Dear HSF friends and colleagues
We are very pleased to announce that the final version of the
Roadmap for HEP Software and Computing R&D for the 2020s white paper is available on arXiv: circulate the link to your community and colleagues. The roadmap is published with 268 authors from 111 institutes, covering many regions and different experiments. Our thanks to everyone who supported us. We are very grateful to all of the people who participated in the
Community White Paper process that led us from our first workshop in January to the final publication.
Although the final white paper contains a long list of authors and supporters, we would still like to broaden its support. If you would like to add your name to the paper to endorse it please email us at with your name and institute. Let us stress, you do not need to have written the paper to sign, only that you agree with its spirit and its conclusions.
Now that we have written our roadmap we need to get to work, so we would like to warmly invite you to the joint
HSF and WLCG Workshop in Naples, from March 26-29 next year.
We wish you a very happy holiday and look forward to seeing you in Naples.
Best wishes
Graeme Stewart, John Harvey, Michel Jouvin, Benedikt Hegner, Eduardo Rodrigues, David Lange and Liz Sexton-Kennedy for the CWP Editorial Board