AI : Build a Game with a Single Prompt using ChatGPT 4o

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Jul 12, 2024, 8:24:04 PM (5 days ago) Jul 12
Build a Game (or any other type of software) with a Single Prompt using ChatGPT 4o? Well, unless you are writing a very simple game, perhaps a text game, generative AI can NOT do it. 

Yesterday, I attempted multiple times  to create a simple game with several different types of games (Space Invaders, Tron Cycle, etc.) and each time failed miserably. Albeit, one time I had a simple Tron Cycle clone game partially working. 

Now, don’t get me wrong, the code produced is not useless. It could provide a partially complete skeleton that you could debug and add to. As such, it can be a learning tool. (Those that can’t do, teach! 😆) Also, I found ChatGPT 4o does quite well with producing simple subroutines, and APIs, as well as being a patient tutor.

So for all of us developers, our jobs are not going to be taken over by GenAI. 😁 Not yet anyway. 😱


Michael Wimble

Jul 12, 2024, 9:35:38 PM (5 days ago) Jul 12
Have you heard what the capabilities of chat t5 are supposed to be? Doctorate level intelligence without tools. 

On Jul 12, 2024, at 5:24 PM, Gmail <> wrote:

Build a Game (or any other type of software) with a Single Prompt using ChatGPT 4o? Well, unless you are writing a very simple game, perhaps a text game, generative AI can NOT do it. 
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Jul 12, 2024, 9:39:45 PM (5 days ago) Jul 12
I’ll believe it when I see it. 😁



Need something prototyped, built or coded? I’ve been building prototypes for companies for 15 years. I am now incorporating generative AI into products.


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On Jul 12, 2024, at 6:35 PM, Michael Wimble <> wrote:

Stephen Williams

Jul 13, 2024, 2:31:56 PM (5 days ago) Jul 13

If the code for full games was published widely, analyzed, annotated, etc., and it was concise enough, then a glorified search engine like ChagGPT might be able to return working results.

For most interesting things, there are too many complexity details, too much coded usually needed, and software is sensitive to even tiny bugs / gaps, so that anything other than snippets ("How do I read a file into a string?") is going to be far out of reach.

I have long thought of creating some form of a library of the essence of various standard applications, algorithms, etc. in a way that is as free as possible from all of the messy details of an environment, OS, full application.  Then those essences can be paired with UI + system + environment details as needed.  Given a good library for that in the right form, it should be possible to say: "Create a timekeeping & payroll system for me."  If the library is good enough though, you simply include the application module, then adapt its inputs/outputs/storage.  But that level of automation still is far from the kinds of things I usually work on: A streaming stereo VR system (which is way more complicated than it sounds).  An Android ebook reader.  A 3D game + education authoring & play system running in a web browser.  Etc.



Jul 13, 2024, 6:13:28 PM (4 days ago) Jul 13
Most of the code for old games is out there on the Internet (“mame”) although it is compiled code. The code on the original roms for these games was published to the internet more than a decade ago. 



Need something prototyped, built or coded? I’ve been building prototypes for companies for 15 years. I am now incorporating generative AI into products.


Need a great hardworking engineer? I am currently looking for a new job opportunity in robotics and/ or AI. 

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On Jul 13, 2024, at 11:31 AM, 'Stephen Williams' via HomeBrew Robotics Club <> wrote:

Chris Albertson

Jul 13, 2024, 9:38:24 PM (4 days ago) Jul 13
Forget about the code. I would be very impressed of an AI could answer this prompt corectly:   "Describe a new video game.  Give enough details that a coder would not have to invent any of the game play ioruser interface details. Provide a complete and detailed description of each level along with artwork for ther characaters and background.”

Once you have the above writting the code is money-work.


Jul 13, 2024, 9:45:39 PM (4 days ago) Jul 13

## Game Title: "CyberQuest: The Neon Frontier"

### Game Overview
"CyberQuest: The Neon Frontier" is a 2D side-scrolling action-adventure game set in a futuristic cyberpunk world. Players take on the role of Alex, a rogue hacker trying to overthrow a corrupt megacorporation that has taken over the city. The game combines platforming, puzzle-solving, and combat elements across five distinct levels, each with unique environments, enemies, and challenges.

### Characters
**Alex (Player Character):**
- Appearance: Slim build, short hair dyed neon blue, wearing a high-tech suit with glowing circuitry patterns.
- Abilities: Hacking (to interact with terminals and devices), Combat (using a variety of melee and ranged weapons), Parkour (wall jumps, slides, and flips).

**Dr. Zenith (Antagonist):**
- Appearance: Tall, imposing figure with a cybernetic eye and mechanical arm, wearing a dark trench coat with glowing red accents.
- Role: CEO of Zenith Corp, the final boss of the game.

**NPCs (Non-Playable Characters):**
- Resistance Fighters: Allies that provide information and aid.
- Civilians: Neutral characters that can be helped or ignored.

### Gameplay Mechanics
- **Movement:** Left/Right (A/D keys), Jump (Spacebar), Crouch (Ctrl).
- **Combat:** Melee attack (Left Mouse Button), Ranged attack (Right Mouse Button), Special attack (Q).
- **Hacking:** Interact with terminals (E key), solve mini-games to disable security systems, open doors, or turn off cameras.
- **Inventory:** Accessible via the Tab key, showing weapons, health packs, and hacking tools.

### Level 1: Neon Streets
- Background: Dark cityscape with towering skyscrapers, neon signs, and rain-soaked streets.
- Objective: Infiltrate a low-level Zenith Corp facility to gather intel.
- Enemies: Street thugs, security drones.
- Challenges: Avoid security cameras, hack gates, platforming sections across rooftops.
- Boss: Security Chief - A heavily armored guard with a powerful stun baton.

### Level 2: Industrial District
- Background: Factories and warehouses with steam vents and moving machinery.
- Objective: Sabotage the factory producing security drones.
- Enemies: Factory workers turned enforcers, automated turrets.
- Challenges: Navigate conveyor belts, avoid crushing machinery, hack control panels.
- Boss: Foreman Mech - A giant robotic foreman with a flamethrower and missile launchers.

### Level 3: Underground Sewers
- Background: Dimly lit tunnels with flowing water, broken pipes, and hidden alcoves.
- Objective: Escape through the sewers to reach the resistance hideout.
- Enemies: Mutant rats, Zenith Corp patrols.
- Challenges: Swim through flooded sections, avoid toxic waste, solve water flow puzzles.
- Boss: Sewer Beast - A massive mutated creature that attacks with claws and toxic spit.

### Level 4: Corporate Towers
- Background: Sleek, high-tech office buildings with glass walls, holographic displays, and security systems.
- Objective: Infiltrate Zenith Corp HQ to disable their mainframe.
- Enemies: Elite guards, laser defense systems.
- Challenges: Stealth sections avoiding guards, complex hacking puzzles, timed platforming segments.
- Boss: Elite Security Bot - A highly advanced robot with rapid-fire lasers and energy shields.

### Level 5: Zenith's Lair
- Background: Dr. Zenith’s high-tech lair, filled with advanced technology, surveillance systems, and traps.
- Objective: Defeat Dr. Zenith and shut down the corporation for good.
- Enemies: Zenith’s personal guards, advanced security drones.
- Challenges: Navigate through laser grids, hack high-security terminals, avoid traps.
- Final Boss: Dr. Zenith - Utilizes powerful cybernetic enhancements and energy weapons.

### Artwork
- **Alex:** Detailed sprite sheet showing various animations (idle, run, jump, attack, hack).
- **Dr. Zenith:** Boss sprite with multiple phases and attack animations.
- **Enemies:** Sprites for each enemy type with walking, attacking, and dying animations.
- **Backgrounds:** Layered images for parallax scrolling, including details like neon signs, factory machinery, sewer tunnels, office interiors, and high-tech lair.

### Interface Design
- **Main Menu:** Options for Start Game, Load Game, Settings, and Exit.
- **HUD:** Health bar, weapon status, hacking tool status, mini-map.
- **Inventory Screen:** Grid-based layout showing collected items, weapons, and tools.
- **Dialogue Boxes:** Pop-up windows for NPC interactions with character portraits and text.

### Additional Details
- **Soundtrack:** Synthwave music to match the cyberpunk aesthetic.
- **Sound Effects:** Futuristic sounds for weapons, hacking, and environmental interactions.
- **Voice Acting:** Key dialogue lines for major characters and cutscenes.

By following this detailed design document, a coder can effectively implement the gameplay and interface for "CyberQuest: The Neon Frontier."



Need something prototyped, built or coded? I’ve been building prototypes for companies for 15 years. I am now incorporating generative AI into products.


Need a great hardworking engineer? I am currently looking for a new job opportunity in robotics and/ or AI. 

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