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Epic Ride Weather forecast Italy 1000k

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Pam Wright

Oct 23, 2022, 9:50:50 PM10/23/22
to Lone * Star * Randonneurs, Houston Randonneurs E-Mail Group, Heart of Texas Randonneurs, Hill Country Randonneurs E-Mail Group, West Tx Randonneurs, Andrew Kjellin, Kamran Azmoudeh, Sarah Rice, Lena Chon
Looks like this will be the first cold ride for LSR this year and yes, we call 50 degrees cold right now.  This is as of today, so please keep an eye on weather as you pack.  Looks like we should expect some cold, rain and definitely wind.  

Day 2 is teasing us with some potential tailwind both ways (I won't hold my breath) and Day 3 looks to be our best chance of a traditional south wind, so pack a few extra items folks... you may need a few more dry options for the overnights :-)

DAY 1 1000k with 12.5mph average 
Ride forecast for October 29, 2022 at 7:30 AM:

Temperature: 51.3°F to 64.1°F, feels like 51.5°F to 64.3°F
Wind: 7.7 to 16.7 mph, with gusts up to 18.3 mph
13% probability of very light precipitation

from the Epic Ride Weather app


DAY 2 1000k at 11.5mph average
Ride forecast for October 30, 2022 at 6:30 AM:

Temperature: 48.7°F to 66.9°F, feels like 45.7°F to 67.2°F
Wind: 3.6 to 8.2 mph, with gusts up to 20.9 mph
Probability of precipitation: 0%

from the Epic Ride Weather app


DAY 3 1000k at 10.5mph average
Ride forecast for October 31, 2022 at 6:30 AM:

Temperature: 48.9°F to 74.8°F, feels like 45.5°F to 75.3°F
Wind: 7.7 to 18 mph, with gusts up to 37.7 mph
Probability of precipitation: 0%

from the Epic Ride Weather app


Sent from Pam's phone
Please pardon misspellings and/or short responses. 
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