Call for Papers - International Workshop on Data Management and Analytics for Medicine and Healthcare (DMAH 2022)

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May 5, 2022, 10:38:17 AM5/5/22

                       -- Call for Papers --      


   The Eighth International Workshop on Data Management and Analytics

                    for Medicine and Healthcare (DMAH 2022)    

                   In Conjunction with VLDB 2022

                Sydney, Australia  - virtual event

                                       September 9, 2022


The format of the workshop is to be decided, but a virtual format will be provided for remote participation.


Healthcare enterprises are producing large amounts of data through electronic

medical records, medical imaging, health insurance claims, surveillance, and

others. Such data have high potential to transform current healthcare to

improve healthcare quality and prevent diseases, and advance biomedical

research. Medical Informatics is an interdisciplinary field that studies

and pursues the effective use of medical data, information, and knowledge

for scientific inquiry, problem solving and decision making, driven by efforts

to improve human health and well being.


The goal of the workshop is to bring people in the field cross-cutting

information management and medical informatics to discuss innovative data

management and analytics technologies highlighting end-to-end applications,

systems, and methods to address problems in healthcare, public health, and

everyday wellness, with clinical, physiological, imaging, behavioral,

environmental, and omic- data, and data from social media and the Web. It

will provide a unique opportunity for interaction between information

management researchers and biomedical researchers for the interdisciplinary



This workshop welcomes papers that address fundamental research issues

for complex medical data environments, data management and analytical

methods, systems and applications.


Topics of interest include, but not limited to:


Big data management for medical data;

Blockchain for healthcare;        

Biomedical data integration;

Biomedical knowledge management and decision support;

Semantics and interoperability for healthcare data;

Clinical natural language processing and text mining;

Predictive modeling for diagnosis and treatment;

Visual analytics for medical data;

Medical image analytics;

Data privacy and security for healthcare data;

Hospital readmission analytics;

Medical fraud detection;

Social media and Web data analytics for public health

(public health 2.0);

Data analytics for pervasive computing for medical care. 



DMAH 2022 accept two types of papers:

1) Regular Research Papers: These papers should report original research results or significant case studies. They should be at most 18 pages.

2) Extended Abstracts: The extended abstracts will present novel research directions or identify challenging problems. They should be at most 4 pages.



Important Dates:


Abstract (optional): May 20, 2022

Individual Workshop Papers: May 26, 2022

Notification of Acceptance: June 20, 2022

Camera Ready: June 25, 2022

Workshop date: September 9, 2022




All submitted papers will be rigorously reviewed. All accepted papers will

be made available as a workshop proceedings to be published by Springer LNCS.


Workshop Chairs:


Fusheng Wang, Stony Brook University, USA

Gang Luo, University of Washington, USA

Dejun Teng, Alibaba Inc., China

Jun Kong, Georgia State University, USA


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