Coalition volunteers! Log your hours by Monday, July 8

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Kathy Thompson

2019年7月4日 凌晨12:28:482019/7/4
收件者:CIAT、、、Economic Vitality AT google group、Energy AT google group、FAT/Local Foods google group、FAT/Garden Group google group、Health and Human Services AT google group、Housing AT google group、Land Use AT google group、Natural Areas AT google group、Transportation AT google group、Waste Prevention AT google group、WPAT/Block Captains AT google group、Dave Eckert、Jennifer Nitson

If you volunteer with the Sustainability Coalition, it’s time once again to log your hours

Post your hours by Monday, July 8 so we can include your service in our monthly reports and acknowledge your contributions.

LogYourHours Logo.png

Need a volunteer profile in Volgistics? Let me know you’re already a member of an action team and we’ll add you directly. To share more information about your skills and interests we invite you to fill out a volunteer application, located on the Volunteer page of the Coalition’s website. 

Did you forget your password? Click the “Forget your password?”  link if you have trouble logging in. 

Remember to post separate entries for separate months if you log hours for a range of days. 

Please let me know if you have any questions. 



Corvallis Sustainability Coalition LOGO12kb.jpg


Kathy Thompson, Program Assistant
Corvallis Sustainability Coalition

Kathy Thompson

2019年7月8日 下午4:45:362019/7/8
收件者:CIAT、、、Economic Vitality AT google group、Energy AT google group、FAT/Local Foods google group、FAT/Garden Group google group、Health and Human Services AT google group、Housing AT google group、Land Use AT google group、Natural Areas AT google group、Transportation AT google group、Waste Prevention AT google group、WPAT/Block Captains AT google group、Dave Eckert、Jennifer Nitson

Please log your hours TODAY if you volunteer with the Coalition so your information can be used for our monthly reports. 

Volunteer login button.PNG

Thanks to those who have already logged your hours!


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