Sending email using Gmail SMTPS from SMTP

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Julian Tree

Oct 11, 2012, 7:03:24 AM10/11/12
to Helma User Mailing List
Hi Helma Community, 

I just want to get a clear idea on where we should submit the code change to the helma 1.x core to in the future.  I know there is Helma NG/RingoJS now, but I am launch a site for a company that require stable production release. So I'm still using Helma 1.7.0.  

I recently came across an issue while sending email using the GMAIL SMTP using helma.Mail that required me to modified the source code at helma.Mail.js

Everything is fine if you are sending email using port 25, all you have you do is to enable 

smtp.tls = true 

in the

However, if you for some reason your service provider (GoGrid) decided to block your outgoing port 25 and you are forced to use port 465
 to communicate with Gmail, then helma.Mail just hang when using the helma.Mail.send() 

I finally was able to get it to work by modifying the helma.Mail.js by changing:

 "mail.transport.protocol" to "smtps", you need to set the other properties as "mail.smtps." properties, not "mail.smtp." properties.

This seems to work for me at least for now, however, it leaves out the SMTP protocol. I feel like some revision to the smtp setup is need to allow smtps. 

Any recommendations and where should the new code be submitted to?  On github and which repository? 


Daniel Ruthardt

Oct 11, 2012, 7:11:06 AM10/11/12
Hi Julian,

to quickly answer your main question without having read the actual SMTP details (short lunch break): is and was meant to be a github mirror of the SVN repository in order to create forks on GitHub. is and was meant to be my forked version which ultimately should have been a complete rewrite from the inside. The issue list on this fork also represents what was in Bugzilla and lots of issues have been fixed already and some things have already been re-written and improved. But to be honest, I also didn't find a lot of time lately to continue, although it is still my plan to do so. So I would be happy to see your bugfix also in my fork.

But, feel free to commit it to any other fork like


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Tobi Schäfer

Oct 11, 2012, 7:16:47 AM10/11/12
hi julian

as the oberhamsi fork at github seems to be the only helma codebase which has advanced reasonably and (afaik) is the base for’s production code i suggest you direct your pull requests to there.!topic/helma/E0i-M_n4j3s


Simon Oberhammer

Oct 11, 2012, 8:28:50 AM10/11/12
Hi Julian,

I just want to get a clear idea on where we should submit the code change to the helma 1.x core to in the future. 

I finally updated the "official" helma-org/helma repository and would recommend you base your patch on <>.

Because - important for your patch - I merged the formerly separate repositories "manage" and "modules" into this helma repo.

So even if you yourself use 1.7.0... the current helma-org/helma repository is the most likely candidate for a future release (it only has two patches on top of 1.7.1, both of which have been extensively used in production).


Daniel Ruthardt

Oct 11, 2012, 8:40:27 AM10/11/12
Hi all,

forget my last post.

What I haven't seen is, that the helma-org/helma repository on GitHub now became the only repository and as such is not anymore just a readonly mirror of the SVN repository, what I thought it still is.
So in this case helma-org/helma definitely is the place to send pull requests to.

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