FT8 Transmit Audio 'Clicking'

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नपढिएको पहिलो सन्देशमा जानुहोस्

Brock Nanson

२०२१ मार्च २४, १४:३३:००२१/३/२४
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
HL2 Build 9, just running the other evening.  I have tried SparkSDR and the OpenHPSDR 3.5.0 software, along with WSJT-X, to get my feet wet with the digital interface.  That's why I ordered the kit after all... ;-)

SparkSDR gave me issues with transmit audio from FT8.  It interfaced nicely and CAT was relatively seamless, but the FT8 signal sounded absolutely terrible.  I'll go back eventually to see if I can sort that out, but in the meantime, I decided to try OpenHPSDR...the version that has been tweaked for HL2.

The CAT control was a pain... eventually decided virtual serial ports are required and found something online to do that.  That's another story and a question for a different thread - getting them to come live on a reboot, etc...  But long story short, FT8 eventually seemed to be functioning via OpenHPSDR.

However, when monitoring my transmit signal on another radio (no antenna on it), I could hear a sort of clicking sound on the signal.  PSKReporter was seeing me though, so the actual FT8 signal was being heard.  I figured it might be local noise in the shack.

I asked another local ham to have a listen though, and he recorded the attached video. You can hear the strange noise.

Also attached is a photo taken at my end during transmit.  The blue trace seems odd.

So, wondering if this is a Hermes Lite issue, or something to do with the way my SDR software is configured?


SmartHPSDR Display.jpg
FT8 Noise.mov

"Christoph v. Wüllen"

२०२१ मार्च २४, १५:०२:०२२१/३/२४
प्रापक Brock Nanson, herme...@googlegroups.com

> The CAT control was a pain... eventually decided virtual serial ports are required and found something online to do that. That's another story and a question for a different thread - getting them to come live on a reboot, etc... But long story short, FT8 eventually seemed to be functioning via OpenHPSDR.

An SDR program which does *not* offer CAT via TCP cannot be taken serious,
are you sure you need virtual serial ports? Usually selecting
a Kenwood TS2000 and localhost:19090 works for many programs.

Brock Nanson

२०२१ मार्च २४, १६:०९:५३२१/३/२४
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
You won't get an argument from me on that!  As far as I'm concerned, COM ports belong with DOS...  ;-)  Coming back to ham radio after 30+ years away, I'm actually really shocked at how primitive CAT seems to be in modern radios.  I would have expected they'd all have an Ethernet port on the back after about 1995 and allow themselves to be set up as easily as a printer.  Apparently this is not the case...

WSJT-X will let you input IP parameters depending on the 'radio' profile you select for CAT control.  However, I can't find anywhere in OpenHPSDR where I can specify anything but COM ports for CAT.  I may have simply overlooked how to do this - and I intend to dig deeper as time allows - but for now the only way I can get WSJT-X to talk to OpenHPSDR is via a virtual COM port. 

I should ask, just to make sure I'm not missing something obvious... Am I right in considering the SDR software to be the 'radio' as far as other applications like WSJT-X are concerned?  Everything needs to talk to the SDR software and let the SDR software (only) talk to the hardware radio?

Steve Haynal

२०२१ मार्च २४, २०:१०:२८२१/३/२४
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
Hi Brock,

For you clicking issue, it could be network (dropped packets due to high latency) or something with the virtual audio cable. Do you have any wifi links in the path from PC to HL2? If so, please try without any wifi links. Finally, please try to key the HL2 directly from the key jack (ground tip of KEY/PTT connector). This will transmit a signal independently of software. If this signal doesn't click and is pure, then the issue is with the network or software. 



Brock Nanson

२०२१ मार्च २५, १३:१८:४४२१/३/२५
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
Well, the Hermes is sitting three feet from the computer and both are connected to a gigabit switch with Ethernet cable.  I haven't seen any issues with decodes on receive, and my transmissions are also apparently decoded properly.  So short of a problematic switch or NIC, I'm going to take network connectivity off the table for the moment.  

A few times I've heard what I assume is the TX relay do an extra snap shortly after the initial transmission begins, but no evidence of it being a problem (audibly or visually on the display).  I'm not hearing the relay floating during transmission either, to coincide with the clicks.  I'll see if I can scrounge up a small stereo plug to try the manual keying suggestion (my kingdom for a single 1/8" plug - I have everything else but, in my stockpile of bits an pieces... LOL) and hopefully rule this out.

However, I'm curious about what the waterfall shows during transmission (as indicated in the photo attached earlier).  Where does the information displayed come from?  Is it a depiction of what the computer is sending to the radio?  What the radio is putting to the transmitter?  What is coming out of the transmitter?  If I understood where in the process this information is sampled, I'd probably have a better idea of what it is (and maybe isn't) showing.  The extra waterfall nearby has me concerned... am I overdriving?  Or is the transmitter generating an extra unwanted signal?  Or does the depiction include extraneous garbage that doesn't actually get to the antenna?  That extra line seems to vary in offset from the main transmitted waterfall depending on the frequency of modulation set within WSJT-X .



२०२१ मार्च २५, १३:३४:०९२१/३/२५
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
Hi Brock,
The HL2 is a full duplex transceiver.  The receiver is running (and displaying stuff on the waterfall) even when transmitting.  Therefore, if you are not connecting the HL2 to separate transmit and receive antenna, the software is likely displaying parasitic coupling into to the receiver from the transmitter.  If not attenuated (by software configuration, etc.), then you could be seeing IM distortion or other artifacts in the receive path (clipping, etc.), not on the transmit path.  To avoid this confusion, I use a separate receiver on a different antenna with an attenuator inline to monitor transmitters (and amps) for spurious signals.

Alan Hopper

२०२१ मार्च २५, १४:१०:३२२१/३/२५
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
Hi Brock,
SparkSDR shows the signal pixed up by the receiver during tx, if you have the lna gain too low or high the display can show artifacts of this. If you get a reasonable level it should be a fairly good indication of the sent signal. Do you see the clicks on the waterfall? 
Does adjusting the drive from wsjtx get rid of the second peak?  Does turning off the audio resampler (I assume you are using the digiu mode) in spark change things?  Are you seeing any ep6 errors?  You could try the built in ft8 mode and see if that produces clicks, if not it points to the virtual audio cable or wsjtx.

I believe powersdr allows you to switch between the sent signal and the received signal in the waterfall. 
73 Alan M0NNB

Brock Nanson

२०२१ मार्च २५, १८:३०:३३२१/३/२५
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
Thanks Ron.  I was suspicious this might be the case... and I can stop worrying about the apparent spurious emissions for now I guess.  I didn't see evidence of them in the video I was sent, but that waterfall was rather crude...  I'll see about setting up another receiver here with a good waterfall - I have a Flex with SmartSDR available that I can get connected and operating again once I get a power supply issue solved.


Brock Nanson

२०२१ मार्च २५, २१:३३:०१२१/३/२५
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
Hi Alan,

Where is the LNA gain adjustment in SparkSDR?

Answers to your other questions in the order they were posed:

Using SparkSDR instead of OpenHPSDR seems to give me a vastly improved output.  I have seen at least one 'click' since using SparkSDR with WSJT-X, but they seem to be a very random occurrence.  As opposed to part of the chatter with OpenHPSDR.  The SparkSDR waterfall *does* show the click, as a line extending the full width of the waterfall.

Adjusting the power level from WSJT-X (I assume is what you mean by 'drive') will reduce the strength of the second peak, but of course, also the main signal.  I have to drop the power to essentially zero to make it disappear altogether.

I'm not seeing any change by toggling the resampler (what is that?) and yes, I'm in digiu mode.

I have not yet seen an ep6 error in the area above the frequency display.  Also, error log is empty.

All in all, SparkSDR is behaving much better than OpenHDSDR, but I frankly don't know why.  The CPU load on the computer is less than 20% in both transmit and receive (FT8), and that includes Chrome, Log4OM, etc...  I don't sense that the system is overtaxed, even though it is older (i5 from around 2013 or 2014, 8 GB RAM, SSD).

What is the correct N2ADR filter setting?

Where should I be setting the level of the tones sent by WSJT-X (or should I be?)?

Is there a site you can point me at for details of the SparkSDR settings (in general) beyond what I can find on the 'Manual' page on your site?  I'm trying to work you how I can get SparkSDR to remember the configuration settings, as well as understand exactly what the controls do.  I'm trying to relate everything back to my TS-830S... LOL  And if I'm better to pose these questions in the SparkSDR group, please let me know and I'll jump over there.




२०२१ मार्च २५, २२:३६:५१२१/३/२५
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
Hi Brock,
When you compared SparkSDR and OpenHPSDR, were you using the same sample rates and number of slices?
If so, given no ep6 errors and that the glitches seem to vary with the software used,  I would try rebooting the computer and then run just the SDR app before starting any other applications (browsers, email, etc.).  Even with a low CPU load, there can be latency glitches.
Another thing to try is to run a long sequence of pings to the HL2 to see if all the round trip time are all fairly even, and none occasionally jump up in latency.

Steve Haynal

२०२१ मार्च २६, ०१:०५:४६२१/३/२६
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
Hi Brock,

Is the ADC clipping in PDSR when you transmit as seen by the 75% and 100% on the front of the unit? If so, that can cause artifacts in what is displayed during TX. You are seeing the RX pickup of your TX signal. This has to be of good quality for PureSignal to work. Typically this means setting the LNA during TX to a low value, either software or hardware. See this post:

If you eliminate network given the wired gigabit connection you have, then I'd look closely at any virtual audio cable you have in use as well as the TX buffer latency setting. Search for "TX latency" or "TX buffer latency" in this group. Software has a setting for this and typically 12ms to 20ms works well.

Both of these issues come up frequently, so I will try the new #documentation tag and see if this shows up on the wiki! :)



Brock Nanson

२०२१ मार्च २६, ०२:२१:०२२१/३/२६
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
Well, there's nothing like shutting the door for a few hours and just getting stuck into it.  I figured out a few things... like SparkSDR's LNA adjustment is called RF Gain.  So much for applying old hybrid rig understanding!  Turns out I had it set lower than needed to cause the LEDs to flash, so I don't think it was clipping, Steve, at least not on SparkSDR.  OpenHDSDR was higher, but not really triggering the right LED much at all.  So after messing about a little with that, I eventually confirmed that SparkSDR seems to work properly and produce a clean signal.  OpenHDSDR... not so much.

Further to Ron's comments, I did my best to set both SparkSDR and OpenHDSDR to comparable settings.  But I admit to not having much luck finding my way through the settings, meaning OpenHDSDR and I don't want to play nicely, so.... I decided to add more variables and install Thetis with the latest beta changes I saw posted here a few days ago.  

Yeah.... I think OpenHDSDR is getting punted off this computer...  Thetis is so far doing everything it should, once I got my head around some of the details (documentation is really good).  Signal is clean, although I do hear a noise on the second radio that sounds like the squelch activating on 2 meter FM.  Just a very short blast of static after I hear the relay snap and then the FT8 tones begin.  Not yet sure how local that is, however.

The waterfall is clean, but that might be due to how Thetis monitors the signal.  I haven't dug deep enough to figure out whether it's showing the TX signal or the RX signal, but.... out of sight, out of mind? ;-)

I have not yet found a setting in Thetis that will get the two righthand LEDs lit or flashing though.  More digging I guess, unless someone knows a quick way to make this happen?  I'm getting a signal out though, as PSKReporter spotted me about as I would expect for 5 watts and a dipole.  Made a couple of contacts too, so I'm hearing something...

Thanks for the thoughts and suggestions provided - this is a good group!



Reid Campbell

२०२१ मार्च २६, १३:५५:०३२१/३/२६
प्रापक herme...@googlegroups.com
Hi Brock,

On 26/03/2021 06:21, Brock Nanson wrote:
Well, there's nothing like shutting the door for a few hours and just getting stuck into it.  I figured out a few things... like SparkSDR's LNA adjustment is called RF Gain.  So much for applying old hybrid rig understanding!  Turns out I had it set lower than needed to cause the LEDs to flash, so I don't think it was clipping, Steve, at least not on SparkSDR.  OpenHDSDR was higher, but not really triggering the right LED much at all.  So after messing about a little with that, I eventually confirmed that SparkSDR seems to work properly and produce a clean signal.  OpenHDSDR... not so much.

Further to Ron's comments, I did my best to set both SparkSDR and OpenHDSDR to comparable settings.  But I admit to not having much luck finding my way through the settings, meaning OpenHDSDR and I don't want to play nicely, so.... I decided to add more variables and install Thetis with the latest beta changes I saw posted here a few days ago.  

Yeah.... I think OpenHDSDR is getting punted off this computer...  Thetis is so far doing everything it should, once I got my head around some of the details (documentation is really good).  Signal is clean, although I do hear a noise on the second radio that sounds like the squelch activating on 2 meter FM.  Just a very short blast of static after I hear the relay snap and then the FT8 tones begin.  Not yet sure how local that is, however.

The waterfall is clean, but that might be due to how Thetis monitors the signal.  I haven't dug deep enough to figure out whether it's showing the TX signal or the RX signal, but.... out of sight, out of mind? ;-)

I have not yet found a setting in Thetis that will get the two righthand LEDs lit or flashing though.  More digging I guess, unless someone knows a quick way to make this happen?  I'm getting a signal out though, as PSKReporter spotted me about as I would expect for 5 watts and a dipole.  Made a couple of contacts too, so I'm hearing something...

The ADC gain control for Thetis is the S-ATT spin box beside AGC. It can be set to automatic, so that the ADC "fills it's boots", by ticking Setup|General|Options|Hermes Lite Step Attenuator|Auto Att. This will automaticity increase the gain until the ADC overload is hit and then backs it off by 3dB. It will re-adjust every-time you change band. It will also tick the gain up by 1dB every 'Auto Delay' number of seconds to try and track band conditions.

The S-ATT should then have changed to A-ATT in the main console but double clinking on the A-ATT label will change it back to S-ATT and temporarily switch of the Auto Gain.

It's called an attenuator, so gain is shown by negative values and it can use the whole gain of the ADC chip. It does have a few quirks as the overload condition can happen in the front end amplifier before ADC overloads. This mainly happens in the 160M band when the HPF is turned off and sometimes 10M and 12M when band conditions are good.  



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Brock Nanson

२०२१ मार्च २६, १४:२३:१८२१/३/२६
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
Hi Reid,

This is exactly what I was trying to figure out... can't say I would have found it without your help, so much appreciated!

Somewhere along the line I was lead to believe that the right-most LED should flash maybe a little, but mostly be off... and the LED to the left of it should be mostly on.  If I play with the settings myself, I see around -15 is where that LED behavior is evident.  Switching to Auto, and the setting heads towards -21 or -22 and both LED's are on pretty much solid.  The right one has a little flicker to it, but never really turns off.  Is that what we want to see, or is there another setting that needs to be adjusted?  Also, the default re-check time is evidently 100 seconds.  That seems high to me... is there any reason to leave it that high, or would 5-10 be more reasonable in typical use?



Reid Campbell

२०२१ मार्च २६, १९:०१:०१२१/३/२६
प्रापक herme...@googlegroups.com
Hi Brock,

The ADC can tolerate a certain amount of overload before distortion is noticed. As for the auto delay, it is to try and track changing band conditions during the day. You can experiment with lower values and see if you think it makes a difference. Every "Auto Delay" seconds the gain will be increase by 1dB until overload and then backed off by 3dB.



Brock Nanson

२०२१ मार्च २६, १९:१९:५३२१/३/२६
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
OK, I can experiment.  I've certainly seen nothing so far to suggest this setting is an issue.  However, I am still wondering about the 'squelch' sound I get at the start of an FT8 transmission.

I've attached a video that shows the transition from receive to transmit with the audio of a second radio heard in the background.  It's the loud white noise transmission that I'm chasing.  Is there a delay setting somewhere that needs to be tweaked to begin the audio a little after CAT toggles TX?


Hermes FT8 Transmit.mp4

Reid Campbell

२०२१ मार्च २६, १९:३३:२२२१/३/२६
प्रापक herme...@googlegroups.com
I see a noise burst at the start of an FT8 transmission as well. I'm not sure if it is a function of wsjt-x or Thetis. I would be interested if you do track it down.



Pierre Martel

२०२१ मार्च २६, १९:५५:५३२१/३/२६
प्रापक Reid Campbell, Hermes-Lite
I see the same with wsjt-x and SparkSDR, so it seems to be a buffered piece of sound somewhere. 

What virtual cable are you using to pipe the audio? I am VB-audio virtual cable. 

Brock Nanson

२०२१ मार्च २६, २०:०३:१२२१/३/२६
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
VB Audio for me as well.  So perhaps it's in the cables.  Perhaps we should have paid more for the Monster oxygenated-copper virtual cables, like people used to do for their high end stereo speaker cables?? ;-)

I saw VB Audio mentioned as I was setting things up, so I didn't actually go looking for anything else.  Perhaps there's another option?

I'm also wondering if there's a time delay issue here.  I remember that people were experimenting with the sound the PLL caused in early synthesized 2 meter radios, to get a fingerprint and track repeater kerchunkers.  It happened as the TX came up to power.  Obviously not the same, but I'm wondering if there's noise associated with the transmitter ramping up that might somehow be controlled?  Just a WAG, but I'll mention it anyway...


Reid Campbell

२०२१ मार्च २६, २०:०५:२७२१/३/२६
प्रापक Pierre Martel, Hermes-Lite

VAC is developed by Eugene (Evgenii) Muzychenko, an independent software developer.



murphy edward

२०२१ मार्च २७, ०४:२२:०१२१/३/२७
प्रापक Reid Campbell, Pierre Martel, Hermes-Lite

Hello Reid, 

Please look up my post on the N2ADR groups io. I described and addressed this issue a long time back. 

Basically most hams use the FREE  version not realising that it is only ONE cable. 

SO, when you go to TX that SAME cable that has been used for receive is REVERSED for TX. Unfortunately, the cable still has RX data in the cable. This 'data' is flushed out of the cable at the start of the TX sequence. 

You have to BUY the TWO cables to do TX and RX without corruption. You can get this product from the same VB Audio designer.



Brock Nanson

२०२१ मार्च २७, १५:३४:२५२१/३/२७
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
Hi Ed,

I did some searching to see if I could find the post you mentioned, or better yet, the discussion string.  I found a few comments about VB-Audio, but nothing specific to this TX/RX issue.  If you have the link close to hand, I'd like to read it through completely.

Looking at the VB-Audio site, I see also mention of Voicemeeter Banana.  It mentions two virtual outputs, but it's not clear to me whether these are VB-Audio cables we're talking about, or whether they're bundled into the package.  The reason I bring this up is, I'm wondering if there is any benefit to having the mixing capability as well?  I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around how to configure WSJT-X I/O, headphones, microphone and potentially computer speaker into an SDR package so that I can freely move between FT8 and SSB.  Perhaps I just need to make it all work at the SDR interface rather than attempt to cheat with a mixing board?


सन्देश मेटिएको छ

Reid Campbell

२०२१ मार्च २८, ०४:५२:३५२१/३/२८
प्रापक herme...@googlegroups.com
Hi Brock,

Have you tried using RX2 for digital modes like I described in the release email for the Beta 2? That allows you to switch between SSB and FT8 with a click of the mouse on the VFO Tx button.



Brock Nanson

२०२१ मार्च २८, १६:०८:०४२१/३/२८
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
Tip of the hat to Ed GM3SBC for his VB-Audio answer!  His reply to me didn't get to the list for some reason, so this is what he added to his original comment: 

Hmm, I also had a look and could not see any of the messages regarding my posts on this subject. Very strange.  Ok, if you are getting a noise burst at the start of the transmission you can confirm that you have the issue I detailed. On receive, tune into  a steady CW Carrier. Now go into Transmit, if you have the VB Audio problem you will hear the CW Carrier frequency at the start of your transmission for the reasons I explained in my last post. On the other hand, if you are receiving just NOISE before you go into transmit, then you will transmit that same noise at the beginning of your transmission.
A summary:-
 " We have found , along with the help of the Quisk author, that VB Audio is sending Receiver Data into the microphone line at the start of a FT8 Transmission.
This erroneous RF lasts for approximately 500 milliseconds at the start of the FT8 transmission."

At one point I was pretty sure I heard the a short blip of FT8 tones in the transmit noise burst - probably thanks to someone with a slow computer clock, still transmitting at the end of the cycle - so the logic of it being the virtual cable absolutely made sense.  I bought a pair of cables from VB-Audio, changed the sound parameters to include the new cables, and magically the noise went away.  So this is great information that really deserves to be in an FAQ somewhere (if it isn't already!). :-)

Reid, I will go back and read through that release email string to see the comments you describe.  I did actually try this when I first configured the software, but it wasn't working for me...however I also hadn't got the feel for the details yet either, so it may have been operator error.  Short of a way to create settings profiles in the software, this sounds like a workaround to avoid saving and restoring XML files.  Much like WSJT-X does for multiple radios, it would be great to be able to save configurations and select them from a list a little more intuitively than the XML route.  I'm saying this with the assumption that the XML route is the only realistic way to do this currently - it's the only method I've found so far.



Reid Campbell

२०२१ मार्च २९, १२:२२:१९२१/३/२९
प्रापक herme...@googlegroups.com
Hi Brock,

I did a search for Ed's answer on the other group and came up with a blank as well. Good to get the details on here.

Let me know how the RX2 route goes. I would also like to be able to select a different Tx profiles when switching between VFO A and B to switch off compression, adjust Tx bandwidth and the like.



Brock Nanson

२०२१ अप्रिल ६, ०१:३०:५८२१/४/६
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
Hi Reid,

Finally having some time available, I have been playing with your RX2 suggestion tonight.  Everything seems to work so far, except that I can't get any power out when transmitting FT8 with WSJT-X.  I can hear and decode and control frequency from WSJT-X.  As well, the Tune button toggles Thetis and the HL2 into TX mode.  But no power out.  TX is selected on VFO B.  The Tune button on Thetis does the same thing (toggles to TX, no power).  Drive is set to maximum.  Mode to DIGU.  And I can transmit CW on VFO A with expected output power.

Is there an independent setting for the drive to VFO B that I can't find?

Rebooted, restarted the software, checked the settings over 16 different ways.... I'm not seeing the problem.  Any suggestions?



Reid Campbell

२०२१ अप्रिल ६, ०३:५०:३२२१/४/६
प्रापक herme...@googlegroups.com
Hi Brock,

First, what version of Thetis are you using, this requires Beta2 to work correctly. I initially seen this with the Beta1 and it was related to incorrect LPF selection when using VFO Tx.



Brock Nanson

२०२१ अप्रिल ६, १२:५३:४५२१/४/६
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
Hi Reid,

The Windows bar at the top reads Thetis-HL2 v2.8.12 (03/21/21) Beta 2.

Switching mode in RX2 to CW, the paddle triggers TX and Thetis shows power output.

There are times when I've seen VFO B go to dulled colours and not allow user input.  I haven't been able to figure out what eventually brings it back (sometimes corrects without restarting Thetis).

I've noted that sometimes after going into the configurations of WSJT-X and Thetis to confirm a setting (cancel to exit), VAC 2 is off.  Switching back on does NOT bring back the stream in WSJT-X.  The only solution at that point is to shut down Thetis and restart.  At one point while searching through the settings, Thetis actually crashed - just disappeared off the screen without any error messages.

Other than the FT8 Transmit, the RX2 solution seems workable and functions as expected.


Reid Campbell

२०२१ अप्रिल ६, १६:१६:२६२१/४/६
प्रापक herme...@googlegroups.com
Hi Brock,

On 06/04/2021 17:53, Brock Nanson wrote:
Hi Reid,

The Windows bar at the top reads Thetis-HL2 v2.8.12 (03/21/21) Beta 2.

Ok, there goes the theory.

Switching mode in RX2 to CW, the paddle triggers TX and Thetis shows power output.

There are times when I've seen VFO B go to dulled colours and not allow user input.  I haven't been able to figure out what eventually brings it back (sometimes corrects without restarting Thetis).

I've noted that sometimes after going into the configurations of WSJT-X and Thetis to confirm a setting (cancel to exit), VAC 2 is off.  Switching back on does NOT bring back the stream in WSJT-X.  The only solution at that point is to shut down Thetis and restart.  At one point while searching through the settings, Thetis actually crashed - just disappeared off the screen without any error messages.

Have you ticked set Audio|VAC2|Use VAC2 on Split?

You need to save the default Tx profile when you select VAC2 or it will be forgotten.

Thetis is very temperamental when it come to losing the connection to the HL2. It goes away in a huff and has to be restarted. I haven't found the problem in the code for that yet.

Is WSJT-X controlling the frequency of VFO B ok?



Brock Nanson

२०२१ अप्रिल ६, १६:४१:१६२१/४/६
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
Hi Reid,

I played around some more at lunch just now, probably as you were writing your response.

Yes to the VAC 2 on Split.  Did not know about saving to the default TX profile - Will do this also.

At this point, I finally got WSJT-X to cause power output.  I toggled the Setup > Transmit > Tune > "use drive power" toggle and it began working.  And kept working after untoggling to see if I could confirm this is the issue... so that's perhaps helpful but probably not...  And no, the tune power was not previously set to zero... I note that the issue was with FT8 only, so I'm at a loss as to why this is even relevant.  Maybe coincidental?

If it reverts to the previous behavior, I'll do what I can to note the process leading to that point.

The temperamental behavior of the software with HL2 communications is good to know - I won't worry about that any longer!


Brock Nanson

२०२१ अप्रिल ७, ०१:२७:५६२१/४/७
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
Hi Reid,

Back to it this evening... and again, no TX with WSJT-X!  Hmmm....  No configuration changes at all since it began working.  I tuned around, flipped between bands, called CQ on CW... then tried the tune function in both WSJT-X and Thetis.  Nothing.

An interesting thing though... the Tune button on both Thetis and WSJT-X *will* cause power output when TX set to VFO B and RX2 mode set for DIGU, but NOT if RX1 mode is set for CWL or CWU!  Other RX1 modes, apparently no issue, but the CW modes in RX1 seem to prevent RX2 DIGU power output.

I also note that switching from CWU to DIGU in RX1 will turn off both VAC1 and VAC2.


Reid Campbell

२०२१ अप्रिल ७, ०३:५६:४३२१/४/७
प्रापक herme...@googlegroups.com
Hi Brock,

On 07/04/2021 06:27, Brock Nanson wrote:
Hi Reid,

Back to it this evening... and again, no TX with WSJT-X!  Hmmm....  No configuration changes at all since it began working.  I tuned around, flipped between bands, called CQ on CW... then tried the tune function in both WSJT-X and Thetis.  Nothing.

An interesting thing though... the Tune button on both Thetis and WSJT-X *will* cause power output when TX set to VFO B and RX2 mode set for DIGU, but NOT if RX1 mode is set for CWL or CWU!  Other RX1 modes, apparently no issue, but the CW modes in RX1 seem to prevent RX2 DIGU power output.

Yes, I'm seeing this as well, so that give me a starting point in the code. One other thing to watch, don't have the MON button active as that will cause feedback through WSJT-X.

I also note that switching from CWU to DIGU in RX1 will turn off both VAC1 and VAC2.

I'm not see this, so I would try saving the default TX profile with both VACs on. Menu setting for this is:

Transmit|Profiles|Save with the profile set to default. It will ask what profile and then ask to confirm it.

Thanks for your help in testing this.



Brock Nanson

२०२१ अप्रिल ७, १२:३१:३०२१/४/७
प्रापक Hermes-Lite
Hi Reid,

Always good to know that I'm not just screwing something up - so confirmation that you're seeing it too is great.  I'll check what's going on with TX Profile save... I recall a setting to automatically save changes - maybe I'll try that too.

I'm very happy to do what I can to test.  I have no marketable coding skills, so this is really about all I can do to help the effort.  If I find any related issues/symptoms, I'll pass them on.  And if you want me to check anything in my installation, please just ask.

...it's too bad the subject of this thread is now completely unrelated - not easy for someone else to stumble upon the information within!


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