Helma-based web app

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Apr 22, 2011, 2:52:28 PM4/22/11
to Helma
Time to announce what I've been asking all these questions about.
Goss*p, a social network powered by Helma 1.7.0. I had another version
running on App Engine and ringo but the blob upload never worked for
me so I went back to Helma and finished it. It's sort of a running
prototype but nonetheless some kind of credit to Helma that I could
learn, program and deploy the system in the time I did, coming from a
non-programming background.


It's a standard Helma app with a MySQL backend and regular file
storage for images. It looks like the jala libs could have really
helped me out but they documentation is so scant that I couldn't work
them out.

Anyway, that's why I've been hanging around here for the past year or

Pete Giovagnoli

Julian Tree

Apr 22, 2011, 3:13:26 PM4/22/11
to he...@googlegroups.com
Nice, are you thinking of making it open source?


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Pete Giovagnoli

Apr 22, 2011, 3:16:04 PM4/22/11
to he...@googlegroups.com
Oh, I think it's probably far too ugly for that. But down the road,
it's definitely something we'll think about.


Julian Tree

Apr 22, 2011, 3:22:07 PM4/22/11
to he...@googlegroups.com
Interesting! Wondering how come you guys went with Helma instead of
Ruby on Rails or Django?

Where are you guys located?

I have evaluated Ruby on Rails and Django and I'm just surprised why
Helma has never pickup. It has being around longer and has all the
features those other framework has and more.


Pete Giovagnoli

Apr 22, 2011, 3:38:31 PM4/22/11
to he...@googlegroups.com
JavaScript is what I knew, so I went for Helma.

Pete Giovagnoli

Apr 22, 2011, 3:42:36 PM4/22/11
to he...@googlegroups.com
Oh, forgot. Chicago USA
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