[WG-HealthIDAssurance] Meeting tomorrow canceled, New information below

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Tom (Thomas) Sullivan

Mar 2, 2022, 9:01:46 AM3/2/22
to Kantara WG HealthIDassurance
HIAWG participants,

I spoke with Jim Kragh and we are cancelling the call tomorrow as his group is still working on the new charter and other issues. The next regularly scheduled call is on Thursday February 17th at 2 PM ET

I just received an email from Debbie Bucci who is looking for some interest in forming a discussion group around Healthcare and the Open ID Foundation.

I have indicated an interest in joining: See below with a reply from Eve Maler to Debbie.

Openid-specs-heart <openid-specs-...@lists.openid.net>
 on behalf of 
Eve Maler <eve....@forgerock.com>
Wed 3/2/2022 8:19 AM
600 bytes
Hi Debbie and all — thanks for starting this dialogue!

Over in the UMA group we have been working on a short paper that illustrates how UMA addresses key use cases coming out of PP2PI, enhancing what is possible with OAuth alone (HEART is mentioned). Should have a complete draft ready this week. And the UMA WG is also planning to meet with some folks representing UDAP this week to capture our mutual understanding of how they are complementary. Happy to share all this, and I’d love to learn about your findings.

Eve Maler
CTO  |  ForgeRock
mobile +1 425 345 6756

On Mar 2, 2022, at 7:10 AM, Debbie Bucci <debb...@gmail.com> wrote:


Hello everyone


The purpose of this note is to start a dialog on behalf of the Open ID Foundation.  There is a strong desire on the Foundation’s part to better understand the  Health sector problem space and raise awareness about the OpenID profiles  that have gained wide acceptance/ traction that may benefit .   Primary focus is on the FAPI  family of profiles in particular – but there may be others as well (dare I mention SIOP?) .  In addition to  raising awareness , gaps may be identified in the exiting OIDF profiles.    


The HEART WG realized early on - the conversation is much broader than that a focus on OpenID Connect alone.     As a precursor to the dialog, I am working on a  comparison checklist of sort of the various profiles (FAPI , SMART, HEART UDAP, GNAP, Argonaut 2.0 , IHE etc. ) with a focus on Identity, Authentication, Authorization, Consent, Delegation.   This forum seems like a good place to present my findings to date.   Ideally, I’d like to organize a HEART WG listening session or two to not just discuss this work but also give the opportunity to others that may like to share activities/lessons learn    If you are interested in presenting, please let me know. 


Best Regards


Debbie Bucci


Openid-specs-heart mailing list


Thomas E Sullivan, MD
Chief Medical Strategic Officer
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