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Windows 10 - Problem with (clone) USB Blaster

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Jim Smith

Feb 12, 2019, 4:20:33 AM2/12/19
to Hermes-Lite

Atempted to upgrade my H-L2 to the latest firmware, using Quartus and Windows 10. 

When I plugged in my USB Blaster, I saw the pop-up alert telling me the driver had been installed, but when I opened the Quartus Programmer window the device wasn't detected.  

Device Manager indicated that the driver was not installed, so installed it manually.

Instantly received the Windows 10 equivalent to the old "Blue Screen of Death". 

Had to boot in "Safe Mode" to uninstall the device driver. 

Found numerous, quite old posts describing this problem, and suggesting alternative device drivers - tried these (Win7 vintage), but device manager refused to install them. 

So I guess my best option would be to find a different USB Blaster and hope it doesn't have the same problem. 

Has anyone else had this problem, any alternative suggestions? 


Jim - G3ZQC

Steve Haynal

Feb 13, 2019, 12:19:20 AM2/13/19
to Hermes-Lite
Hi Jim,

What is the Vendor:Device ID of your usb blaster? Mine is 09fb:6001 which is pretty much the oldest and cheapest USB blaster clone out there, <$5. Do you have some other model?

I just installed under Windows 10 following these instructions. 
I did have to manually install the driver as described, but there was no BSOD or other problems.

On my work Windows 10 laptop, I often run a virtual Linux box. I use USB pass through and can use the USB blaster from that Virtual machine. You could try the same.

** Download Virtual box from
** Download a prebuilt Linux virtual machine from  I use Linux mint 18.3 or later.
** Plug your usb blaster in
** Start up the virtual machine
** Install at least the Quartus programmer tools. I use version 16.1 or 18.1.
** Follow these instructions to make the blaster accessible by other than root:
** Reboot the virtual machine
** Once rebooted, pass the usb blaster device through. Devices->USB-><select your usb blaster>
** Start the Quartus programmer and program as normal. Firefox should be included by default on your virtual machine to download the bitfiles.



Jim Smith

Feb 13, 2019, 10:50:42 AM2/13/19
to Hermes-Lite
Hi Steve, 

Thanks for your advice. 

To cut a long story short, turns out it was my original USB Blaster that was the problem.  Fortunately, I'd found a replacement from a UK supplier, which arrived just as I'd managed to install the Altera software and replicate the problem on my Windows 10 (very slow) laptop. 

The firmware upgrade itself was a 'doddle'.  It's wspr'ing away at present, can't say I can see any difference in performance. 

Thanks again, 


Jim - G3ZQC

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Sebastien F4GRX

Feb 15, 2019, 4:13:49 AM2/15/19
to Hermes-Lite

Same problem here (twice, Marc and me) with the ebay clones that were pointed
out previously on this list.

usb id is detected as 09fb:6001

The insides of my clone have a STM32F101 in QFP and a 74HC244 in SOIC.

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Alan Hopper

Feb 15, 2019, 4:22:16 AM2/15/19
to Hermes-Lite
Hi group,
I believe Sven SM6FMB had an issue with a clone and discovered the ribbon cable was reversed.
73 Alan M0NNB

Sebastien F4GRX

Feb 15, 2019, 4:55:50 AM2/15/19
to Hermes-Lite

just to be clear the problem happens right when the driver is loaded by windows.

There is no other wire connected to anything, no board, no jtag exchanges, nothing.

IMHO this is a bug (or a feature) in the driver initialization.


Jim Smith

Feb 15, 2019, 5:09:38 AM2/15/19
to Hermes-Lite
Hi Sebastien, 

Flipped the top off my failing Blaster and it contained the same devices as yours.  FWIW my working USB Blaster was bought in the UK from Hobby Components. 

As you mentioned in your later email, this happens as soon as the Blaster is plugged in, as the PC loads the device driver. 


Jim - G3ZQC


Feb 15, 2019, 8:53:01 AM2/15/19
to Jim Smith, Hermes-Lite

Hi all

I’m just recovering from a general corruption of the kernel after the BSOD.

Please, do NOT insist If you don’t have a recent backup (or if you are not playing with a VM)

My last backup and recovery key were 350 miles away, so I had to reconstruct and reinstall all my applications, sofwares and special files (still working on it right now). I even lost my password safe :- (


If anyone knows which  blaster clone would run under w10, I think we are a certain number of people wishing to have this info :- ) )



Marc f6itu


De : <> De la part de Jim Smith
Envoyé : vendredi 15 février 2019 11:10
À : Hermes-Lite <>
Objet : Re: Windows 10 - Problem with (clone) USB Blaster


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Feb 15, 2019, 12:10:52 PM2/15/19
to Hermes-Lite
FWIW, my programmer has a PIC 18F14K50 and a LVC244A buffer. I've used it with Quartus 16.1 under Windows 10 without any problem.
I bought it for the whopping sum of 2.95 USD, shipping included, a couple of years ago on eBay; unfortunately I cannot find the seller anymore.
USB IDs are also idVendor=09fb,idProduct=6001.

73 de Claudio, IN3OTD / DK1CG

Steve Haynal

Feb 16, 2019, 12:23:03 AM2/16/19
to Hermes-Lite
Hi Group,

I looked inside and my USB Blaster is like Claudio's with PIC 18F14K50 and LVC244A. I paid $4.81 on e-bay, including shipping, in December 2016. I ordered mine from seller alice1101983
I've never had any issues, and recently started using it on 64-bit Windows 10.

That seller is still selling the USB blaster, but no guarantee it is still one of the PIC-based ones.

I read discussion on the internet saying the STM-based ones have issues, but didn't think it was 100% conclusive. People should try contacting a seller before purchasing to verify if the USB blaster is PIC-based. I will order a new one to see what comes.

I'd also recommend the virtual machine route as described in an earlier post. You will have to make sure the driver is not installed in the host, but only in the virtual machine. When I install Quartus, I don't have the USB blaster plugged in and I don't select install of drivers.



Steve Haynal

Feb 16, 2019, 12:27:39 AM2/16/19
to Hermes-Lite
Hi Group,

Some possible programming alternates are a $5.00 Pi Zero with the same programmer we use for production. People would have to have a SD card handy, and would also have to wire up a connector. I'll see about putting that code on github.

Also, I have one of these very useful boards:

If we work out the kinks of programming SVF files, we can use this with urjtag or openocd.




Feb 16, 2019, 2:06:57 AM2/16/19
to Hermes-Lite
I've now found the old eBay emails about the programmer purchase: quite interesting, as the seller eBay name was "modulefans" but the email name used for the PayPal payment was "alice1983110" so almost the same as the seller Steve used. Probably they really are the same seller/company.
I see that this seller is still active and selling the USB Blaster, e.g.
but as Steve said there's no guarantee that the circuit is actually the same.

73 de Claudio, IN3OTD / DK1CG

Wolfram Perrey

Feb 17, 2019, 11:04:45 PM2/17/19
to Hermes-Lite
Hello, I´m not sure that the problem with the STM32 USB Blaster was solved but I want give a report that I use the same
STMbased Blaster Clone as Sebastian´s, without problems. There are different Blaster Clones on the market and this STM32 Clone
is the ARMJISHU USB Blaster, among others as described in this link:

Driver installation:First disable automatic driver installation over internet or search on computer.
Quartus Prime 18.1 programmer SW should be installed before driver installation as the Quartus SW
came together with a nice driver sub-folder.

For driver installation use the install description in the link below starting with the second option:
"Driver Installation for Altera USB-Blaster II"

When it comes to the drivers, there are 3 options to chose - Different to the install description below
select option "Altera USB-Blaster II (JTAG Interface)" and NOT!! the option "Altera USB-Blaster II (Unconfigured)"
from the description.

After installation the Blaster should came up in the device manager as: JTAG Cabels -> Altera USB-Blaster II (JTAG Interface)

Start the Programmer (Quartus Prime 18.1) SW and You should be able to select the programmer "Altera USB-Blaster II (JTAG Interface)"
To program the HL2 FPGA, please follow strictly the description and the nice YT Video from Steve. Despite some concerns regarding this
STM32 Blaster I can say that the it worked fine - I had no try, it worked on the first shot and it works 100% stable. It never refused.

Important is to choose on the driver installation option: "Altera USB-Blaster II (JTAG Interface)"
(The outer two option are installing without error, but no interface appears in the programmer SW)

If You choose the drivers from the path ".../usb-blaster" (without ii) my system begun to hang. Later it ended up with
a fulminate "Bluescreen" crash when I disconnected the blaster. Don´t use that driver with the STM Blaster.

Here some additional comments from the ALTERA community if You want:

I hope I could help You with the STM Blaster version  

Sebastien F4GRX

Feb 18, 2019, 3:53:36 AM2/18/19
to Hermes-Lite

the problem is: when first inserted, the usb blaster clone is seen by window,
with a "problem".

Of course quartus was installed before, and also the driver!

But the quartus programmer does not see the clone without any action from the user.

As soon as we ask windows to upgrade the driver to the one provided by quartus,
we get a success message, THEN, IMMEDIATELY, we get a BSOD, the computer HANGS
and reboot. There is no such possibility to configure the clone adapter as you

Marc has proved that if the hang happens at the bad moment, general system
corruption can happen.

I have no doubts the clone works, since I made it work in Linux with openocd,
and the fpga is actually detected.

The problem lies in the Quartus Prime 18.1 driver. There is a fault in the code
that shuts down the Windows system in its entirety. Probably a bad memory reference.

Our only hope is another version of the driver, because I doubt Obi Wan Kenobi
can help us here.


Le 18/02/2019 à 05:04, Wolfram Perrey a écrit :
> Hello, I´m not sure that the problem with the STM32 USB Blaster was solved but
> I want give a report that I use the same
> STMbased Blaster Clone as Sebastian´s, without problems. There are different
> Blaster Clones on the market and this STM32 Clone
> is the ARMJISHU USB Blaster, among others as described in this link:
> Driver installation:First disable automatic driver installation over internet
> or search on computer.
> Quartus Prime 18.1 programmer SW should be installed before driver
> installation as the Quartus SW
> came together with a nice driver sub-folder.
> C:\intelFPGA\18.1\qprogrammer\drivers\usb-blaster-ii
> For driver installation use the install description in the link below starting
> with the second option:
> "Driver Installation for Altera USB-Blaster II"
> When it comes to the drivers, there are 3 options to chose - Different to the
> install description below
> select option *"Altera USB-Blaster II (JTAG Interface)"* and *NOT!! *the
> option "Altera USB-Blaster II (Unconfigured)"
> from the description.
> After installation the Blaster should came up in the device manager as: JTAG
> Cabels -> Altera USB-Blaster II (JTAG Interface)
> Start the Programmer (Quartus Prime 18.1) SW and You should be able to select
> the programmer "Altera USB-Blaster II (JTAG Interface)"
> To program the HL2 FPGA, please *follow strictly* the description and the nice
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Hermes-Lite" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to
> <>.

Wolfram Perrey

Feb 18, 2019, 10:04:14 AM2/18/19
to Hermes-Lite
Hello Sebastian, I think that the blue screen behavior is linked to a problem when Windows is going to load the wrong drivers
for the STM32 Blaster Clone. I was able to replicate of what You described as Your problem and the same behavior I found
reported in some Internet forums. To get it working You must be sure that Your system is clear, that the right Quartus ii
drivers are pre installed and are loading correctly during Blaster plugin. Make sure that Windows is disabled to load or install
"anything better, newer more compatible or safer" ahead. Its good practice to disable windows installing any driver from itself
since many problems comes from this nobo feature. Did You take a look to the links and description and tried to get Your
blaster problem fixed? I think that there is nothing wrong with Your device and that it works well. 

Inside I found a "ARMJISHU USB-Blaster" with STM32 - and for sure, in my case I found it working perfect.

Jim Smith

Feb 18, 2019, 3:06:33 PM2/18/19
to Hermes-Lite
Hello Wolfram, 

I have a simple test. 

I plug in my USB-Blaster from Hobby Components. 

It is detected by Quartus Programmer, it is detected, and I can upload the fpga firmware. 

I plug in my STM32 Blaster clone, and get the dreaded Blue Screen. 

Quartus Programmer was then installed on Ubuntu, running in a Windows Virtualbox.  Both USB-Blasters were detected correctly. 

It seems to me that Sebastien is correct in his assertion that the Quartus Windows device driver is the problem. 

BTW installing Quartus Programmer on Ubuntu was a pain: 
Couldn't find - had to mess with LD_LIBRARY_PATH incantations to fix that. 
Then was missing - not released with Ubuntu 18.04.  So had to install it. 
Then complained that it failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
It's almost enough to make me like Windows...


Jim - G3ZQC

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Steve Haynal

Feb 18, 2019, 11:30:42 PM2/18/19
to Hermes-Lite
Hi All,

My interpretation is that Wolfram thinks it is the driver too and not the hardware. That is why he gave very explicit instructions on how to install the driver. Has anyone tried these instructions? Wolfram, would you be willing to add them to the wiki?



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Jim Smith

Feb 19, 2019, 4:19:45 AM2/19/19
to Wolfram Perrey, Hermes-Lite
Hi Wolfram, 

I followed your instructs as closely as I could, but when I attempted to install the USB_Blaster II drivers I received the message "Windows could not find drivers for your device".  What is the device id of your usb blaster?  Mine is 6001. 


Jim - G3ZQC

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Sebastien F4GRX

Feb 19, 2019, 10:53:15 AM2/19/19
to Hermes-Lite
Got the same message

Clones are definitely USB Blaster V1, not V2

I got my clone detected by the driver provided by Quartus 18.1 in a windows 7
VM, so the BSOD issue could really be a win10 related issue.

But even if my usb blaster is detected, the Quartus programmer gives an error
that it can not detect my jtag chain.

Next try this evening with a Linux version of Quartus.


Le 19/02/2019 à 10:19, Jim Smith a écrit :
> Hi Wolfram, 
> I followed your instructs as closely as I could, but when I attempted to
> install the USB_Blaster *II* drivers I received the message "Windows could not
> find drivers for your device".  What is the device id of your usb blaster? 
> Mine is 6001. 
> 73
> Jim - G3ZQC
> On Mon, 18 Feb 2019 at 04:04, Wolfram Perrey <
> <>> wrote:
> Hello, I´m not sure that the problem with the STM32 USB Blaster was solved
> but I want give a report that I use the same
> STMbased Blaster Clone as Sebastian´s, without problems. There are
> different Blaster Clones on the market and this STM32 Clone
> is the ARMJISHU USB Blaster, among others as described in this link:
> Driver installation:First disable automatic driver installation over
> internet or search on computer.
> Quartus Prime 18.1 programmer SW should be installed before driver
> installation as the Quartus SW
> came together with a nice driver sub-folder.
> C:\intelFPGA\18.1\qprogrammer\drivers\usb-blaster-ii
> For driver installation use the install description in the link below
> starting with the second option:
> "Driver Installation for Altera USB-Blaster II"
> When it comes to the drivers, there are 3 options to chose - Different to
> the install description below
> select option *"Altera USB-Blaster II (JTAG Interface)"* and *NOT!! *the
> option "Altera USB-Blaster II (Unconfigured)"
> from the description.
> After installation the Blaster should came up in the device manager as:
> JTAG Cabels -> Altera USB-Blaster II (JTAG Interface)
> Start the Programmer (Quartus Prime 18.1) SW and You should be able to
> select the programmer "Altera USB-Blaster II (JTAG Interface)"
> To program the HL2 FPGA, please *follow strictly* the description and the
> <>.
> For more options, visit
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Hermes-Lite" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to
> <>.

Wolfram Perrey

Feb 19, 2019, 1:01:09 PM2/19/19
to Hermes-Lite
Hello Jim, look to the attachment of what I´v here, inside a ARM32 device and purcharsed from AliE. PID_6001&REV_0400
May be there are some "frogs" around but looking to the offers from the top sellers in AliE they are almost the same and with
very little claims, (happy customers;-). They call it Rev 3 device with a STM32 uC inside. May be You have to buy another
one, but be careful. Please look to the top seller and there customer claims. When You have a good one It behaves
like a original. I know, its ugly with such problems, but may be I could help You to get it running.

USB Blaster clone (1).JPG
USB Blaster clone (2).JPG
USB Blaster clone (3).JPG
USB Blaster clone (4).JPG
USB Blaster clone (5).JPG

Wolfram Perrey

Feb 19, 2019, 1:16:15 PM2/19/19
to Hermes-Lite
Hello Steve, Yes, good suggestion and I will do this since driver installation under Windows can be a very unforgiving place.
Regarding the clones, there are some older with a Miccroship uC and newer once with STM32, but both are working fine.
Looking to the Aliexpress custumer reports from top sellers, there almost no problems reported. There is no HW problem
when the Blaster is purchased from a trustful top seller.
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Jim Smith

Feb 19, 2019, 3:52:18 PM2/19/19
to Wolfram Perrey, Hermes-Lite
Hi Wolfram, 

Thank you for your kind offer of help, however, I have since bought a replacement Blaster from a UK vendor, and that seems to be fine.  My 'failing' Blaster looks exactly the same as yours, but I guess mine's a 'frog'.  Still don't understand how yours was recognised as a Blaster II - but there's so much I don't understand these days😡... 

Thanks for all your help. 


Jim - G3ZQC

Steve Haynal

Mar 9, 2019, 7:41:44 PM3/9/19
to Hermes-Lite
Hi Group,

My second USB blaster arrived, but it is another PIC-based one so works fine with Windows 10. I ordered from the link below, which is also the same as the one on the wiki page.



On Friday, February 15, 2019 at 9:23:03 PM UTC-8, Steve Haynal wrote:


Mar 10, 2019, 5:26:09 AM3/10/19
to Steve Haynal, Hermes-Lite

Hi Steve et all


My über-buggy STM-based jtag programmer was also sold by Alicexxx.

I doubt I could ask him to open each box to check the MCU reference…. Anyway, I’ll try and keep you informed



De : <> De la part de Steve Haynal
Envoyé : dimanche 10 mars 2019 01:42

À : Hermes-Lite <>
Objet : Re: Windows 10 - Problem with (clone) USB Blaster


Hi Group,


My second USB blaster arrived, but it is another PIC-based one so works fine with Windows 10. I ordered from the link below, which is also the same as the one on the wiki page.







On Friday, February 15, 2019 at 9:23:03 PM UTC-8, Steve Haynal wrote:

Hi Group,


I looked inside and my USB Blaster is like Claudio's with PIC 18F14K50 and LVC244A. I paid $4.81 on e-bay, including shipping, in December 2016. I ordered mine from seller alice1101983

I've never had any issues, and recently started using it on 64-bit Windows 10.


That seller is still selling the USB blaster, but no guarantee it is still one of the PIC-based ones.



I read discussion on the internet saying the STM-based ones have issues, but didn't think it was 100% conclusive. People should try contacting a seller before purchasing to verify if the USB blaster is PIC-based. I will order a new one to see what comes.


I'd also recommend the virtual machine route as described in an earlier post. You will have to make sure the driver is not installed in the host, but only in the virtual machine. When I install Quartus, I don't have the USB blaster plugged in and I don't select install of drivers.










On Friday, February 15, 2019 at 9:10:52 AM UTC-8, in3otd wrote:

FWIW, my programmer has a PIC 18F14K50 and a LVC244A buffer. I've used it with Quartus 16.1 under Windows 10 without any problem.
I bought it for the whopping sum of 2.95 USD, shipping included, a couple of years ago on eBay; unfortunately I cannot find the seller anymore.
USB IDs are also idVendor=09fb,idProduct=6001.

Image supprimée par l'expéditeur.Image supprimée par l'expéditeur.

73 de Claudio, IN3OTD / DK1CG

On Friday, February 15, 2019 at 2:53:01 PM UTC+1, f6itu wrote:

Hi all

I’m just recovering from a general corruption of the kernel after the BSOD.

Please, do NOT insist If you don’t have a recent backup (or if you are not playing with a VM)

My last backup and recovery key were 350 miles away, so I had to reconstruct and reinstall all my applications, sofwares and special files (still working on it right now). I even lost my password safe :- (


If anyone knows which  blaster clone would run under w10, I think we are a certain number of people wishing to have this info :- ) )



Marc f6itu



Graeme Jury

Mar 10, 2019, 5:52:34 AM3/10/19
to Hermes-Lite
I also got an STM blaster which wouldn't work for me from Alicexxx but I have jumped in and ordered another in case they have a batch of pic blasters in stock. It's very difficult to find a supplier who says what the chipset is. I am still running on the original beta 6 software and can't load up any of the test versions at present- very frustrating.

73, Graeme ZL2APV

Alan Hopper

Mar 10, 2019, 6:34:13 AM3/10/19
to Hermes-Lite

I have a stm blaster that works fine on windows 10, It was from ebay some time ago and the seller no longer exists.


73 Alan M0NNB

Steve Haynal

Mar 10, 2019, 12:49:49 PM3/10/19
to Hermes-Lite
Hi Group,

Alan, did you have to do anything special to get your STM blaster to work properly?

Graeme and Marc, did you try your STM blasters with Linux (virtual or direct), and/or follow Wolfram's Windows 10 install instructions and still see problems?

I will order another one from a different vendor.



Alan Hopper

Mar 10, 2019, 1:24:15 PM3/10/19
to Hermes-Lite
I don't think so, as far as I can remember I just used the drivers that altera installed, I guess the ones already installed for the cv/cva9. I found the ebay email, it was march 2017.
73 Alan M0NNB

K Jones

Mar 10, 2019, 6:26:24 PM3/10/19
to Alan Hopper, Hermes-Lite
Thanks Steve.....I ordered on from your link last night and have it on the way.



Graeme Jury

Mar 10, 2019, 11:04:58 PM3/10/19
to Hermes-Lite
Hello Steve,

Thanks for responding. I am using Linux direct and can get it to be recognized but when I try to burn it says Jtag chain broken. I had an older blaster which I gave to zl1ami when he was setting up which used to work just fine and I can program my HL1 so my setup is OK, it is the blaster which is the problem. I have 2 faulty ones both STM types and bought from different outlets. I hope that the one I have ordered from your link 2 days ago will work for me. I find it hard to believe that the STM blasters are total junk and feel that there must be a setting or something which I (and others) have missed.

73, Graeme
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