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As Covid may cause a global economic depression & mass homelessness, is the Hexayurt needed more than ever?

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Cabinz Admin

Jul 19, 2020, 6:56:59 AM7/19/20
to hexayurt
I think this may be the case that  Covid may cause a global economic depression & mass homelessness,

Is the Hexayurt needed more than ever? 

We as a social enterprise have been buying clearance stock of millions of screws & fixings, partly  in preparation for the construction of low cost hosuing / emergency sheters

Recently, we have made contact with companies with 10,000's of metres of low cost old stock PIR & sandwich panels in the Uk in readiness for this .

Happy to support groups globally needing low cost fixings to build frame  / sandwich panel Hexayurts & low cost housing / structures , inc green houses / animal shelters by sharing research, Some of our high quality / low cost fixings can be posted globally if cost effective

Just been experimenting with a v small hexayurt from kingspan sandwich panels

After this we will be building a hexayurt greehouse from off cut coposite grp / plastics along the lines of our other experiments


Jul 19, 2020, 8:59:04 PM7/19/20
to hexayurt
Is this effort working at all in the US, or just the UK?  I've produced almost 100 PIR hexayurts for Burns and have considered sandwich designs for making them longer-lasting, more secure, etc. - as one would want for emergency housing.  Is anyone looking at CAD 3-D printed concrete for foundation work?

p ridley

Jul 20, 2020, 5:04:11 AM7/20/20
to hexayurt

Hi Dan,

I now realise we had a chat about similar ideas 4 years ago here...

UK Cabinz Project exploring making Hexayurt from composite door off cuts + dry lining steel & grp upvc frame / kingspan metal sandwich panels!topic/hexayurt/JrehbfU--MY

The manufacturers we have spoken to have factories in the US, We can speak to them. They offered us a large discount for homeless / diaster shelters 

We can ship fixings abroad, but to make the shipping viable, folks would need to team up, so we could send a 1/8 - 1/4 - 1/2 tonne crate that could be distributed / sold to other groups .

We get good quality fixings in split boxes and sort them out with volunteers, so get them for a fraction of the cost of new. often from  or

Last year i founded the Shelter & Hardware Bank Network (SAHBN) & donated at cost 3.2 tonnes of fixings to 5 of the Community Wood  Recycling Network members  in Uk. This was partly to encourage similar shelter building with wood

On a related note we spoke to members of about fixing supply & extrusion w/shop We were interested in producing an extruded angled I Beam that normal foil backed PIR sheets (or sandwich) could be interted into for Hexayurt joints    

I've not done 3d Cad on Concrete foundation work, but played around with the following as mentioned before 4 yrs ago

Slotted Fence Posts for Shelter Ground Resting Foundations & Strength Test. Slotted Crank Bent Arm Post Idea For Hexayurt

Cabinz.Net experiment of concrete post beam footing & kingspan PIR insulated sandwich panel shelter wall

Hal Muskat

Jul 20, 2020, 11:33:58 AM7/20/20
Great ideas, but how to you protect the panels from rain & moisture? 

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Vinay Gupta (Hexayurt Shelter Project)

Jul 20, 2020, 7:51:13 PM7/20/20
I think the answer is honeycomb polypropylene this stuff is about $50 a sheet in small quantities in Europe, so an equivalent product could well be $20 a sheet in America.

Then bolts and metal brackets to hold it together, and maybe tape to cover the seams to waterproof it?

What do you think?


Vinay Gupta
Free Science and Engineering in the Global Public Interest
UK Cell : +44 (0)7500 895568 Twitter/Skype/Gtalk: hexayurt
"In the midst of winter,  I finally learned that there was 
        in me an invincible summer" - Albert Camus

Hal Muskat

Jul 20, 2020, 7:57:20 PM7/20/20
I’m aware of a builder putting up his H12 in North of San Francisco. He reported that it didn’t survive the winter’s rains.

Lucas González

Jul 21, 2020, 8:34:37 AM7/21/20
I recall a design in which the roof was steeper to help the snow slide off a bit. Not that I know much about snow.

Dan March

Jul 21, 2020, 1:06:48 PM7/21/20
Anyone find an American equivalent to Karton in large (~ 4'x8') sizes and thick enough to be practical as an exterior working surface?  Combine with poly-iso?... also laminate with sheetrock on inside - fire, etc.  Slide-on "I" section extruded panel jointers...

Cabinz Admin

Jul 22, 2020, 4:36:42 AM7/22/20
to hexayurt

Thats great stuff and very light for transport  / portability, I previously used similar stuff from
I assume that while it may be fire resistant ,its not fire proof to a major degree as would be kingspan  pir or mineral wool filled sandwich panels.

(good related report here - Stopping the spread: a new framework for fire safety (in informal settlements

If the money is there for such material great, but in an economic depression , its likely won't be as the Gov cannot keep money printing forever. Preparing for when the Furlough runs out in Oct 2020, gives very little time to prepare for potential mass homelessness or home work spaces. On the plus site empty commercial sites have become available & could be divided for homeless pods, we've worked on these

I don't care too much what they are built from given the time issue, just that they are built on mass asap . We are just now giving away free 1 tonne of new hardware & fixings to uk food bank groups to try & make this happen with food security structures like raised beds , green houses & cloches  / root cellars 
If the money is not there, an industrial  approach with locally sourced materials or wasted to make composites could be available

hence our local supplier of old stock of a football field of kingspan sandwich panels prices from £6 to £16 a mtr. against £35 new, grade b £20 / m   a big saving . less ££ for bulk

The ' low or no money' diy approach  we've experimented on before like "Hexayurt with Drywall / Composite Stick Frame & Magnesium Oxide ( Mgo) Board Cladding . Re-used Insulation  Infill " perhaps earthsip type waste reuse of cans & bottles as insualtion

or 'no money'  , Perhaps composite panels with pva coated carboard (anyone tried this ?  ) covered in pallet wood with  beer / tin can roof shingles 

ie like we talked to alcoholics about building homeless shelters out of their own beer cans .
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Cabinz Admin

Aug 6, 2020, 6:24:44 AM8/6/20
to hexayurt

We have now teamed up in the Uk with Big homeless / housing orgs The Big Issue & Shelter, Generation Rent on a RORA scheme.

"Our brand-new initiative is bringing together big ideas to prevent homelessness and protect jobs in the wake of the Covid-19"

We have mentioned our faith / experiments in Hexayurts to them and hope for some feedback soon , but its early days

I notice the US is leading this massive homeless crisis..

The first round of coronavirus benefits has ended. What happens now?
The enhanced unemployment benefits and federal eviction protections are now over, with no other plan approved yet.

Julie Danger

Aug 7, 2020, 10:24:17 AM8/7/20
to hexayurt
The pentayurt was the snow-resistant option in the original designs that vinay released.

I was a fan of the pentayurt, because it also takes up less sq footage on the ground in a large camp scenario, and it automatically has a bit more standing-height room without addition of more panels.

Here's a tour of one of the (presumably privileged) burning man nerds who made a pentayurt, for scale and usability.

Happy to see homeless options being explored with the hexayurt! Here in sunny and sometimes rainy San Franscisco, wind is the biggest concern I have that leads me to want to reinforce the yurt AND solve the question of how best to keep their lightweight materials on the ground.
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