[Please note that the deadline for the school below is soon: 15 September!]
VIII edition of the School ESC (Efficiency in Scientific Computing)
Bertinoro (FC) 24-29 October 2016
The eighth edition of the INFN International School on "Architectures,
tools and methodologies for developing efficient large scale
scientific computing applications - ESC16" will be held in Bertinoro
(Italy) from the 24th to the 29th October 2016.
The school is mostly targeted to PhD students, post-docs and young
researchers who are actively involved with the development of
scientific applications and systems. Familiarity and experience
with basic concepts of modern OO languages, in particular with C++
language, are desirable prerequisites to attend the school.
The program of this year is structured along two main tracks:
*The basics of efficient programming:*
* New processor architectures
* Efficient floating point computation
* Tools and methodologies for improving performance
* Efficient exploitation of the C++ language
* Managing memory usage
*Parallel programming for scientific applications:*
* Introduction, OpenMP programming
* GPU architectures and heterogeneous programming
* Effective vectorization
* Introduction to OpenCL and CUDA
* Cluster computing
Lectures will be interspersed with tutorial and practical sessions,
providing opportunities for direct applications of optimization
tools and technologies as well as for interactions among students,
lecturers and tutors.
Detailed agenda and further information to apply to ESC16
are available on the school web site
The deadline for application is: *15 September 2016*.
Mauro Morandin
On behalf of the International Scientific Committee
Peter Elmer E-mail:
Peter...@cern.ch Phone:
+41 (22) 767-4644
Address: CERN PH-UCM, Bldg. 32 2C-14 CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland