> Thank you.
> Sent from my iPhone
> Kimi Tsai
> Executive Assistant to Henk Rogers - Chairman
> Phone: 808-954-6124
> On Sep 25, 2013, at 3:02 AM, "Jean B. Hunter" <> wrote:
> Hi Kimi,
> Kim is in China at a conference. May I attend? I'm available to attend the
> Skype telecon, and will send a contact request to Henk.
> Also, I will be available on the afternoon of October 14, after the HI-SEAS
> research meeting, and would very much like to visit the space farm. Two of
> my colleagues here at Cornell, an engineer and a horticulturist both expert
> in controlled environment agriculture and bioregenerative life support, are
> interested in the project and have offered advice in the past. I'd like to
> tie them in more closely, and visiting the farm is a first step in that
> direction.
> Best,
> Jean
> From: Angelo Vermeulen <>
> Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 4:16 AM
> To: Kimi Tsai <>
> Cc: Simon Engler <>, Kim Binsted <>,
> Jean Hunter <>
> Subject: RE: Fwd: [HI-SEAS space farm] Moving forward with space farm
> Hi Kimi,
> I'm actually in a Dutch TV show talking about HI-SEAS at that time. So I
> won't be able to attend.
> Hi Simon,
> Sorry I didn't follow up on this - the conversation got buried in my inbox.
> Please send us notes or a little summary after the call. Very curious to
> hear what comes out of this. Will get back to you about your proposal.
> Cheers,
> Angelo
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Sent: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 16:28:50 -1000
> To:
> Subject: Fwd: [HI-SEAS space farm] Moving forward with space farm
> Hi Kim & Angelo
> Please let me know if you are going to attend this Skype meeting.
> Thank you!
> Kimi Tsai
> Executive Assistant to Henk Rogers Chairman
> Blue Planet Software, Inc.
> 55 Merchant Street 17th Fl.
> Honolulu, HI 96813
> Tel: 808-954-6124
> Fax: 808-954-6101
> Begin forwarded message:
> ________________________________
> Free Online Photosharing - Share your photos online with your friends and
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Simon Engler

Sep 30, 2013, 7:01:27 PM9/30/13
to Kimi Tsai,
Hi Kimi,

Yes, 10AM Oct 1st, Hawaii time works for me.

How about everyone else on the space farm list?


P.S. Kimi is not able to send to the space farm google group. Can
someone with admin privileges add her?


On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Kimi Tsai <> wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> How about tomorrow at 10am?
> Please advise.

Kim Binsted

Sep 30, 2013, 7:41:32 PM9/30/13
to, Kimi Tsai

That time doesn't work for me (lecturing), but please go ahead without me.


ps - I'll add Kimi to the list.

Angelo Vermeulen

Sep 30, 2013, 8:20:31 PM9/30/13
I'll be in Amsterdam at that time, and not 100% sure about my availability yet. But no need to postpone any further.

I added Kimi to the mailing list, and made Kim and Simon managers.


Kimi Tsai

Sep 30, 2013, 11:40:39 PM9/30/13
to Angelo Vermeulen,
Simon & Angelo

Do you still want to keep tomorrow at 10am or reschedule?
Please advise.
Thank you!

Kimi Tsai 
Executive Assistant to Henk Rogers Chairman 
Blue Planet Software, Inc.
55 Merchant Street 17th Fl.
Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel:  808-954-6124 

On Sep 30, 2013, at 2:19 PM, Angelo Vermeulen <> wrote:

I'll be in Amsterdam at that time, and not 100% sure about my availability yet. I added Kimi to the mailing list, and made Kim and Simon managers.


Simon Engler

Oct 1, 2013, 3:45:46 AM10/1/13
to Kimi Tsai,
I'm available, I'll leave it up to Angelo to decide.


Kimi Tsai

Oct 1, 2013, 3:36:39 PM10/1/13
to Simon Engler,
Hi Simon,

Do you still want to proceed this Skype without him?
I told Henk this Skype is on HOLD now. Need to notify him.
Please advise.

Kimi Tsai
Executive Assistant to Henk Rogers Chairman
Blue Planet Software, Inc.
55 Merchant Street 17th Fl.
Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel: 808-954-6124
Fax: 808-954-6101

Kimi Tsai

Oct 1, 2013, 3:46:30 PM10/1/13
to Simon Engler,
Hi Simon,

If I don't hear from you by 9:50am, I will cancel and reschedule this Skype.
Please let me know.
Thank you!

Kimi Tsai
Executive Assistant to Henk Rogers Chairman
Blue Planet Software, Inc.
55 Merchant Street 17th Fl.
Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel: 808-954-6124
Fax: 808-954-6101

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