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9/23 - ACP 400k - Italy, TX

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Pam Wright

Sep 11, 2023, 9:01:21 PM9/11/23
to Lone * Star * Randonneurs, Houston Randonneurs E-Mail Group, Hill Country Randonneurs E-Mail Group, Heart of Texas Randonneurs
Hi all,

We've got more rides coming up.  Please let me know if you're interested in joining us for this 400.  You know the drill :-). Details below.  Waiver & cue sheet attached.  Complete, print, sign and email the completed waiver to Dan and me AND bring the hard copy to the Dan at the ride start.   

Even if you're a maybe, please send the waiver in.  I'll start an interested list as waivers arrive.

  • Membership:  Membership is required for LSR and RUSA:  RUSA Membership and LSR Membership
    • LSR membership honored for 2024 as well  
    • Please verify you used “friends & family” to paypal LSR dues to 
  • Start:  Italy TigerMart (behind Denny's), 101 LR Campbell Rd., Italy, TX (Store continues to have restrooms closed to 1 stall each so please plan your time accordingly)
  • Park:  Either behind Denny's (preferred) or along the eastern part of the parking lot along the I-35 service road.  
  • Dinner:  Let me know if anyone is interested in a possible Denny's dinner Friday night
  • Cue Sheets:  Please print your own cue sheet - attached.
  • Night Gear:  Required.  Lights.  Reflective vest and ankle bands.
  • Services:  TigerMart (24hr), Denny's (7a-11p, 24hr Th,F,S), Golden Chick.
    • Across street:  Subway, Taco Bell, Rice Express
    • Across Hwy:  Loves (24hr) Shell (24hr), McD's, Jack in the Box, Sonic
  • Hotel:  Italy Inn 101 LR Campbell Rd, Italy 76651.  972.483.7507. (24HR ride start)
    • This place is kinda "rough" - I bring eye mask/ear plugs for truck stop noises/lights
    • rooms w micro/refrig cost $10 more/night - verify with hotel!
    • Hotel guests get free coffee & sodas from the fountain machine - no breakfast
    • I used to book so I'd have something in writing.  Pricing was the same as calling.
  • A bridge is still showing out SE of Mexia through September.  Due to the distance to drive it, we will continue using the detour route unless the bridge can be verified.

  • Proof of Passage:  Proof of passage will be by EPP, store receipts and/or time-stamped photos from each control.  YOU are responsible for getting the following to Dan immediately after your finish.
  • 400k ACP:  Mexia Breveta 400ka - thanks Stephen for the reroute below

Please note:
Randonneuring inherently involves various hazards, and riders assume all risks associated with the activity.  Hazards include, but are not limited to, motor vehicles; other cyclists; loose dogs, livestock or wild animals; road flaws including cracks, potholes, ridges, gratings, rumble strips, sand or gravel; lightning, heat, cold, ice, or other hazardous weather; mechanical failures; fatigue; medical conditions; assault.  All routes are on public roads or paths, and neither the route nor any flaws in the road surface are marked.  All routes are unsupported.  Riders will be required to sign and submit the attached waiver prior to riding.  Please read it, as you are signing away some rights and are responsible for knowing what you sign.

Pam Wright
_RUSAWaiver Mexia Breveta 400ka.pdf
MexiaBreveta400ka Bridge out Oct 2023 SH.pdf

Pam Wright

Sep 12, 2023, 7:17:30 PM9/12/23
to Lone * Star * Randonneurs, Houston Randonneurs E-Mail Group, Hill Country Randonneurs E-Mail Group, Heart of Texas Randonneurs
Interested riders/Waivers received:
  • Joe Landry
  • Mike Misner
  • Nick Dawe
  • Dan Driscoll
  • Pam Wright
  • Peter Rajcani TBD

Start time: 5:30am
We got votes for times ranging from 430 to 630 so splitting the difference unless someone hollers.

Hi all,

We've got more rides coming up.  Please let me know if you're interested in joining us for this 400.  You know the drill :-). Details below.  Waiver & cue sheet attached.  Complete, print, sign and email the completed waiver to Dan and me AND bring the hard copy to the Dan at the ride start.   

Even if you're a maybe, please send the waiver in.  I'll start an interested list as waivers arrive.

  • Membership:  Membership is required for LSR and RUSA:  RUSA Membership and LSR Membership
    • LSR membership honored for 2024 as well  
    • Please verify you used “friends & family” to paypal LSR dues to 
  • Start:  Italy TigerMart (behind Denny's), 101 LR Campbell Rd., Italy, TX (Store continues to have restrooms closed to 1 stall each so please plan your time accordingly)
  • Park:  Either behind Denny's (preferred) or along the eastern part of the parking lot along the I-35 service road.  
  • Dinner:  Let me know if anyone is interested in a possible Denny's dinner Friday night
  • Cue Sheets:  Please print your own cue sheet - attached.
  • Night Gear:  Required.  Lights.  Reflective vest and ankle bands.  Sun up:  7:16am-7:23pm
  • Services:  TigerMart (24hr), Denny's (7a-11p, 24hr Th,F,S), Golden Chick.
    • Across street:  Subway, Taco Bell, Rice Express
    • Across Hwy:  Loves (24hr) Shell (24hr), McD's, Jack in the Box, Sonic
  • Hotel:  Italy Inn 101 LR Campbell Rd, Italy 76651.  972.483.7507. (24HR ride start)
    • This place is kinda "rough" - I bring eye mask/ear plugs for truck stop noises/lights
    • rooms w micro/refrig cost $10 more/night - verify with hotel!
    • Hotel guests get free coffee & sodas from the fountain machine - no breakfast
    • I used to book so I'd have something in writing.  Pricing was the same as calling.
  • A bridge is still showing out SE of Mexia through September.  Due to the distance to drive it, we will continue using the detour route unless the bridge can be verified.

  • Proof of Passage:  Proof of passage will be by EPP, store receipts and/or time-stamped photos from each control.  YOU are responsible for getting the following to Dan immediately after your finish.
  • 400k ACP:  Mexia Breveta 400ka - thanks Stephen for the reroute below
Please note:
Randonneuring inherently involves various hazards, and riders assume all risks associated with the activity.  Hazards include, but are not limited to, motor vehicles; other cyclists; loose dogs, livestock or wild animals; road flaws including cracks, potholes, ridges, gratings, rumble strips, sand or gravel; lightning, heat, cold, ice, or other hazardous weather; mechanical failures; fatigue; medical conditions; assault.  All routes are on public roads or paths, and neither the route nor any flaws in the road surface are marked.  All routes are unsupported.  Riders will be required to sign and submit the attached waiver prior to riding.  Please read it, as you are signing away some rights and are responsible for knowing what you sign.

Pam Wright
_RUSAWaiver Mexia Breveta 400ka.pdf
MexiaBreveta400ka Bridge out Oct 2023 SH.pdf
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