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Re: Registration is open : Thematic CERN School of Computing 2015

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Pere Mato Vila

Dec 5, 2014, 2:34:24 AM12/5/14
Dear colleagues,

  This might be of general interest to our community, in particular since the theme of the school is “Efficient, Parallel Programming and I/O”.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Alberto Pace <>
Subject: Registration is open : Thematic CERN School of Computing 2015
Date: 4 Dec 2014 11:32:12 GMT+1
To: Pere Mato Vila <>

Dear Pere,
The registration is open for the 2015 thematic CERN School of Computing ( focused on Efficient, Parallel Programming and I/O for Big Data in Science.
This tCSC2014 will last one week and take place the 17-23 May 2015 in Split, Croatia and is independent from the main 2015 CERN School of Computing (that will take place in September in Greece). See for all CSC upcoming schools.
Any participant, including former and future CSC participants of the main summer school, can attend the thematic school. To apply to the school, students need to fill the registration form (and ensure to login to indico using a CERN account or a lightweight account as explained in the login page). Registration will close beginning of February 2015. We are fully aware of the difficult financial period of many public institutions and we managed to arrange a very reasonable fee (550 EUR). Be aware that also this year the school will accept a limited number of participants.


The theme of the 3rd thematic CSC is “Efficient, Parallel Programming and I/O”, covering among other topics:
-          Programming for concurrency: modern and performing C++, expressing parallelism pragmatically, resource protection and thread safety, strategies to obtain peak performance with a large application
-          Concepts for efficient computing: data oriented design, future technologies overview
-          Structuring data for efficient I/O: ways to store data, preserving data, key Ingredients to achieve effective I/O
Here are the links to the detailed schedule and to the practical information. You are most welcome to pass-on this information to colleagues potentially interested, within or outside CERN. I also apologize to those who will receive this announcement through multiple channels.
Best Regards.
Alberto Pace
Director, CERN School of Computing
For enquiries and correspondence related to the school, contact information is available at

The 3rd thematic CERN School of Computing
17th – 23rd  May 2015, Split, Croatia

Organised by CERN in collaboration with the  University of Split (FESB)  



“Efficient, Parallel Programming and I/O for Big Data in Science”

Chair-person, Local Organising Committee Ivica Puljak, University of Split (FESB) 

Pere Mato  CERN, PH Department, CH 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
e-mail: tel:   +41 22 76 78696
fax:  +41 22 76 68792 gsm: +41 76 48 70855

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