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HEP Software Foundation Workshop 2016 announcement

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Michel Jouvin

Mar 1, 2016, 9:15:20 AM3/1/16
to HEP SW & Computing

The HEP Software Foundation had its first formative workshop at SLAC in January 2015. That workshop led to the establishment of HSF activity areas in the topics of greatest community interest identified at the workshop, with an organization following the model of a community-driven "do-ocracy". Since then, these activities have developed and new opportunities present themselves.

The HSF will hold its second workshop May 2-4 2016 at LAL in Orsay, near Paris (France). LAL have kindly volunteered to host, assuring us of another fine venue. Registration is open with all the logistics/travel information: The program will have two main elements. The first element will be a plenary gathering with talks and discussion on progress to date and future plans, how to garner greater participation, new initiatives and projects, and guest speakers from the open software community. The second element will be a select number of focused mini-workshops and hackathons, in areas of current or potential HSF activity that are of broad interest and relevance, with hands-on objectives. The ‘do-ocracy’ part of the program.

Workshop content and topics have not been finalized, we would like your input in order to do that, but a working-draft program is here, together with a doodle poll to quickly collect your input. Registration is open and logistics have been established. Please register!

Main elements of the program:

  • An opening plenary Monday afternoon with talks and discussion on progress to date and future plans, how to garner greater participation,. new initiatives and projects, and guest speakers from the open software community. If you’d like to present a project or an initiative, please submit a short abstract.

  • All day Tuesday, focused topical sessions (mini workshops and hackathons). See the working draft linked above. Your suggestions are welcome.

  • Wednesday morning, parallel session wrap-ups before coffee and a plenary with reports out of the sessions followed by a wrap-up on conclusions and next steps. Workshop concludes at lunch time.

You are encourage to register but whether you do it now or not, please take 3 minutes now to give your input via the doodle poll. It will greatly help the organizers to get an early impression of topic interest and attendance expectations. If you have topic suggestions not in the poll, or have comments or questions on the program, you can add a comment in the poll, or send your comments to the HSF startup team

We look forward to seeing you in Orsay!

On behalf of the HSF Startup Team,


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