Coming this Saturday…
Pop-Up Vegetable Garden Plant Clinic
Saturday, July 29 ● 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
At the Corvallis-Benton County Library's Public Seed Library
in the historic Belluschi wing (windows facing Monroe Avenue)
Now's the time to plant cool season crops for fall and winter harvest, also over-wintering.
Come learn from Benton County Master Gardeners how to extend your vegetable garden harvest
through the winter, and learn about educational materials and links online you can access anytime.
The Public Seed Library provides free seeds donated by local area seed companies, nurseries, co-ops, and individuals,
and will be newly stocked before this event and over the weeks to come with cool season crops to plant through August.
The Public Seed Library is a collaborative project of the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition,
with the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library serving as the host partner and
the OSU Extension Master Gardener Program providing educational resources.
This free, volunteer-run project opened at the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library this past spring.
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