[ANN] Apache Gora 0.4 Released

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Lewis John Mcgibbney

Apr 26, 2014, 10:57:56 PM4/26/14
to us...@avro.apache.org, us...@cassandra.apache.org, us...@hbase.apache.org, us...@accumulo.apache.org, solr...@lucene.apache.org, hector...@googlegroups.com

Good Afternoon Everyone,
> The Apache Gora team are very proud to announce the immediate release of
> Gora 0.4 which is a major release for the project.
> The Apache Gora open source framework provides an in-memory data model and
> persistence for big data. Gora supports persisting to column stores, key
> value stores, document stores and RDBMSs, and analyzing the data with
> extensive Apache Hadoop™ MapReduce support. Gora uses the Apache Software
> License v2.0.
> This release addresses no fewer than 60 issues. Major improvements within
> the release scope comprise a complete upgrade to Apache Avro 1.7.X and
> overhaul of the Gora persistency API (such improvements enable Gora to be
> used to map much more expressive and complicated data structures than
> previously available), upgrades to Apache HBase 0.94.13, Apache Cassandra
> 2.0.X and Apache Accumulo 1.5.X.
> Users can also benefit from using Gora + Solr for object-to-datastore
> mapping with the addition of the new Solr module which uses Solr 4.X.
> Gora sources tar.gz and .zip release artifacts (along with signatures) can
> be obtained from visiting our DOWNLOADS [0] page. We also encourage users
> to upgrade their build dependencies using our published Maven Artifacts [1].
> Please redistribute this email to your project mailing list.
> Thanks
> Lewis
> (on behalf of the Apache Gora team)
> [0] http://gora.apache.org/downloads.html
> [1] http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|gora

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