Re: [haxe] Maximum framerate in Flash - running code faster than 60 FPS?

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Fernando Serboncini

Jun 19, 2015, 1:43:13 AM6/19/15
50ms latency is a very low latency for non-LAN online games. I'd assume that unless all your players are in the same nearby region (think US state or EU small country), you won't ever get those numbers. [The theoretical minimum across the US (speed of light, ~36ms) doesn't account for Verizon].

I don't know what your game is, but you are probably better off making a client/server system that is resilient to 100-300ms latency (there are tons of techniques out there to help with this, like movement prediction, etc, etc..) than trying to over-optimize those 16ms of the frame wait.

THAT SAID, one thing I've seen being done on old games (that either had a FPS lock or assumed they weren't able to run above 30fps), like Quake, is to call the network update code (and the input code) multiple times during a frame. Since flash is event based (as opposed to pooling based), one option would be: inside your input events, check how long has it been since the last network update, and then decide that if it has been a few ms already, update the network.

Remember that if you are on TCP, there are other micro-optimizations that may help: like TCP_NODELAY and making sure you are not chocking on waiting for ACKs. For UDP (and also for TCP), make sure you have a reasonable packet size (compared to the MTU).

On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 1:11 AM Mark Beiline <> wrote:
Hi all,
I'm making a cross-platform game and I'm trying to reduce latency to a minimum. On mobile and desktop builds I can use threads to poll and flush to the client/server every millisecond, but on flash I can only do that 60 times per second. This results in a theoretical latency of 16 milliseconds, making the game unplayable in real-world circumstances where players already inherit around 50 milliseconds of latency due to geographic location. Is there a way to run a loop in Flash faster than 60 times a second?


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der Raab

Jun 22, 2015, 3:24:28 AM6/22/15
To my knowledge there is no fully supported way to render flash player content faster than 60 frames per second. You can find some tweaks and hacks for different browsers but I think they might not be working since they are from the time adobe introduced this limit.
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