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HSF community calendar, Community White Paper, 2017 meetings

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Peter Elmer

Aug 29, 2016, 7:11:21 AM8/29/16
to HEP SW & Computing

A few HSF-related notes...

HSF Google Calendar

In order to help schedule future HSF events we have put together a
google calendar:

This contains known community events which impact those involved in computing
and software, experiment collaboration meetings of various types, and major
HEP events of general interest.

In particular we are now starting to fill in the 2017 calendar. If you are
aware of events (even if still "TBC/to-be-confirmed") which are not in the
calendar, please send me a private email ( information
about them: event name, inclusive dates, location and website if available.

Next HSF workshops

As previously posted by M.Jouvin on this list, we are planning a
half-day organizational meeting for the Community White Paper (CWP)
initiative, presented at the last HSF workshop (*) and now formalized
by WLCG into a charge (**). This will take place as a pre-CHEP
meeting, on the afternoon of Sunday October 9 in San Francisco (CHEP
venue). If you are finalizing your CHEP plans, please take this
into account.

In addition we are also looking for dates for a full 3-4 day HSF workshop,
which will be important to make progress on the CWP initiative. The fall is
already very full and thus we are looking at dates in the 2nd half of January,
2017. If you are aware of meetings of widespread interest which could conflict,
again please send them in private mail ( in the next
couple of days if possible.



Peter Elmer E-mail: Phone: +41 (22) 767-4644
Address: CERN PH-UCM, Bldg. 32 2C-14 CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
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