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nalini K

Sep 20, 2023, 11:49:04 PM9/20/23
to Herniasurgery
Respected Sir,

The list you have suggested for the Desarda repair, no body is following .Al the doctors are saying Desarda will not protect only mesh will protect. The reason is they say the recurrence rate with Desarda is 20-30 percent and with mesh its only less than 1 percent. But unfortunately no body is able to answer the chronic effects of the mesh like chronic pain later in life . My father is 80 years old and they say that his abdominal muscles will be weak and Desarda repair is good only if they have good abdominal strength. 
I am literally clueless, is it true that with age abdominal ,muscles will be weak ? Desarda is not suited for old age group. My father is CABG patient also. But healthy otherwise .

My question to you is for Desarda repair , abdominal muscles should be strong ? for Senior patients abdominal muscles will be weak ? So Desarda wont work out ?

Please do answer.
Appreciate for your prompt and quick response.


Prof.Dr.Desarda MP

Sep 21, 2023, 1:28:14 AM9/21/23
to Herniasurgery


It is most unfortunate that some doctors pass such comments or tells to their patients about high recurrence rate of 20-30%. This is because you or patient never tries to search the truth from internet or by directly visiting to our website and studying the details given over there. Doctors if at all have passed such comments, then it is their ignorance. 

Please read this again which we wrote to you in our previous email:- 

You can find a doctor in your area also for your treatment. We have delivered lectures to many surgeons from all over the world through various conferences. If the doctors are used to attend these conferences then they should be aware about this surgical technique. My lectures are teaching lectures. However, if any surgeon whom you contact for your surgery is not aware then don’t worry. Show him the internet pages you have about our technique or ask him to send us an email and we will provide him all teaching material. Our operation technique is very simple to understand and follow for any surgeon with a good surgical skill. So you can contact a surgeon from your locality and give him all the information downloaded from our web site. He may go through that and be willing to use this technique. We have not made any patent of this operation technique so any surgeon can use it without any permission or payment to us. We will be providing all the technical knowhow free of cost to him. Visit our website to get full access to all operative or recovery videos, research articles or cost involved. 

Glenn Forman

Sep 21, 2023, 1:30:08 AM9/21/23
to, Herniasurgery
What have doctors that do the DeSarda method say from their experience?
I am happy to not have the mesh.

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Prof.Dr.Desarda MP

Sep 21, 2023, 1:40:11 AM9/21/23
to Herniasurgery
Patients should ask to such doctors as to whether they have ever done our revolutionary mesh free and tension free Desarda repair or read about its hundreds of published research articles world wide. Ask also to such doctors whether they have any proof to substantiate their comments ?

Ravi Kumar

Sep 21, 2023, 4:34:31 AM9/21/23
to Glenn Forman,, Herniasurgery
More chances reoccurrence when surgery without mesh.I am not why people too much of thinking about old techniques.

I don't think even 0.1% hernia surgeries without mesh repair.

Ravi Kumar

Dave Asbery

Nov 9, 2023, 2:04:25 PM11/9/23
to Herniasurgery
I am now 76 years old. I had a Desarda repair done by Prof Desarda (in India) on a right inguinal hernia in 2008. Reason: I though I would live longer and better without synthetic mesh inside me.. I was very happy with the repair including the next 13 years but then in 2022 it felt like I had a recurrence. The 2nd tissue repair was done by Dr Joachim Conze at the Starnberg clinic near Munch in March 2023. He, like me, was convinced that it was a recurrence.  But when he operated (open surgery for a new tissue repair) he found that the original Desarda repair, done 14  years earlier was still intact. My problem was in fact a  femoral hernia.
Here is his report: Attached you will find your pictures of todays findings: During the first exploration we found an impressive hernia bulge lying in front of the inguinal ligament, but taking its offspring from the femoral canal… quite an impressive hernia sac, covered with pre-peritoneal fatty tissue. After dissection and removing of the fatty tissue we found a peritoneal hernia sac, quite thick as I think it has been there for quite some time. Neverthelees we opened the canal to explore the posterior wall of the inguinal canal. After mobilisation of the spermatic cord (=funiculysis), we found a pre-peritoneal lipome running alongs side the cord that was resected. The inner inguinal ring was enlarged but there was no recurrence there to be found. Also the Desarda looked fine, the posterior was slightky dilated but no defect to be detected.. so no recurrence after Desarda! Where the femoral hernia came from and how long it has been there, we probably will never know! We performed a tissue repair in a modified Fabrizius Technique, narrowing the femoral opening with non resorbable Prolene sutures (2-0), after a purse string suture at the base of the hernia sac and resection. Now everything should be fine!!

On Thursday, 21 September 2023 at 09:34:31 UTC+1 wrote:
More chances reoccurrence when surgery without mesh.I am not why people too much of thinking about old techniques.
I don't think even 0.1% hernia surgeries without mesh repair.
Regards,Ravi Kumar
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