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Re: backward thinking

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James Warren

May 4, 2012, 9:03:16 AM5/4/12
On 5/4/2012 8:47 AM, wrote:
> Why would the vatican take this stance and yet uphold the archbishop
> in Ireland who knew about and condoned child sexual abuse for years
> without reporting it ? This pope truly stands behind the evil doers
> in his church.
> The Vatican has ordered a crackdown on a group of American nuns that
> it considers too radical.
> It says the group is undermining Roman Catholic teaching on
> homosexuality and is promoting "feminist themes incompatible with the
> Catholic faith".
> The Leadership Conference of Women Religious is the largest
> organisation of Catholic nuns in the US.
> An archbishop has been appointed to oversee its reform to ensure that
> it conforms to Catholic prayer and ritual.
> The Leadership Conference, which is based in Maryland, represents
> about 57,000 nuns and offers a wide range of services, from leadership
> training for women's religious orders to advocacy on social justice
> issues.
> The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith said the nuns'
> organisation faced a "grave" doctrinal crisis.
> It said issues of "crucial importance" to the church, such as abortion
> and euthanasia, had been ignored.
> Vatican officials also castigated the group for making some public
> statements that "disagree with or challenge positions taken by the
> bishops", who are the church's "authentic teachers of faith and
> morals."
> The review will include an examination of ties between the Leadership
> Conference and Network, a Catholic social justice lobby.
> Network played a key role in supporting the Obama administration's
> health care overhaul despite the bishops' objections that the bill
> would provide government funding for abortion.
> The Leadership Conference disagreed with the bishops' analysis of the
> law and also supported President Barack Obama's plan.
> A Vatican report into the group suggested that they "collectively take
> a position not in agreement with the church's teaching on human
> sexuality."
> In its presentations investigators noted "a prevalence of certain
> radical feminist themes incompatible with the Catholic faith."
> The investigation also found that the group has been "silent on the
> right to life from conception to natural death, a question that is
> part of the lively public debate about abortion and euthanasia in the
> United States".

It's just Galileo all over again, and again. :)
Catholicism is a joke. Well, all religions are really.


May 4, 2012, 10:30:02 AM5/4/12

On 12-05-04 10:03 , in article, "James Warren"
If these "nuns" don't want to play by the rules of their organization, let
them leave. The will of the many over ride the wants of the few.
I may be drunk, Miss (ed: LB) , but in the morning I will be sober and you
will still be ugly.

Winston Churchill

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 10:54:25 AM5/4/12
Right Wing Authoritarianism all the way, right Jack. :)


May 4, 2012, 11:22:25 AM5/4/12

On 12-05-04 11:54 , in article, "James Warren"
No Jimmy, THAT's democracy!
"Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever." -
Vladimir Lenin

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 11:34:49 AM5/4/12
Democracy in the Catholic Church! You got to be kidding! :)


May 4, 2012, 11:44:59 AM5/4/12

On 12-05-04 12:34 , in article, "James Warren"
Its like working for GM, Dal etc. You follow their rules: if you don't it,
the door is not locked from the inside.

Socialism--misery shared by all.

-Winston Churchill


May 4, 2012, 11:52:06 AM5/4/12

>Democracy in the Catholic Church! You got to be kidding! :) - jw<

You lefties make make fine muslims, always on an anti-Christian crusade.
I bet you want that kid that was kicked out of school in N.S. for wearing a
Tshirt with Jesus on it, beheaded.
BTW jimbo, the Pope is elected.

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 12:08:26 PM5/4/12
Maybe so Jack. But YOU said it was democracy in action.

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 12:12:05 PM5/4/12
1. I am also anti-Islam.
2. That T-shirt kid has a right to express himself via T-shirt message.
The school was wrong.
3. The Pope is an elected dictator.


May 4, 2012, 12:12:27 PM5/4/12

On 12-05-04 13:08 , in article, "James Warren"
Where did I say that Jimbo ??

I donšt talk to Arts Majors often.. but when i do I ask if they can super

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 12:14:54 PM5/4/12
Here Jack: "No Jimmy, THAT's democracy!"


May 4, 2012, 12:35:37 PM5/4/12

On 12-05-04 13:14 , in article, "James Warren"
Yes, but I didn't Say " But YOU said it was democracy in action". Your words
not mine.

And democracy is ALL about, majority rules.
Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking
our potential.

Winston Churchill


May 4, 2012, 12:38:18 PM5/4/12

On 12-05-04 13:12 , in article, "James Warren"


Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel
of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.

Winston Churchill


May 4, 2012, 1:10:26 PM5/4/12
1. I am also anti-Islam. - jw
Says you but your innuendo begs to differ, none the less, you are more anti-

2. That T-shirt kid has a right to express himself via T-shirt message.
The school was wrong. - jw
No, the school is not wrong, it's the leftist driven, politically correct
crowd, of which you are member, that has eroded one's rights.

3. The Pope is an elected dictator. - jw.
He is elected by a group of his peers to head & enforce the principles &
teachings of Catholicism, no one is forced to be a member of the Catholic
church and you are free to shit on it all you like, try doing that in the
land of the Islam, while keeping your head firmly attached!

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 1:20:50 PM5/4/12

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 1:31:02 PM5/4/12
On 5/4/2012 2:10 PM, T.wrex wrote:
> 1. I am also anti-Islam. - jw
> Says you but your innuendo begs to differ, none the less, you are more anti- Christian.

I have posted more than once on this group that Islam is the
greatest threat civilization in the world at this time. Don't tell
me what I think.

> 2. That T-shirt kid has a right to express himself via T-shirt message.
> The school was wrong. - jw
> No, the school is not wrong, it's the leftist driven, politically correct crowd, of which you are member, that has
> eroded one's rights.

The school was wrong. period. Whether motivated by political
correctness or not.

> 3. The Pope is an elected dictator. - jw.
> He is elected by a group of his peers to head & enforce the principles & teachings of Catholicism, no one is forced to
> be a member of the Catholic church and you are free to shit on it all you like, try doing that in the land of the Islam,
> while keeping your head firmly attached!

There was a time when it would have cost you dearly in
Christendom too. Thankfully we are well past that insanity
in the West. It is not time for Islam to become as irrelevant
as Christianity has become to running the world.


May 4, 2012, 1:48:12 PM5/4/12
>There was a time when it would have cost you dearly in Christendom too. -

Thats jimbo, hundreds of years ago.


May 4, 2012, 1:50:32 PM5/4/12
Before you say it - "That's right jimbo"... :)

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 2:23:51 PM5/4/12
On 5/4/2012 2:48 PM, T.wrex wrote:
>> There was a time when it would have cost you dearly in Christendom too. - jw<
> Thats jimbo, hundreds of years ago.

It merely shows that there is hope, even for Islam.

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 2:28:38 PM5/4/12
On 5/4/2012 2:50 PM, T.wrex wrote:
> Before you say it - "That's right jimbo"... :)

A dangling post. What am I to make of that. :)


May 4, 2012, 2:53:43 PM5/4/12
you aren't a very tolerant person.

"James Warren" wrote in message


May 4, 2012, 3:00:04 PM5/4/12
>A dangling post. What am I to make of that. :) - jw<

A dangling par-disciple?

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 3:01:31 PM5/4/12
On 5/4/2012 3:53 PM, WilliamR wrote:
> you aren't a very tolerant person.

Why do you say that? I debate on USENET. Don't you?
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May 4, 2012, 3:23:03 PM5/4/12
>Correct because there are probably more female RCs than male and look
how it treats them ! A bunch of old men elect the pope, trying to
maneuver and elect the oldest amongst them so he will die soon and
maybe they will get a crack at the job. -lb<

This concerns you just how?
Oh, yeah, they got the good wine, while all you got is vintage 2012, whine.


May 4, 2012, 3:30:49 PM5/4/12
"Catholicism is a joke. Well, all religions are really." is debate? Really?
That is intolerance. Face it Jimmy, you are a bigot.

"James Warren" wrote in message

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 3:42:45 PM5/4/12
On 5/4/2012 4:30 PM, WilliamR wrote:
> "Catholicism is a joke. Well, all religions are really." is debate? Really? That is intolerance. Face it Jimmy, you are
> a bigot.

No. It is a true statement. Religions are a joke.

You seem to be upset because I am not behaving in a politically
correct manner. On USENET political correctness is not required.
USENET is a free speech free-for-all. Feel free to dispute whatever
I say.
Message has been deleted


May 4, 2012, 4:20:25 PM5/4/12
On 5/4/2012 12:52 PM, T.wrex wrote:

> You lefties make make fine muslims, always on an anti-Christian crusade.
> I bet you want that kid that was kicked out of school in N.S. for
> wearing a Tshirt with Jesus on it, beheaded.
> BTW jimbo, the Pope is elected.

Tub Pisser would normally be all over this. Did he announce what he's
doing right now? Maybe he's busy cleaning out fish tanks, or something.

"Everyone in Canada has rights, except white people."
- Jack Walsh, a former Canadian military policeman.


May 4, 2012, 4:25:00 PM5/4/12
On 5/4/2012 1:12 PM, James Warren wrote:

> 3. The Pope is an elected dictator.

Elected LOL by a select few.
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May 4, 2012, 4:26:28 PM5/4/12
On 5/4/2012 3:28 PM, James Warren wrote:

> A dangling post. What am I to make of that. :)

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James Warren

May 4, 2012, 4:36:25 PM5/4/12
On 5/4/2012 5:18 PM, Donna W. wrote:
> On Fri, 04 May 2012 16:42:45 -0300, James Warren
> <> wrote:
>> On 5/4/2012 4:30 PM, WilliamR wrote:
>>> "Catholicism is a joke. Well, all religions are really." is debate? Really? That is intolerance. Face it Jimmy, you are
>>> a bigot.
>> No. It is a true statement. Religions are a joke.
> No, it's your opinion which you have every right to. Don't confuse
> your opinion with absolute truth though. It's a mistake you frequently
> make. You have blinders on where spiritual matters are concerned. If
> that makes you feel better, fill your boots. Pretty sad to be so
> narrow minded.

Religions are a joke. None of their beliefs about gods are true.
There is no evidence for any of them. Take a look at Mormanism
and the fantastic stories it wants it members to believe for example.

Feel free to present whatever evidence you have. I am always open
to evidence.

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 4:37:51 PM5/4/12
On 5/4/2012 5:26 PM, Ronnie Rodent wrote:
>> Catholicism is a joke. Well, all religions are really.
> Hallelujah! Jimmy finally comes clean his true feelings.
> Now, Jimmy you understand why everyone has ignored your continual
> "debate" baiting. LOL!

Is it because they have no arguments? Hmm could be. :)

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 4:39:02 PM5/4/12
On 5/4/2012 5:32 PM, Ronnie Rodent wrote:
> On Fri, 04 May 2012 16:01:31 -0300, James Warren
> <> wrote:
>> On 5/4/2012 3:53 PM, WilliamR wrote:
>>> you aren't a very tolerant person.
>> Why do you say that? I debate on USENET. Don't you?
> No you actually don't. But you already know that, right :-)
> If that were true you would have stated your evidence for cell phones
> buried in usage plans. Yet you can`t.
> So really your debate is just stating stuff you believe but can`t
> provide any evidence of, right. LOL!

Ronnie the Rodent Rectum is oh so funny. :)
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May 4, 2012, 5:51:58 PM5/4/12
On 5/4/2012 6:22 PM, Ronnie Rodent wrote:
> On Fri, 04 May 2012 17:25:00 -0300, Rob<> wrote:
>> On 5/4/2012 1:12 PM, James Warren wrote:
>>> 3. The Pope is an elected dictator.
>> Elected LOL by a select few.
> ie The Voters.
> PO`d because nobody would vote for you!
> OOOOP's , LB and Jimmy would but really, what would that mean! LOL!

Yes, that's it, I'm PO`d because nobody would vote for me!. You're good lol.


May 4, 2012, 5:57:09 PM5/4/12

On 12-05-04 14:31 , in article, "James Warren"
<> wrote:

> On 5/4/2012 2:10 PM, T.wrex wrote:
>> 1. I am also anti-Islam. - jw
>> Says you but your innuendo begs to differ, none the less, you are more anti-
>> Christian.
> I have posted more than once on this group that Islam is the
> greatest threat civilization in the world at this time. Don't tell
> me what I think.

Someone has to: you flip-flop more than Paul Martin..
>> 2. That T-shirt kid has a right to express himself via T-shirt message.
>> The school was wrong. - jw
>> No, the school is not wrong, it's the leftist driven, politically correct
>> crowd, of which you are member, that has
>> eroded one's rights.
> The school was wrong. period. Whether motivated by political
> correctness or not.

If the school disallows this T-shirt, they sure as shit better outlaw
bee-keeper suits and the like from our "peaceful" Muslims


In North Korea it was illegal for a farmer to sell his grain privately.
What kind of people would support a policy like that besides a Communist


May 4, 2012, 6:03:10 PM5/4/12
it has nothing to do with free speech. you can say anything you want but
your are intolerant in your opinion regarding religion. It isn't a true
statement, it is your bigoted opinion.

"James Warren" wrote in message


May 4, 2012, 6:04:59 PM5/4/12

On 12-05-04 16:16 , in article,
"" <> wrote:

> On Fri, 04 May 2012 14:20:50 -0300, James Warren
> <> wrote:
>>> And democracy is ALL about, majority rules.
>> Democracy in the Catholic Church! You got to be kidding! :)
> Correct because there are probably more female RCs than male and look
> how it treats them ! A bunch of old men elect the pope, trying to
> maneuver and elect the oldest amongst them so he will die soon and
> maybe they will get a crack at the job.

Proper thing. Who'd want a fucking old hag like you at the top of the food
chain??? Well maybe your boy-toy McRobyn...

Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving
safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside
in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly
proclaiming ''WOW WHAT A RIDE''


May 4, 2012, 6:06:04 PM5/4/12

On 12-05-04 16:42 , in article, "James Warren"
<> wrote:

> On 5/4/2012 4:30 PM, WilliamR wrote:
>> "Catholicism is a joke. Well, all religions are really." is debate? Really?
>> That is intolerance. Face it Jimmy, you are
>> a bigot.
> No. It is a true statement. Religions are a joke.
> You seem to be upset because I am not behaving in a politically
> correct manner. On USENET political correctness is not required.
> USENET is a free speech free-for-all. Feel free to dispute whatever
> I say.

Oh?? Now you're for free speech ???


Leftist teachers can convince stupid people who fawn over them that they too
are smart. It's like magic.


May 4, 2012, 6:07:52 PM5/4/12

On 12-05-04 17:37 , in article, "James Warren"
You really do have an overactive ego, Jimmy

The louder the leftie whining, the better the Conservatives are doing

Message has been deleted

Rick Walker

May 4, 2012, 7:16:18 PM5/4/12

"James Warren" wrote:
> 1. I am also anti-Islam.

So am I.

> 2. That T-shirt kid has a right to express himself via T-shirt message.
> The school was wrong.

Not sure about that one James. That opens the door for students to wear all
kinds of sayings on their T-shirts... could lead to more trouble.

> 3. The Pope is an elected dictator.

The pope has a fine collection of haberdashery, AND - a really cool ring! :)

Rick Walker

May 4, 2012, 7:26:10 PM5/4/12

"T.wrex" wrote:
> >A dangling post. What am I to make of that. :) - jw<
> A dangling par-disciple?

That's pretty good, T.wrex! :-)

Rick Walker

May 4, 2012, 7:27:17 PM5/4/12

"T.wrex" wrote:

> >Correct because there are probably more female RCs than male and look
> how it treats them ! A bunch of old men elect the pope, trying to
> maneuver and elect the oldest amongst them so he will die soon and maybe
> they will get a crack at the job. -lb<
> This concerns you just how?
> Oh, yeah, they got the good wine, while all you got is vintage 2012,
> whine.

And that's good too! You sir, are on a roll!

Rick Walker

May 4, 2012, 7:29:13 PM5/4/12

"Ronnie Rodent" wrote:
>>Tub Pisser would normally be all over this. Did he announce what he's
>>doing right now? Maybe he's busy cleaning out fish tanks, or something.
> And yet you appear to further show your ignorance of life. :-)

Shouldn't he be out pulling trees, Ronnie... or something? :-))

Rick Walker

May 4, 2012, 7:31:06 PM5/4/12

"Jack" wrote:
>> Correct because there are probably more female RCs than male and look
>> how it treats them ! A bunch of old men elect the pope, trying to
>> maneuver and elect the oldest amongst them so he will die soon and
>> maybe they will get a crack at the job.
> Proper thing. Who'd want a fucking old hag like you at the top of the
> food
> chain??? Well maybe your boy-toy McRobyn...

She *is* at the top of his food chain, Jack. Ewww lol


May 4, 2012, 8:12:45 PM5/4/12
to wrote in

> The Vatican has ordered a crackdown on a group of American nuns
> that it considers too radical.
> It says the group is undermining Roman Catholic teaching on
> homosexuality and is promoting "feminist themes incompatible with
> the Catholic faith".
> The Leadership Conference of Women Religious is the largest
> organisation of Catholic nuns in the US.

If they play their cards right, they could be the vanguard of a new
American Catholicism, divorced from the Vatican.


James Warren

May 4, 2012, 8:17:39 PM5/4/12
On 04/05/2012 6:00 PM, Ronnie Rodent wrote:
> On Fri, 04 May 2012 17:37:51 -0300, James Warren
> No, Jimmy it`s because you are myopic or closed minded.
> But that`s your problem. :-)

Oh good. You do have some arguments then. Let's see them Ronnie.
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James Warren

May 4, 2012, 8:39:44 PM5/4/12
On 04/05/2012 6:57 PM, Jack wrote:
> On 12-05-04 14:31 , in article
>, "James Warren"
> <> wrote:
>> On 5/4/2012 2:10 PM, T.wrex wrote:
>>> 1. I am also anti-Islam. - jw
>>> Says you but your innuendo begs to differ, none the less, you are more anti-
>>> Christian.
>> I have posted more than once on this group that Islam is the
>> greatest threat civilization in the world at this time. Don't tell
>> me what I think.
> Someone has to: you flip-flop more than Paul Martin..

Name just one instance of a post contradicting this.

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 8:41:34 PM5/4/12
On 04/05/2012 7:03 PM, WilliamR wrote:
> it has nothing to do with free speech. you can say anything you want but your are intolerant in your
> opinion regarding religion. It isn't a true statement, it is your bigoted opinion.

OK. I'll bite. Show me why religions are not jokes.

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 8:45:45 PM5/4/12
On 04/05/2012 7:06 PM, Jack wrote:
> On 12-05-04 16:42 , in article
>, "James Warren"
> <> wrote:
>> On 5/4/2012 4:30 PM, WilliamR wrote:
>>> "Catholicism is a joke. Well, all religions are really." is debate? Really?
>>> That is intolerance. Face it Jimmy, you are
>>> a bigot.
>> No. It is a true statement. Religions are a joke.
>> You seem to be upset because I am not behaving in a politically
>> correct manner. On USENET political correctness is not required.
>> USENET is a free speech free-for-all. Feel free to dispute whatever
>> I say.
> Oh?? Now you're for free speech ???

No surprise Jack. I've always supported free speech, even when it was
under attack in here. Surely you're not so desperate to find an insult
that you would make up lies, are you Jack?

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 8:46:21 PM5/4/12
Do you have arguments Jack?

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 8:54:21 PM5/4/12
On 04/05/2012 8:16 PM, Rick Walker wrote:
> "James Warren" wrote:
>> 1. I am also anti-Islam.
> So am I.
>> 2. That T-shirt kid has a right to express himself via T-shirt message.
>> The school was wrong.
> Not sure about that one James. That opens the door for students to wear all
> kinds of sayings on their T-shirts... could lead to more trouble.

I've seen FCUK on young girls in the malls. Why not in schools? Are you afraid
of corrupting the innocent?

>> 3. The Pope is an elected dictator.
> The pope has a fine collection of haberdashery, AND - a really cool ring! :)

And a lovely pointed hat. :)

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 9:04:32 PM5/4/12
Oh well, I guess progressive delusional belief systems are an improvement
over regressive delusional belief systems. :)

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 9:06:25 PM5/4/12
On 04/05/2012 9:38 PM, Ronnie Rodent wrote:
> On Fri, 04 May 2012 21:17:39 -0300, James Warren
> But I already said your myopic/closed minded. What more do you need
> Jimmy?
> Tell us thats not correct!

Putting that aside for the moment, where is your evidence for your religious
beliefs. You agreed that you had some, so let's see them.


May 4, 2012, 9:08:40 PM5/4/12
>Oh well, I guess progressive delusional belief systems are an improvement
over regressive delusional belief systems. :)
. - jw<

One thing is pretty certain jimbo, there's always the possibility of proving
the existence of the (drum roll) "Supreme Being" but not so much in proving
there isn't.


May 4, 2012, 9:08:51 PM5/4/12

>Someone has to: you flip-flop more than Paul Martin.. - jack<

Name just one instance of a post contradicting this. - jw

Your flip flopping? Certainly none I can recall


May 4, 2012, 9:13:54 PM5/4/12
>If they play their cards right, they could be the vanguard of a new
American Catholicism, divorced from the Vatican.
db <

BC bud, db?

Rick Walker

May 4, 2012, 9:46:30 PM5/4/12

"James Warren" wrote:
> Rick Walker wrote:
>> "James Warren" wrote:
>>> 2. That T-shirt kid has a right to express himself via T-shirt message.
>>> The school was wrong.
>> Not sure about that one James. That opens the door for students to wear
>> all
>> kinds of sayings on their T-shirts... could lead to more trouble.
> I've seen FCUK on young girls in the malls. Why not in schools? Are you
> afraid
> of corrupting the innocent?

Oh sure... that'll work in schools James. C'mon, think about what you're
saying - open that door and you'll see damn near anything on T-shirts in
schools. Besides, why are you defending a religious statement when you
don't "believe"?

>>> 3. The Pope is an elected dictator.
>> The pope has a fine collection of haberdashery, AND - a really cool ring!
>> :)
> And a lovely pointed hat. :)

Oh, he has quite the collection of hats (maybe even a tinfoil one too) - but
that fisherman's ring? That's what I'm envious of - wonder what that
thing's worth?

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 10:51:53 PM5/4/12
I agree with that. When you have that proof post it here for my

James Warren

May 4, 2012, 11:01:49 PM5/4/12
On 04/05/2012 10:46 PM, Rick Walker wrote:
> "James Warren" wrote:
>> Rick Walker wrote:
>>> "James Warren" wrote:
>>>> 2. That T-shirt kid has a right to express himself via T-shirt message.
>>>> The school was wrong.
>>> Not sure about that one James. That opens the door for students to wear
>>> all
>>> kinds of sayings on their T-shirts... could lead to more trouble.
>> I've seen FCUK on young girls in the malls. Why not in schools? Are you
>> afraid
>> of corrupting the innocent?
> Oh sure... that'll work in schools James. C'mon, think about what you're
> saying - open that door and you'll see damn near anything on T-shirts in
> schools. Besides, why are you defending a religious statement when you
> don't "believe"?

What a narrow minded view! I don't believe in religion but I do believe
in freedom of speech!
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Message has been deleted

Rick Walker

May 5, 2012, 5:48:39 AM5/5/12

"James Warren" wrote:
> Rick Walker wrote:
>> "James Warren" wrote:
>>> Rick Walker wrote:
>>>> "James Warren" wrote:
>>>>> 2. That T-shirt kid has a right to express himself via T-shirt
>>>>> message.
>>>>> The school was wrong.
>>>> Not sure about that one James. That opens the door for students to
>>>> wear
>>>> all
>>>> kinds of sayings on their T-shirts... could lead to more trouble.
>>> I've seen FCUK on young girls in the malls. Why not in schools? Are you
>>> afraid
>>> of corrupting the innocent?
>> Oh sure... that'll work in schools James. C'mon, think about what you're
>> saying - open that door and you'll see damn near anything on T-shirts in
>> schools. Besides, why are you defending a religious statement when you
>> don't "believe"?
> What a narrow minded view! I don't believe in religion but I do believe
> in freedom of speech!

I don't believe in religion either, but feel that there should be a line
drawn in schools as to what you can wear - it's already being done with
"suggestive clothing" so what's the difference?

James Warren

May 5, 2012, 8:52:36 AM5/5/12
On 05/05/2012 6:44 AM, wrote:
> On Fri, 04 May 2012 21:39:44 -0300, James Warren
> <> wrote:
>>> If the school disallows this T-shirt, they sure as shit better outlaw
>>> bee-keeper suits and the like from our "peaceful" Muslims
> Snipped - all Pork Chops racist, rambling cant -
> I think it is correct that the T-shirt is definitely protected under
> two sections of the Charter of Rights but when Monday comes, I hope
> other kids have been to town and had some T-shirts made. How about
> Swinemer facing a classroom of There Is No God T-shirts - will he feel
> happier then ?
> I heard the kid briefly on the radio and he was parrotting Pork
> Chop-like phrases, sad to hear it in a young person, but not
> surprised.

James Warren

May 5, 2012, 8:54:25 AM5/5/12
One is a T-shirt with a message on it. The other is sexually alluring
clothing. It is the message that is under discussion: the message and
the right to display it.

Message has been deleted


May 5, 2012, 2:09:37 PM5/5/12
to wrote in

> Always possible I suppose, it's a curious thing that really it is
> the woman of the family that has been the guardian of the religion
> in most cases, does so much to keep the church (as a body)
> functioning and yet is definitely discarded by the vatican.

It's a given that Jesus included amongst his disciples several women,
Mary Magdalene and four or five others.

One of the most interesting conspiracy theories about Leonardo's "Last

Supper-ca-1520.jpg> ==> <>

... (aside from the fact that he got nearly every detail wrong) is
that the feminine character sixth from the left (immediately to OUR
left of Jesus) is purported to be John, but may in fact be Magdalene.
Note that grey-haired Peter appears to be cutting her head off with
his left hand, while he holds a dagger in his right. Among those who
study the first- and second-century Gnostic texts, there's a suspicion
that Mary was to head the new church, not Peter.

Normally, John is said to be reclining on Jesus at the Last Supper
(this was common, as people in that culture dined on mats and reclined
toward the table and on each other, eating with one free hand). But
the painting shows "John" reclining toward Peter (with Judas in
front). John Dominic Crossan was the one who pointed this out, IIRC.



May 5, 2012, 3:42:33 PM5/5/12
Show me why you aren't an intolerant bigot.

"James Warren" wrote in message


May 5, 2012, 3:51:11 PM5/5/12
>when Monday comes, I hope other kids have been to town and had some
>T-shirts made. How about Swinemer facing a classroom of There Is No God
>T-shirts - will he feel happier then ? -lb<

What a petty, pathetic, bitter, vindictive old hag.


May 5, 2012, 4:22:08 PM5/5/12

On 12-05-05 16:51 , in article 4fa584ad$0$18966$,
Yep...can definitely see why her old "squid" decided to call it a
day..."finally, peace and quiet" lol.


"Socialists have always spent much of their time seeking new titles for
their beliefs, because the old versions so quickly become outdated and

Margaret Thatcher

Rick Walker

May 5, 2012, 6:33:30 PM5/5/12
Which opens the door to *other* messages displayed on T-shirts, as I've
mentioned already. I've worked at places that wouldn't allow any shirts
with other company's corporate logos on them, which made sense. This could
lead to anything being displayed on T-shirts in schools... and perhaps more
bullying. No, I can't agree with this one, James.

Rick Walker

May 5, 2012, 6:34:43 PM5/5/12
When I said on a roll yesterday I meant it... nice description.

Message has been deleted

James Warren

May 5, 2012, 9:15:34 PM5/5/12
On 05/05/2012 4:42 PM, WilliamR wrote:
> Show me why you aren't an intolerant bigot.

I am open to arguments from believers.

James Warren

May 5, 2012, 9:32:11 PM5/5/12
The school board does though. Maybe we should appoint Rick Walker the official
T-shirt message approval committee of one.


May 5, 2012, 9:33:55 PM5/5/12
On 5/5/2012 10:32 PM, James Warren wrote:

> The school board does though. Maybe we should appoint Rick Walker the
> official
> T-shirt message approval committee of one.

Jack of all trades.

"Everyone in Canada has rights, except white people."
- Jack Walsh, a former Canadian military policeman.

Rick Walker

May 5, 2012, 10:00:17 PM5/5/12
Who is this "we" of which you speak? :)

James Warren

May 5, 2012, 10:19:21 PM5/5/12
The people of NS. Do you want the job Rick? :)


May 5, 2012, 10:23:49 PM5/5/12

On 12-05-05 23:19 , in article, "James Warren"
You speak for all Nova Scotians now Jimmy ??
"The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's
money" ã Margaret Thatcher

James Warren

May 5, 2012, 10:30:07 PM5/5/12
Nope. That's why I said maybe Jack. You are familiar with figures of
speech aren't you Jack?


May 5, 2012, 10:34:14 PM5/5/12

On 12-05-05 23:30 , in article, "James Warren"
That's NOT what you wrote, to wit: " The people of NS. Do you want the job
Rick? :)"


"Good Conservatives always pay their bills. And on time. Not like the
Socialists who run up other people's bills."

Margaret Thatcher

Message has been deleted

James Warren

May 5, 2012, 11:42:32 PM5/5/12
On 05/05/2012 11:59 PM, Punk wrote:
> Would you wear a tee shirt stating Christians are delude and frauds to work?

Not me. But I would not want to limit the right of others to do so.

> Punk

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May 6, 2012, 9:37:32 AM5/6/12
no you aren't. but that isn't the topic, the topic is why are you such an
intolerant bigot?

"James Warren" wrote in message

James Warren

May 6, 2012, 9:54:12 AM5/6/12
On 06/05/2012 10:37 AM, WilliamR wrote:
> no you aren't. but that isn't the topic, the topic is why are you such an intolerant bigot?

When did you stop beating your wife?


May 6, 2012, 10:54:41 AM5/6/12
you shouldn't change the topic, why are you so intolerant?

"James Warren" wrote in message

James Warren

May 6, 2012, 6:21:14 PM5/6/12
On 06/05/2012 11:54 AM, WilliamR wrote:
> you shouldn't change the topic, why are you so intolerant?

Your question is of the same nature.


May 6, 2012, 7:13:56 PM5/6/12
no it isn't.

"James Warren" wrote in message

Rick Walker

May 6, 2012, 10:07:39 PM5/6/12
I'm wondering the same thing.

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