I'm building a Mostly Printed CNC machine. Actually I have the first one built and doing some tests with a ball point pen mounted to make it a plotter. That let me verify that things are well calibrated and basically working.
Now the fun begins. I've been looking at different CAM options and at the moment have settled on HeeksCNC. I've installed from the PPA and it basically is working OK. But there isn't an output option for GRBL which is what I'm running on my controller at the moment.
So I found someone who had made changes to support GRBL GCode output in HeeksCNC.
I've cloned from the git repositories and have built HeeksCAD with no build errors, but I'm not figuring out what I'm missing for the HeeksCNC build. Initially it was whining that it could not find the TinyXML includes and lib(s). They are present in the build/bin directory under HeeksCAD. The cmake run for HeeksCNC DOES fine my HeeksCAD build, just refuses to find the TinyXML related bits.
I hacked the cmake module file and was able to get it to find the include(s) but am having issues getting it to build when I manually specify the library file.
So I figure that I must have missed a step somewhere before attempting to configure HeeksCNC for building.
Is there a clearly documented way to get HeeksCNC to build and where might I find that doc?
I'm building on Linux Mint 17.1 64bit and all the required packages have been installed.