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Last Big One of the year !!!

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Dan Driscoll

Sep 7, 2023, 7:12:10 PM9/7/23
to, B -Houston Randonneurs, B -Hill Country Randonneurs, B -Heart of Texas
For many a Big one is something longer than a 600km ;=)

October 7th is the date of the last 1,000km in RUSA for 2023.

If you need a 1,000km to close a RUSA Cup, or an ACP 5,0000km or 10,000km, this year, we got your back…or maybe you need it to start your next RUSA Cup ;=).

On October 7th, LSR will be Hosting an ACP 200, 300, 400, 600 and 1,000km Brevet, as well as a RUSA 355km Brevet (which is the first day of the 600km and 1,000km).

Pam and I are just back from PBP, last night, and eager to get an interested list going, especially for the 1,000km, as it requires the most planning.

These are our Italy Brevets, starting from the Italy Inn, in Italy Texas.

In the next few days we will update the RWGPS Files on the LSR Website.

Today I’d like to hear from anyone interested in riding the 1,000km with us, so we can patch together an interested list, we have had a few out of towners express interest, and I will reach out to all of them in the next few days, and try to create an interested list.

If you are not up to the 1,000km we have lots of other options, but consider the RUSA 355km which is the first day of the 1,000km, so you can join the group for a few more miles.

The current plan is for the 1,000km to keep a good group together at a social pace, with at least a few hours or more of sleep each night. We will try to maintain a focus on fun and re living some PBP stories, from this year and previous years…..


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