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Reminder: CAC meeting on 1/12/2022 at 7pm

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Jan 10, 2022, 8:38:10 AM1/10/22


AttachmentsMon, Jan 3, 1:25 PM (7 days ago)
to bcc: Alberto, bcc: agrutzik, bcc: ainyhaider, bcc: Angela, bcc: Alex, bcc: Alisa, bcc: amber.drenner, bcc: amberchemerys, bcc: Gao, bcc: Angiebevels, bcc: Antonia, bcc: Alicia, bcc: beatricetrubinlewis, bcc: beth173, bcc: bhoffmann.bidmc, bcc: bholland, bcc: Bnbvalenti, bcc: Bulliezeus, bcc: carmesha.Young, bcc: Carol, bcc: cbodziak, bcc: Charles, bcc: Chemerysl, bcc: christinalambertmba, bcc: cking.kingsports, bcc: Clarissa, bcc: cmball, bcc: contact, bcc: Lisa, bcc: rachel, bcc: crohatcher, bcc: Cynthia, bcc: Dan, bcc: Dascenzom, bcc: Dawn, bcc: Deeba, bcc: Diana, bcc: Dianne, bcc: Emily, bcc: Ekennedy3141, bcc: ericabuhl2, bcc: erinn, bcc: g_grodsky, bcc: Donyel, bcc: Heather, bcc: heather.weesner, bcc: Heather, bcc: homesbycynthia, bcc: Jumel, bcc: hyeres4ever, bcc: Korin, bcc: Jane, bcc: jakeburdett11, bcc: James, bcc: James, bcc: jeffguy, bcc: Jen, bcc: jkhargrove8, bcc: jolene_mosley, bcc: jonlemich, bcc: jtm52480, bcc: julie.hotopp, bcc: juliebennett, bcc: Kata, bcc: Kimberly, bcc: kdwilly777, bcc: Kendra, bcc: Karina, bcc: klsworking, bcc: kseal6061, bcc: Kim, bcc: Jennifer, bcc: lenakkennedy, bcc: Lisa, bcc: Lisa, bcc: lisatyewright, bcc: lisavmarini, bcc: Llw, bcc: Lori, bcc: Lisa, bcc: Liangjun, bcc: mamaboone1975, bcc: Marcia, bcc: Marybeth, bcc: matthew, bcc: Matthew, bcc: mdadyala, bcc: Mehta.jhalak, bcc: Mertine, bcc: Milande, bcc: molly.nur, bcc: nedragem, bcc: nourabaiomi, bcc: Patricia, bcc: Patti, bcc: Paula, bcc: pmcquay, bcc: Pratima, bcc: Caroline, bcc: president, bcc: Brent, bcc: Rachael.siani, bcc: Rachaelliz, bcc: reganmercer, bcc: Regina, bcc: Robert, bcc: ronaldoirizarry, bcc: Sabinataj, bcc: Saif, bcc: Sara, bcc: sdlong76, bcc: Shahidhasan, bcc: Khaleda, bcc: Oakland, bcc: Stephanie, bcc: Sarah, bcc: ssucklal, bcc: suleman74, bcc: swswbryant, bcc: Antoinette, bcc: tara345, bcc: Tbomb1, bcc: Tim, bcc: Tina, bcc: tracey9093, bcc: TraciLSpiegel, bcc: Trina, bcc: Kelly, bcc: Towanda, bcc: vsahijwani, bcc: west.felicia, bcc: Felicia, bcc: HCPSS
Hello all:

Just a reminder that our next meeting will take place virtually at 7pm on January 12. This month, our focus will be on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, including policy 1080. Our featured speaker will be Dr. Kevin Gilbert, HCPSS Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. 

Additionally, our Nominating Committee has been formed and we anticipate receiving an update from them.

To receive the meeting Zoom link on the afternoon of the 12th, please register here:

We hope you will join us.

Best regards,
CAC Executive Board

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