BMZ newsletter on health and social protection

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Healthy DEvelopments

Mar 1, 2018, 6:53:12 AM3/1/18

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Logo: Healthy DEvelopments - BMZ

Newsletter 28.02.2018


Dear colleagues,

In the fields of health and social protection digitisation is well under way: The power of data is transforming the work of health posts in Nepal as much as the maintenance of high-tech medical equipment in Uzbekistan. The new page 'Digital health and social protection' gives you an overview of the types of digital approaches German Development Cooperation has supported over the past two-three years.

And in Tanzania, a German-supported programme significantly improved maternal and neonatal health.

Enjoy the reading!

Your editorial team

Karolina Luczak Santana and Anna von Roenne

Current topics

Kalyan­pur Health Post

Bring­ing the power of dig­i­tal data to rural Nepal

As Nepal tran­si­tions to a fed­eral sys­tem of gov­ern­ment, lo­cal mu­nic­i­pal­i­ties need good qual­ity data to plan for and mon­i­tor the de­liv­ery of health ser­vices. The in­tro­duc­tion of e-re­port­ing to all 73 health fa­cil­i­ties in Nuwakot Dis­trict is one part of a na­tional strat­egy to trans­form the col­lec­tion and use of rou­tine health in­for­ma­tion in the coun­try.


Train­ing on open­MEDIS

Hos­pi­tal in­ven­tory and main­te­nance in Uzbek­istan go dig­i­tal

Mod­ern med­ical equip­ment re­quires a mod­ern ap­proach to main­te­nance. With Ger­man sup­port, the Min­istry of Health of Uzbek­istan is set­ting up an in­ven­tory and main­te­nance sys­tem to man­age the grow­ing vol­ume of so­phis­ti­cated med­ical de­vices in the coun­try’s hos­pi­tals.


ICT in­creases rev­enue and im­proves ser­vices

Dig­i­tal health & so­cial pro­tec­tion

Secure, connected and digitized health and social protection systems can reduce inefficiencies, improve access, reduce costs, increase quality, and personalize services.
How and where does German Development Cooperation enable partner countries to to build scalable, sustainable and interoperable digital health and social protection systems?


Health­care work­ers prac­tis­ing on dolls

Marked rise in sur­vival rates for moth­ers and ba­bies in Tan­za­nia

Over the last two years a Ger­man-sup­ported ini­tia­tive in the neigh­bour­ing re­gions of Lindi and Mt­wara in south-east­ern Tan­za­nia has dra­mat­i­cally im­proved the sur­vival rates and health of moth­ers and their new­born ba­bies. How was this done? In­ten­sive train­ing and men­tor­ing of health­care pro­fes­sion­als, as part of a health sys­tems ap­proach, seem to have done the trick.


Ser­vice Cen­tre staff at­tend­ing to clients

Work­ing life is hard. Make it safe!

Even though In­dia has leg­is­lated to pro­vide so­cial se­cu­rity for the whole pop­u­la­tion, there are still large gaps in the ac­tual de­liv­ery of ben­e­fits, es­pe­cially for in­for­mal sec­tor work­ers. This is why the gov­ern­ment of Kar­nataka has set up Sin­gle Win­dow Ser­vice Cen­tres at vil­lage level to sup­port these work­ers in ac­cess­ing so­cial pro­tec­tion schemes.



Why phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal pol­icy mat­ters for In­done­sia’s so­cial health in­sur­ance

Fol­low­ing a com­pre­hen­sive as­sess­ment of In­done­sia’s phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal pol­icy and med­i­cines man­age­ment sys­tems, this re­port pre­sents sug­ges­tions how fi­nan­cial deficits of the coun­try’s so­cial health in­sur­ance and out-of-pocket pay­ments for med­i­cines could be ad­dressed. A good read for any­one in­volved in build­ing the in­sti­tu­tional and le­gal frame­works re­quired for UHC.


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