We want to make you aware of new information for your travel plans to the HEP Software Foundation Workshop at SLAC, Jan 20-21 2015:
The workshop group block at the guest house is now confirmed and guests may begin to book reservations. Guests can reserve their rooms in two ways. They may contact our front desk, 24 hours a day at
(650) 926-2800 or book online at
http://guesthouse.stanford.edu/reservations (SLAC affiliation, 'SLAC Conferee'). Please advise guests to use the group code HEP0115 in order to receive the correct rate and be included in the group block.
Unfortunately the official SLAC webpage with registration information is not yet available, so there will be a follow-on announcement -- advance apologies because this is intended to be a very low traffic list. The registration cost will be small, about $50.
The latest planning information for the workshop is in yesterday's HSF startup team report
Finally, please keep encouraging your colleagues to sign up to this HEP-wide S&C list; we're at a little over 100 subscribers so a long way to go. Instructions at
Torre for the HSF Startup team