Unable to connect management center

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Sunil Patra

4 paź 2023, 12:03:444.10.2023
do Hazelcast

I am trying to set up Hazelcast management center.
THe UI is up and running and i am trying to set up cluster by providing yml file like below
  cluster-name: dev

On the other side my hazelcast application iclient s running .(able to put and get data from cach)

But when i am launhing the cluster from management cluster, I am getting error like:
An error occurred when trying to connect to the cluster named dev. Please check that the cluster is running and the settings within the Cluster Config.

And on the application client console, i am keep on getting error like:

2023-10-04 21:32:52.289  WARN 50788 --- [ration.thread-0] c.h.c.i.p.t.AuthenticationMessageTask    : []:5701 [hazelcast-cluster] [5.1.7] Received auth from Connection[id=21, />/, qualifier=null, endpoint=null, remoteUuid=null, alive=true, connectionType=NONE, planeIndex=-1] with clientUuid 5353d566-c50f-4043-9dcb-20e445c7678d and clientName MC-Client-dev, authentication failed
2023-10-04 21:32:57.300  INFO 50788 --- [.IO.thread-in-2] c.h.i.server.tcp.TcpServerConnection     : []:5701 [hazelcast-cluster] [5.1.7] Connection[id=21, />/, qualifier=null, endpoint=null, remoteUuid=null, alive=false, connectionType=NONE, planeIndex=-1] closed. Reason: Connection closed by the other side

Can you please help on this

Sunil Patra

6 paź 2023, 11:30:456.10.2023
do Hazelcast
Its wokring now for after running same version of management center jar.. Thanks :)
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