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The HEP Software Foundation's first Workshop Jan 2015 at SLAC

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Torre Wenaus

Nov 11, 2014, 1:43:13 PM11/11/14
This is a preliminary announcement of a new HEP software and computing initiative, the HEP Software Foundation (HSF), and an open HSF workshop Jan 20-21 2015 at SLAC. We invite you to visit
for information on the HSF, and 
for information on the January workshop.

An official website for the workshop will follow shortly, but we wanted to get it on the calendar of interested people right away.

We are disseminating this in an ad hoc way via various lists -- please send it along within your community -- in the absence of a single community-wide mailing list for such occasional broad announcements. Our community needs such a list, so we have created one, a High Energy Physics software and computing community list. We invite you to sign up and encourage your colleagues to do the same:

Everyone involved or interested in HEP S&C is encouraged to join the list. It will be used for occasional mailings of general interest, such as announcements of HEP S&C conferences, workshops and schools. The subscription list is private and will not be shared. You can sign yourself up if you login to Google, or if you don't wish to do that, send your name and email address to and you'll be signed up. Also email that address if you have an announcement you'd like to have sent out on the list.

  Best regards,
    Pere Mato and Torre Wenaus, HSF startup team leads
    Richard Mount, SLAC HSF Workshop organizer
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