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Reminder: ROOT User's Workshop, 15-18 September 2015, Saas-Fee

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Pere Mato Vila

Jul 13, 2015, 3:54:12 AM7/13/15
to roottalk (Mailing list for ROOT users.), root-planning (Mailing list for the ROOT 6 migration planning meetings),, project-lcg-af (LCG Architects Forum)
Dear ROOT User,

We would like to remind you that the registration for the ROOT Users'
Workshop <> is open.  Please register to
discuss the future of ROOT, celebrate its 20th birthday, and enjoy
presentations by Bjarne Stroustrup (the inventor of C++) on how to write
good, modern C++; by Electric Arts on games and data analysis; and by
Wolfgang Huber on R and genomics.

We want to discuss with our users what needs to be changed in ROOT to
improve your data analysis tool. Please submit an abstract for a
presentation on how you use ROOT and what you would like to see improved.

*The abstract submission deadline is 02 August 2015.*
*Registration closes on 16 August 2015.*

Best regards,

Pere Mato  CERN, PH Department, CH 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
e-mail: tel:   +41 22 76 78696
fax:  +41 22 76 68792 gsm: +41 75 41 10855

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