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yuichi hayakawa

Nov 30, 2016, 10:14:18 AM11/30/16
to 高解像度地形情報フォーラム / High-Definition Topography Forum





The use of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) in monitoring applications and management of natural hazards
20 Jul 2016–31 Jan 2017 | Guest editors: D. Giordan, Y. S. Hayakawa, F. Nex | Supervising NHESS editor: P. Tarolli | Information

The use of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) for civil applications is a new perspective in the field of natural hazard phenomena. The amazing diffusion of mini- and micro-RPAS is becoming a valuable alternative to the traditional monitoring and surveying applications, opening new interesting viewpoints. The acquisition of high-resolution remotely sensed data from RPAS in areas characterized by hazardous natural processes can be a powerful instrument to quickly assess the damages and to plan effective rescues without any risk for operators. The main goal of these systems is the collection of different data (e.g. images, gas or radioactivity concentrations, etc.) and the delivery of various products (e.g. 3-D models, hazard maps, high-resolution ortho-images, etc.). The high repeatability of RPAS flights and their limited costs also allows for a multi-temporal analysis of an area. However, methodologies, best practices, advantages, and limitations of these kinds of applications are unclear and/or poorly shared by the scientific community. This special issue aims at exploring the open research issues and possible applications of RPAS in the field of monitoring and management of geo-hazards to collect experiences, case studies, and results, as well as to define methodologies and best practices for their effective use in geo-hazard contexts such as landslides, floods, earthquakes, and volcanic areas. Papers dealing with the integration of heterogeneous sensors (gas sensor, multi-spectral and thermal images, lidar, vision-based navigation systems, etc.) for innovative applications in the geo-hazard domain will be particularly encouraged.

〒277-8568 千葉県柏市柏の葉5-1-5
総合研究棟4階 421号室
早川 裕弌
Yuichi S. Hayakawa
tel 04-7136-4304/4291  fax 04-7136-4292

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