Can I generate code from string with macros?

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Joaquin Bello

Dec 27, 2014, 4:11:50 PM12/27/14
Hi, I'm tired of writing dumb fill code, so I'm trying to create something that generates code like this

var node:MotionNode=new MotionNode();

node.position=cast(aEntitiy.get(Position.ID)); //assigns a property 

return node;

I don't want to create a generic function using RTTI for speed reasons.

I want to create a macro with a firm like this
autoNodeCreation(aEntity:Entity, node:String or class)

The first trouble I have is that Position.ID is a static Int generated  with a @:autoBuild , I can't find a way to reference the class inside the macro without an error.
 Inside the macro I manage to find the fields(name and type) of the Node.

 So I was wondering if there's a way to use macros to just insert code(string) so at runtime I know Position.ID is generated.

Hope it's not too confusing what I want to do.

Thanks and any help would be great!

Joaquin Bello

Dec 28, 2014, 1:20:49 AM12/28/14
So I made a working demo, apparently the code is working and the js result code looks right.  

Here my ugly copy paste from many examples from the web, I post it for future references.

macro public static function generateExtraMethods(nodeType:String):Array<Field> {
 var code:String;
 var exp:Array<Expr> = new Array();
  switch (haxe.macro.Context.getType(nodeType))
 case TInst(cl, _)://couldn't find another way to RTTI the class without an instance

 code = "var _node:" + nodeType+" = new " + nodeType+"()"; //example: var node:MotionNode=new MotionNode();
exp.push(Context.parseInlineString(code, Context.currentPos()));
var array = cl.get().fields.get();
for (i in array) 
code = "_node." +" = cast(aEntity.get(" + i.type.getParameters()[0].toString() + ".ID)) ";   //example: node.position=cast(aEntitiy.get(Position.ID));
exp.push(Context.parseInlineString(code, Context.currentPos()));
 code = "return _node";    //return node
 exp.push(Context.parseInlineString(code, Context.currentPos()));
 case _: 
 trace("Macro error wrong type, look at : " + Context.currentPos);

var c = macro : {
public function createNode(aEntity:Entity):PropertyNode{  //need to import Entity and PropertyNode in the class that use @build
$b { exp } //this turns the array into a single expr
switch (c) {
case TAnonymous(fields):
return Context.getBuildFields().concat(fields);
throw 'unreachable';
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